A Prayer for Israel’s “Everlasting salvation” (Is 45:17-25)


As the “one fold” (Is 56:6-8; Jn 10:16), we unify on this Shabbat, the amalgam of the Hebrew “one new man” (Mk 2:27,28; Gal 3:29; Eph 2:11,12,15), to pray for the salvation of Your nation:

“Hear the voice of our supplications as we cry unto Thee, as we lift up our hands towards Thy Holy Oracle” (Ps 28:2)

“Save Thy people Jacob, the remnant of Israel, the Israel of YHWH, the chief of nations who shall never cease to be a nation before You in their Blood covenanted homeland; bless Thine inheritance; feed them also (bread and water never failing them), as You nourish them up on the Word of faith and the doctrine of salvation by grace (Ps 28:9; 105:8-11; Is 33:16,17; Jer 31:7,10,17,31-36; Rom 10:1-3; 15:8; Gal 6:16; 1 Tim 4:6).

“Hitherto hath YHWH helped us” (1 Sam 7:12)

The stone of Ebenezer should signify to us that trusting in anything or anyone short of Christ, is a precursor to failure.

Therefore prophetically, we lift up our Stone of Ebenezer (as Y’shua, “the Shepherd and STONE of Israel” – Gen 49:10,24; Is 28:16; 1 Peter 2;9), to thank You for keeping us in Your love, to return us to Shabbat, Your and our delight (Is 58:13), in and of itself a COMPRESSED SEASON of intense sanctity for us to learn righteousness, to ensure we’re wholly sanctified en route to Shavuo’t, on the upward path of righteousness marked out by the seven Shabbatot ‘omer count’ (Lev 23:15,16).

How fitting that David, the foreshadow of the Lion of Judah, should have prophesied that before Creation, You “REFUSED the tabernacle of Joseph and CHOSE NOT the tribe of Ephraim,” but “chose the tribe of JUDAH, (synonomous with) the Mnt Zion that You loved” (Ps 79:68-72), for the Messiah to “deliver not the soul of Thy turtledove into the multitude of the wicked” (Ps 74:19), but to “redeem Thy people, the sons of Jacob and Joseph” (Ps 77:15) through the “plenteous redemption” obtained by the “blotting out of all transgression and its memory,” by the Passion and Resurrection of the Son of David, “the sure mercies of David” (Ps 130:7; Is 43:25; 44:22; Acts 13:32-39; Lk 1:32-79; Heb 7:25).

In so doing, BY HIM, the One Whose “express image” You are (Is 45:21-23; Titus 2:13; Heb 1:1-3), “justifying all who believe “from ALL things from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses,” for You to fulfil the succession (Acts 13:38,39; Jer 33:15-26) by ascending king David’s throne as Royal High Priest in the order of Malki Tzedek, as Immanu-El (Ps 132:17,18; Mk 11:10; Lk 1:32) “so that all will be confounded and turned back (by Him), who hate Zion” (Ps 129:5-8; Lk 1:69-75; Rev 19), in order to make David’s dynasty flourish (Ps 89:1-5,27-37; 132:18).

So shall You be greatly Feared (reverenced in Godly Fear – Ps 119:37,38; Is 33:6; Heb 12:28) in “the Church and General Assembly of the firstborn,” Jacob the prince (Gen 25:20-23; 32:28; Ex 4:22,23; Ps 89:7; Is 29:22-24; Lk 1:32,33; Heb 12:23).


May those who stand with YOU, the LORD Who made heaven and earth, for THIS glorious outcome, Israel’s exaltation (Deut 26:16-19; Is 46:13; Haggai 2:7-9; Lk 2:32), to be accomplished in Your mercy, be blessed out of Zion from which Your salvation and all blessings flow. All our springs are in her, the City of our Redeemer and of our solemnities (YOUR Set Times) (Ps 87; 134:3; Is 33:20)

In Y’shua’s Name we pray


The One-and-Only Covenanted Genesis 2:2,3; Heb 4:1-11 Shabbat

The authentic Genesis 2:2,3 seventh day ‘Shabbat’ (Hebrew for the Sabbath Day) is not “the first day of the week.” It’s the day defined as “the Holy of YHWH” in Is 58:13 as THE DAY BEFORE the first day of the week, just as Friday (the sixth Biblical day of the week), is “The Preparation” for the true Sabbath (Lk 23:54-56).

Besides, Sunday begins six hours after the start of the first day of the week and ends six hours earlier.

Genesis teaches us that God’s days are measured from sunset onward, through the morning, and back to sunset. Not as pagan culture keeps time, from midnight to midnight. “And the evening and the morning were the sixth day” (Gen 1:31 KJV)

The sanctified and blessed Shabbat, the sign of the everlasting covenant (Ex 31:13,16; Is 56:6; 58:13,14; 66:22-24; Mk 2:27,28; Heb 13:20,21) is perpetually from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset, as was Jesus’ custom. All things are delivered to Him (Matt 11:27) so He becomes LORD, even of the Shabbat He made to receive our worship. This is the one and only Sabbath within Jesus’ yoke (Matt 11:29,30; 12:8,50)

Don’t expect to experience the promise of Is 58:14 if not treasuring the specific day preset from Creation itself as an everlasting covenant in its own right (Ex 31:13,16; Is 56:6)

The blessing on THIS Sabbath of the Ten Commandments is immutable and incomparable (Is 58:14; Matt 5:17-19; Rom 3:31; 1 Jn 2:3-6; 5:3).

Its promise and benefits are non-transferable.

Sunday has none of the recuperative and regenerative potential of the Ps 42:2,4 Sabbath.

Israel only needs a one day weekend to be replenished, whereas we need two, because Sunday can’t match the quality of the promised rest and refreshing God Himself experienced in Eden (Heb 4:1-11)

HUMAN tradition has no authority.

The tradition referred to in 2 Thess 2:15 is not HUMAN tradition. Look at Strong’s definition of ‘paradosis,’ as ‘Hebrew traditionary law,’ meaning the Set/Appointed Times of YHWH, being perpetual, continue ad infinitum under the Hebrew New Covenant, as Is 66:22-24 makes so plain.

Mk 7:6,7,9,13 lays down the principle. Apostasy begins with repudiation of God’s own ordering of time.

Sunday’s MISUSE as a substitute sabbath by presumptuous ecclesiastical invention, causes the true Sabbath to be polluted by its DISUSE (Is 56:6).

Rather keep the Sabbath that’s commanded by God as the amalgam of the one new man (Ex 20:8-11; Matt 12:8), and then meet on Sunday, not under false pretences in the guise of Shabbat, but acknowledging that Sunday is not what human tradition has made it out to be (He was raised on the first day of the week but neither institutionalized every Sunday as Resurrection Day, NOR transferred His Father’s Sabbath to Sunday). Then we don’t corrupt the truth and defile Friday evening to Saturday evening (Is 56:6), and ourselves, by misrepresenting “the first day of the week,” WHICH EVEN JESUS’ MOTHER AND CLOSEST HANDMAIDS DID NOT KEEP AS THE COMMANDMENT WRITTEN FOR US ALL IN EX 20. They rested their works (even embalming the Son of God in death, being unacceptable to the Father, as a breach of the commandment) “according to the commandment” (Lk 23:54-56; 24:1).

In short, Shabbat, coming around every seventh independently of tbe Jewish people and the calendar because it was made for mankind (Gen 2:2,3; Mk 2:27,28), is fixed by eternal commandment as the day between “The Preparation” (Yom Shishi, the sixth day) and “the first day of the week” (Yom Rishon, head of the working week which apostate Gentiles disavow, preferring the Babylonian Mon-Frid workweek). Shabbat is forever the day which Israel as timekeeper has preserved and which Jesus unequivocally confirmed in doctrine and practice (Matt 5:19).

Any other formula for proposing the identity of the covenanted sabbath is a “cunningly devised fable” (2 Peter 1:15,16) of a “seducing spirit” (1 Tim 4:1), as the genuine Mary, Peter and Paul fully concede. Apostasy BEGAN with repudiation of the Sabbath.

If we continue in this contempt for the indivisible marriage covenant (Ex 34:27,28,32), our sin WILL find us out (Nu 32:23), because Mary couldn’t be holy had she not kept the Day the Father sanctified for all of us in the eternal House of Jacob (Lk 1:33; Eph 2:11,12) as His sign between us that He alone sets apart a people for Himself (Ex 31:13,16); Paul no less; and at no point does Peter’s Gospel vary from Paul’s (Gal 2:6-10; 2 Peter 3:16-18).

So, better to be divided by the truth (Lk 12:47-53) than united with the deceived, by trying to dignify a lie which told often enough, becomes truth in the eye of the beholder.

In other words, better to choose sanctification by the Truth of God and His Word (Jn 17:17,19) to find “the unity of the faith” (unanimity in sound doctrine – Eph 4:11-14) in two’s and three’s as a quorum sufficient to attract the reward of the genuine Presence (Matt 18:20), than “follow the crowd to do evil” (Ex 23:2), for God will not be mocked by His precepts being set aside, for whomsoever does so or who condones such deviation to the left or to the right, sows to his flesh and will reap corruption (Gal 6:7-9).

‘Of all DAYS You blessed it; of all SEASONS, You sanctified it’

Shabbat shalom.

Why “of all SEASONS, You sanctified it”?

A profound truth is contained in the above image, that helps explain that quotation, which is an historic revelation to a pious believer.

The image is telling us that the LINK (symbolized by Shabbat, the everlasting covenant sign of our sanctification – Ex 31:13,16), between the FIRST GARDEN, that established God’s Sovereignty over man by his need to gratefully accept the yoke of Heaven’s rule (Gen 2:15-17; Matt 6:9,10; 11:29,30), and the ETERNAL PARADISE in which the Tree of Life will never again be traded for unwisdom by adding to and subtracting from the oracles of YHWH (Deut 12:32; Prov 30:4-6; Rev 22:14,15,18,19), is “faithfulness (devotion) to Fear God” (Ps 119:38; Is 8:13,14,16,20; 33:6b) by at all costs “establishing His Instruction” (Rom 3:31) by the rule of faith, by obedience to His commandments, to be obedient to “the faith” as proof of repentance and as proof of love for God and of knowing Him (Jn 14:21-24; Acts 26:18,20; Rom 1:5; 3:31; 15:16-18; 16:26; 1 Jn 2:3-6,17).

Paradise was lost when defilement by the sin of Adam’s rebellion disqualified and banished its inhabitants.

The Last Adam’s ‘New Eden’ (the New Jerusalem and the New Earth, with the seventh millennial Day Reign of the King of the Jews, Y’shua Son of David – Mk 11:10; Rev 20:6, as Preparation for that eternal Eighth Day, prefigured by the mystery “Last Great Day of Sukkot/Tabernacles” – Jn 7:37, just as the sixth day of the week is Preparation for the seventh), will be attained only by a remnant who’ve learned Eden’s hard lesson, to be “wholly sanctified (by the commandments, ordinances and traditions), spirit, soul and body” (1 Cor 7:19; 11:1,2; 1 Thess 5:23; 2 Thess 2:13-15).

Y’shua-Jesus “IS our shalom” (Eph 2:14), but contrary to the overworked imaginations of those who love to rather impracticably allegorize Scripture, to avoid having to face the reality of inconvenient truth, He simply cannot BE our Sabbath DAY! That’s not within the realm of SANITY (Matt 12:8; Mk 2:27,28).

So since our LORD and Saviour is Heir and “Master even of Shabbat” which He made for Himself (Col 1;15,16), to be worshipped in the Father, since “ALL things have been delivered to Him” (Matt 11:27), now’s as good a time as any, to take another dive into the mystery of Shabbat, to define the useage of ‘season’ in the sages’ description of the twenty four hour Shabbat.

Just as Eden is treated by the sages as a ‘concentrated case study in sin’ (breach of one ordinance in particular, carrying a dire penalty for transgression, which has left none of us unaffected), Shabbat is regarded as the crowning SYMBOL of ALL the ‘sublime duties of man’ and is therefore likened to a conCENTRATED season of conSECRATION (dedication formally to a purpose) to be “wholly SANCTIFIED (purified), spirit, soul and body” (Eccl 12:13; Ps 103:17,18; Is 56:6; Lk 17:10; Rom 3:31).

The sages express this insight in the expressive maxim: “Of ALL DAYS You blessed it; of all SEASONS, You sanctified it” (from Gen 2:2,3; Ex 20:8-11).

Probably from the fact that none of the Biblical Feast seasons lack at least one ceremonial High Shabbat, and most have at least one weekly Sabbath too which is why the sages regard Shabbat as more holy than even Passover or Yom Kippur, both of which are Shabbatot Ha Gadol (Great Sabbaths) which represent the vicarious Sacrifice of our sin-Bearer.

Also from the fact that just as each of the three Pilgrim Feasts (Ex 23:12-17) have spans of Preparation (four days of inspection preceding Passover; fifty days from within Unleavened Bread within the Passover season, to Shavuo’t/Pentecost “fully come” (Lev 23:15,16; Acts 2:1); and thirty days of repentance before Trumpets (Yom Teruah) and Ten days of Awe before the commemorative New Covenant Yom Kippur, with a five day bridge from there, for preparation of the soul for the eight day Sukkot season), experience shows that even though the sixth and final day of the working week (‘Yom Shishi’) is the official “Preparation” for Shabbat (Lk 23:54-56; 24:1), all six days preceding Shabbat in the overflow of the PREVIOUS Shabbat’s blessing for honouring the embargo on work and transacting, in their ascending order (1-6) like the fifty day ‘counting-up of the omer,’ prepare the heart to keep INTACT, and set apart the Holy Seventh (held up in the Word as the pinnacle of Creation, along with man for whom it was made), with all joy and solemnity as the Prologue to the ordinance and Biblical tradition of the seven Holy Convocations (Lev 23; 1 Cor 11:1,2; 2 Thess 2:15).

No other day is both a COVENANT in its own right (Ex 31:13,16; Is 56:6), and a 24 hr period regarded as equivalent to a SEASON of unique sanctity through intense personal consecration, through which we seek the help of the Spirit of Truth to navigate the week virtuously (the meaning of “establish His covenant” in Deut 8:18), to ‘go up to YaHWeH’ (‘make aliYah to the Presence’) every seventh day in a state of grace through timeous weekly repentance, because Shabbat was made for man independently of the Jewish people and the calendar. In effect, the calendar is dictated by Shabbat just as Caesar’s calendar is defined by misuse of Sun day.

So when Moses in Ex 16:23 said about Y’shua’s unchanged Shabbat, that “THIS (the day following the giving of a double- portion of provision of sustenance and revelation knowledge for meditation) is THAT (the appointed Sabbath according to the Fourth Comnandment – Lk 22:56)…” ; just as He’d said about the Passover of “Christ our Passover” (Ex 12:42; 1 Cor 5:7,8), he was reminding exiled Israel of an almost forgotten heritage of incalculable RICHES and of enormous CONSEQUENCE, in His one and only Shabbat which was to be forever linked to Passover (prescribed to this day – Deut 5:15), so much so that breaking this ordinance would vitiate our blessings by sending Creation into a spiral of decline and decay causing greater and greater grief and ruin (Is 24:3-6; Lk 21:25-36; Rom 8:18-22; Rev 6-18).

Shabbat can be seen as a reminder of the purposefulness of the world and the rôle of human beings in it and their need to foster the well-being of the Creation by never failing to safeguard and observe the weekly Memorial, of its existence being due entirely to the mercy and genius of the God of the Hebrews, Israel’s Maker, Guardian, Saviour, Deliverer and Sanctifier (Deut 5:15; Ps 107:15-22; 136; Is 44:24)

Some thoughts on Leviticus 25-27 in the seamless context of the full counsel

Some thoughts on Leviticus 25-27 in the seamless context of the full counsel

The need for confirmation of our salvation, to the end (Matt 24:13), by our being kept by YHWH’s power while we’re on probation, until we reveal His righteousness satisfactorily (Actscl 10:35; Rom 1:17; Heb 12:28) to become blameless and holy by submission to sanctification by His commandments, by the Spirit as proof of our love (1 Cor 1:8; Eph 1:4; 4:11-14,23,24; 1 Jn 5:3), is attested to throughout the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament.

Lev 26:2-13, which by the way, states the condition for the promise of 2 Chr 7:14, is summed up in the inspiring thumbnail endtime prophecy in Is 56:6-8, which is addressed to US – former Gentiles adopted in the House of Jacob (to be loved by them as they love themselves – Lev 19:34) to keep Shabbat and “take hold of” YHWH’s “everlasting covenant” (timeless precepts) ratified by the New Covenant (Heb 13:20,21), as “one new man” with the remnant of Israel (Lk 1:33; Rom 11; Eph 2:11,12,15,19).

For instance, there is nothing in Lev 17-20 or Deut 27:14-26 offensive to, or incongruent with the New Covenant (Matt 5:19; Rom 3:31)

Lev 25-27 isn’t just a diagnosis of agricultural mediocrity (Lev 25:1-24) and a dissertation on justice and kindness towards those who loyally serve us, but is a call to Israel and to US (unified with them in Christ, in the olive tree by cleaving to Jacob – Is 14:1; 54:3; 55:5), to always remember the covenant-keeping God Who “remembers the (everlasting) covenant of their (the House of Jacob’s) ancestors” (Lev 26:45; Deut 7:9-15), which was entered into unanimously by Israel, on our behalf as the future Messianic remnant of the House of Jacob (Lk 1:33), when at Sinai, Israel was solemnly incorporated under the yoke of heaven as the unique elect nation under YHWH (Deut 4:33-40; 7:6-8) bound by the loving yoke of a supreme code of marriage precepts (the Ten Words given “in comnandmenT’ – Ex 20; 34:27,28,32), as the eternal moral absolutes (the ‘sublime duties of man’ – Eccl 12:13; Lk 17:10) reflecting the Goodness and Sovereignty of the One and only God (Ex 19:5-8; 24:7,8; Deut 4:39; 29:12-15).

We read the Torah weekly to best understand ‘the Thought of Scripture’ as a whole, which refines our discernment of the mind of Christ (1 Cor 2:16: 2 Tim 3:14-17), because it is God’s promise that Torah study makes one wise because His precepts give us understanding (Ps 119:27-35,96-105,165; Prov 1-4; Is 28:9-12).

Even parts of the first five Books which seemingly have least relevance to us and hold least interest for us, supernaturally impart wisdom for our direction and preservation on the narrow path that leads to life eternal (Matt 7:14)

Nu 1-4, a treasure trove for anyone wanting to comprehend the beauty and completeness of “the everlasting covenant” (Heb 13:20,21)

Nu 1-4

Bemidbar, BeMidbar, B’midbar, Bamidbar, or Bamidbor (בְּמִדְבַּר‎ — Hebrew for “in the wilderness of” [Sinai], the fifth overall and first distinctive word in the parashah), is the 34th weekly Torah portion (פָּרָשָׁה‎, parashah) in the annual Hebrew cycle of Torah reading and the first in the Book of Numbers.

The Parashah tells of 1) the lineage, structure and geography of the layout of “the church in the wilderness” (Acts 7:38) which in Nu 22:41; 23:8-10; 24:5-9,17-23 awed Balaam (and is matched by the 4×3 East,South, West,North format of the Gates and relative Tribal location in the vast cubic New Jerusalem – compare Nu 2 and Rev 21:10-13); 2) the census and the priests’ duties. It constitutes Numbers 1:1–4:20. The parashah is made up of 7,393 Hebrew letters, 1,823 Hebrew words, 159 verses, and 263 lines in a Torah Scroll (סֵפֶר תּוֹרָה‎, Sefer Torah). Jews generally read it in May or early June.

Nu 1:52; 2:2-24
Is 11:10-12
Micah 4:4-8

Great treasure is hidden in Nu 1-4, this week’s Portion.

YHWH has made fulfilment of His promises to Abraham, THROUGH OUR OBEDIENCE to “the Way of the LORD” which righteous Abraham learned and perfected as father of faith & faithfulness (Gen 17:1; 18:18,19; 26:5; Lk 20:21; Acts 24:14; James 2:14-26), the CONSUMMATION (completion) OF THE GOSPEL.

Today’s Portion, Bemidmar, PROVES that Israel’s heredity/lineage (expressed as “every man under his vine and under his fig tree;” and as “every man by his own camp; every man by his own [heraldic] standard…with the ensign of their fathers’ house, beneath the Ensign” of “the Shepherd and (Corner)Stone” of the House of JACOB, his/their name “remaining” – Gen 49:24; Is 29:22-24; 49:5-8; 65:9,10,18-25; 66:22; Lk 1:33), is both CONFIRMED by the Blood of the Hebrew New Covenant, by Y’shua-Jesus ratifying “the promises to the fathers” (Ps 105:8-11; Rom 15:8), and CONSUMMATED WITHIN the perpetual DYNASTY of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, in Christ (Gen 12:3; 28:14; Rom 9:7; Gal 3:29), within the Twelve Tribal-affiliated (Rom 11) Gates of the New Jerusalem as the Eternal City of the God of “Abram the HEBREW” and his redeemed and adopted “heirs of the world” through the righteousness of God which is by faith (Rom 4:13-16; 11; Rev 21:12)

Namely, the City to which Abraham LOOKED, by “seeing Jesus’ Day and being GLAD” (Jn 8:56-58; Heb 11:9-18)

THIS (Israel’s inheritance of the future through Abraham’s promised inheritance of the New Jerusalem, in order to be given the gates of YaH’s enemies – Gen 22:15-18) is that which is written in Gen 18:18,19, as: “SO THAT the LORD may bring upon Abraham THAT WHICH HE HATH SPOKEN (prophesied) of him,” namely the future world along with Hebrew eternity for all who cleave to the God of Jacob by joining themselves to and as co-heirs and Israel’s inheritance (Is 54:3; 55:5; Rom 11), remaining loyal to the remnant of Israel and to His everlasting covenant as “one new man,” in spirit and in truth (Is 14:1; 56:6-8; Matt 8:11,12; Rom 4:13,16; 11:17-29; Heb 13:20,21).

The physical analogy described above is profound in that both the actual wilderness camp of the House of Jacob, and the “reserved” victorious Messianic “Israel of God” (the heirs of the righteous throughout Israel’s generations, that Balaam previewed/”advertised” in a trance – Nu 24:2-9,14-23) toward the end of the coming millennial age (Rom 11:1-5; Gal 6:16), when Gog and Magog strike out at Israel in vain, have a PARALLEL description (Rev 20:6-10 – “the CAMP of the saints and the beloved City”).

The Camp Arrangement

The set-up of the Israelites’ camp is described in the first three chapters of Numbers. Numbers 1:1­-4 describes how God asked Moses to divide up the Israelites and take a census of the Israelites a little over a year after the Exodus.

“1 And the Lord spake unto Moses in the wilderness of Sinai, in the tabernacle of the congregation, on the first day of the second month, in the second year after they were come out of the land of Egypt, saying, 2 Take ye the sum of all the congregation of the children of Israel, after their families, by the house of their fathers, with the number of their names, every male by their polls; 3 From twenty years old and upward, all that are able to go forth to war in Israel: thou and Aaron shall number them by their armies. 4 And with you there shall be a man of every tribe; every one head of the house of his fathers.”

[NOTE: “the first day of the second month, in the second year” was 1st Iyyar, 1444bc, one month after the Tabernacle was set up. The Tabernacle was first set up on 1st Abib, 1444bc—see Exodus 40:2, 17]

The camp was arranged into east, south, west, and north sides as documented in the diagram above.

God arranged that Moses, Aaron, and his sons (the Priests) would camp “in front of” (i.e. closest to) the Tent of Meeting (Numbers 3:38). God also instructed that the Levite camps be adjacent to the tent on the 3 other sides (South, West, and North), while those of the other Israelites were to be “far off” (Numbers 2:2).

Since we are of “the one (and only) sheepfold” of the household of YHWH which is the household of Abraham (Is 56:6-8; Jn 10:16; Gal 3:29; Eph 2:11,12), Gen 18:19 (which is so pivotal we should all know it by heart) is why we are to submit to the Divinely-given Abrahamic injunction to EVERY generation of the seed of Abraham, confirmed by Y’shua the Seed of Abraham, to learn the righteousness of “the Way (of YHWH)” in order to “keep justice and judgment” to be conformed to the Divine Nature by walking in Y’shua, to “remain forever” inscribed for Life, in Him (Ex 19:5-8; Is 26:9,10; 35:8; 51:1-7; Matt 5:19; 23:23; Lk 20:21; Acts 24:14; Rom 3:31; 7:25-8:14,29; Eph 4:23;24; Col 2:6; 3:9,10; Heb 5:11-14; 1:1-11; 1 Jn 2:3-6,17,28,29; 3:3-10)

Why did God choose Abraham?

Why did God choose Abraham?

In the ONLY verse given to explain why the God of heaven and earth chose ABRAM to be a Hebrew (as we’ve become by adoption, to keep ourselves in God’s love by keeping covenant – Jn 15:3-14; Rom 11; Gal 3:29; Heb 13:20,21), by ‘crossing over’ from death, mired in the idolatry of Ur of Chaldea; to life and immortality through the Gospel PRE-ANNOUNCED to him (Gen 14:13; Matt 8:11,12; Jn 8:56; Gal 3:8,9), YHVH says that He chose Abraham

“…SO THAT he will (walk before Me and be perfect, and) command his children and his household after him (the church of Acts 7:38 & Eph 2:11,12,19) to keep the Way of YHVH (later to be called The Way of Holiness – Is 34:8-10; Matt 5:48; 7:13-27; Lk 20:21; Acts 24:14; Heb 12:14,28), doing righteousness and justice, SO THAT I may fulfil what I have promised him (inheritance of the world)” (Gen 17:1; 18:18,19, 26:5; Rom 4:13).

As the “Begotten Son,” Y’shua-Jesus was sent out of the bosom of YHVH to be Abraham’s Seed (Ps 2:7; Jn 1:18; Gal 3:16; Heb 2:14-16) to lay down His life as Mercy Seat and as the once-and-for-all Appeasement, as Atoning Messiah our Passover, through faith in His Blood for the remission of past sin (Acts 13:39; Rom 3:25,26 Amp; 1 Cor 5:7,8; Heb 8-10), to be raised (to the Glory He had before) for our justification through our repentance and His forgiveness, confirmed by baptism.

That was the only way the Gift of His indwelling Holy Spirit could be sent to “magnify” and “make Torah honourable” (Ps 138;2; Is 42:21; Matt 5:17-19; Jn 17:5; Acts 2:38,39; Rom 3:31; 4:25) by our obedience to be sanctified in righteousness by the commandments given to “make us wise…” to run the race lawfully, striving for masteries of the ABRAHAMIC mandate.

That mandate to the church, both then (as Abraham’s own household and as the House of Jacob on Exodus) and now (as the more glorious remnant House of Jacob (Lk 1:33), has been to diligently “DO righteousness and justice” to BE righteous at all times” – Ps 106:3; 1 Jn 3:7) to win “the crown of righteousness,” to attain final redemption, for resurrection to life (not to damnation – Jn 5:24,28,29), by being AS prepared for selection for the bride, as Abraham Isaac and Jacob (Matt 8:11,12; Acts 10:35; Rom 8:4-14,23; 1 Cor 9:24-27; 2 Tim 3:14-17; 4:3-8).

So much for Torah (Instruction in the righteousness of the Way, for correction of false doctrine) being ALIEN to the Gospel (Hosea 8:1-3,12; Acts 24:14)

The father of our faith (whom the Spirit evidently schooled in the Way), would laugh such an insinuation to scorn, and in pity, would shed a tear for the woeful, wilful ignorance that mostly prompts ridicule of the first five Books of the Bible which are our heritage, to help bring clarity to what is written elsewhere. That’s its chief function (Rom 3:20b,31; 1 Tim 1:8-11; 2 Tim 3:14-17).

OUR Exodus trek to perfection of sanctification (2 Cor 7:1) which began with our Justification by faith in the Name above all names through the Lamb of God’s Jerusalem Passover’s Blood of sprinkling, for CONFIRMATION of “EVERLASTING salvation” by our “obedience to righteousness” (Is 45:17-25; Acts 5:32; Rom 2:6-13; 6:12-22; 8:4,23; 1 Cor 1:8; Heb 5:9; 10:35; James 2:12-26; 1 Peter 1:2b; 1 Jn 2:17), is every bit as much a test of the SPIRIT of our response to the inevitable salting by fire (Mk 9:49; 1 Peter 1:1-9) of character-forming trials necessary to conform us to Messiah’s image (Rom 5:3-5; 9:29), as the remnant in the wilderness church (Acts 7:38) that endured to the end (as we are to do according to Matt 24) to be found worthy to cross the Jordan on dry ground to possess and defend their inheritance.

God have mercy on those who DON’T learn the Torah lesson to keep the Word of YHVH’s patience (Rev 3:10; 14:6,7,12), by NOT obeying His Voice, which Abraham NEVER failed to do (Gen 26:5); doubting His Presence; fearfulness and unbelief (Rev 21:8); contradicting Him; questioning His provision and route directions; slandering His promises (as they would the Land of milk and honey itself – Nu 14), and allowing dissatisfaction to become self-inflicted wounds, festering into the treachery of insolence and rebellion (e.g. Ex 14:11-14; 17:1-7; 1 Cor 10:1-12).

God has made Abraham Isaac and Jacob’s realization of His promises to THEM, DEPENDENT on the ’emunah’ (faith & faithfulness) of a remnant worthy to be accounted for as a “wholly sanctified…” remnant of their Messianic Dynasty in fulfilment of Ex 19:5-8/1 Peter 2:9,10 (Is 29:22-24; Lk 1:32,33; 1 Thess 5:23).

It seems that this extraordinary conditional promise to Abraham (Gen 18:18,19) is a great test not only of the sincerity of OUR response to the ‘Shema,’ to love YHVH with our all and our neighbour as Y’shua loved us (Mk 12:28-34; Jn 13:34,35), but of OUR love for the fathers in particular – whether our love FOR THEM expressed as obedience to YHVH (see 1 Jn 5:2&3; 2 Jn vs 5&6) will match the Father’s own unshakeable love for THEM (Deut 4:37; Rom 11:28).

We CAN do it, by the Spirit!

We MUST do it, because that contingent promise places a moral obligation upon us, for Abraham’s sake, to match the zeal for truth and righteousness of the Jewish firstfruits in Acts 21:20 and of Gentile converts in Eph 4:23-32 and Col 3:9,10, to BE the visionary “one new man” schooled by the Spirit to ESTABLISH and not VOID that magnificent body of Instruction and training in righteousness (Lk 20:21; 2 Tim 3:14-17).

So to summarize, WHY did the Almighty choose Abram from amongst his entire generation, to be progenitor of Israel; to become an heir of the righteousness which is of faith in order to be faithful to inherit the world (Rom 4; James 2:14-26); and as Abraham, to be “father of many nations”? (Gen 17)


Because knowing the end from the beginning, God foreknew that He’d be able to trust Abraham (“for I KNOW him” – Gen 18:19), to prove (to Israel, the church and the world) by Abraham’s obedience to His Voice and to His righteous precepts which comprise “the Way of the LORD” (Gen 18:18,19; 26:5), that neglecting Torah/Instruction (Rom 3:31) which is neglect of the finer points of holiness, limits His ability to perfect His workmanship (Eph 2:10; Col 1:21-23,28,29) which in turn, is neglect BY US, of “so great a salvation,” which to be “CONFIRMED to the end” (1 Cor 1:8), has to be worked out precept by precept in fear and trembling, under grace (Is 28:9-13; Rom 2:6-13,26; Rom 8:4-14; Phil 2:12,13; Heb 2:1-3; 5:11-14; 6:1-12; 12:28; 1 Peter 1:13-17)

“Let God be true and every man a liar,” if these facts (concealed from so many for so long) are disputed.

Waiting on the LORD in the womb of the morning

Exodus 16:4-7

By the eye of faith (seeing the way our Father secretes secrets of wisdom in the repository of our hearts), to “see the glory” of the spiritual manna imparted to us daily by a “certain rate” so that we can walk in His counsel in the Messiah, our minds sublimated in His, to be conformed to His image, in character, word and deed in service to others (1 Cor 2:16; Col 2:6; 3:9,10), is the reason we were born again.

May the Spirit of Messiah Who is in you and I, just as He was in the Prophets who searched out truth by grace (1 Peter 1:10,11), “signify” things to us too, for us to know, think, say and do, by the Spirit, whatever is in our purpose in predestination (Eph 1:11), that will help establish the “everlasting covenant” in all its latter-house glory (Haggai 2:7-9; Lk 1:33; 2:32b; Rom 3:31; Heb 13:20,21).

By thereby achieving the goal of the salvation of our souls (minds, wills and emotions – 1 Peter 1:9) by having the mind of Christ (1 Cor 2:16), may the Father walking in us (2 Cor 6:16) produce the elusive “everlasting righteousness” (Dan 9:24) for which the Creation groans, for true and faithful sons who work the righteousness of Torah to be holy (Acts 10:35; Rom 6:12-22), to be revealed in their purity and admirable integrity (Lk 6:40) for the entire Creation to be liberated from its bondage to deterioration by man’s defilement by sin (Is 24:3-6: Rom 8:18-22).

Pray that our Messianic witness will attract others to “the rest and the refreshing” we’ve discovered in Torah study and its skilful application by the Spirit (Is 28:9-13; Rom 2:13,17,18; 3:31), for “THIS is the rest and THIS is the refreshing” that many don’t know that they need.

Each day has the potential to be a glorious “day of His power,” sublimely equipped with revelation knowledge imparted Spirit to spirit to those who engage their hearts to ENQUIRE of God; set their minds to ENCOUNTER God and who stir themselves up to LAY HOLD on Him by diligently practising the Presence of our God and King.

This is “the TREASURE we have in our earthen vessels,” the temples of His Spirit being the clay upon which He exercises His power which is latent within us (Eph 1:19; 3:20), for release by His Spirit through discerning, timely application of the inspired counsel freely received for OUR glory (1 Cor 2:7), in the sweetness of patient, intimate communion and confidential fellowship with Him EARLY in the day (Ps 88:13; 119:45,147; Prov 8:30-36; 2 Cor 4:7)


Colossians 2:16,17 destroys the Pretension that Sunday (“the first day of the week”) is a ‘Christian sabbath’

Translation of Col 2:17 wrong how?

Not “but” as in “BUT the body is of Christ” (Col 17b), but “now” as in “now (that) the body is of Christ,” because the meaning which THAT time-related construction confers upon the passage is diametrically opposite to the conventional wisdom of most of the church, which is that Passover, for instance, was summarily repealed by the Gospel because it’s possible for a pagan festival to be sanctified in its place and enrolled into the service of the Gospel with impunity.

On the contrary, the “weak and beggarly elements” of the PAGAN patterns and forms of worship (including secular idolatry) to which we former Gentiles were held in bondage, which include pagan memorial days (pseudo “holydays,” not the Hebrew Appointed Times of Col 2:16) and pagan calculation of “…months and times and years,” are to be abhorred and untouched (Gal 4:8-11), because they cannot be cleansed, as Deut 7:5,6; 12:30b-32; Jer 10; 2 Cor 6:17,18 remind us.

In other words, do not serve YHVH in ANY of the manner in which the nations serve their idols.

That means absolutely no adoption of practices foreign to the “everlasting covenant” which is rooted in the Torah and the Prophets (Acts 24:14; Heb 13:20,21).

This INCLUDES pagan naming and pagan formulae for day and date-setting of holydays, as Rome uses for Babylon’s Ishtar observance which they reconstituted as Eastre/Easter, in defiance of Ex 12’s precise stipulations for the annual scheduling of the LORD’s Passover Feast of Unleavened Bread on the 15th day of the 1st month (Nisan/Aviv) of the Biblical calendar year (falling this year on the evening of April 5th to evening of April 13th 2023) which He will keep on His return (Lk 22:1,16-18; 1 Cor 5:7,8), and Ex 23:13’s ban on even mentioning the identity of idolatrous entities.

The correct sense that would be derived from Col 2:16,17 by that simple change from ‘but’ to ‘now’ (quite legitimate according to the Greek), is that the RESIDENT Anointing in our temples of the INDWELLING Holy Spirit now fulfils prophecy by MAGNIFYING the ORIGINAL Shabbat and Feasts under Y’shua-Jesus’ easy yoke to “make (them) honourable” (Is 42:21; Matt 5:19; 11:27,29,30; 1 Jn 5:3), bringing greater clarity to their endless prophetic purpose (as a shadow of what is yet to come), and greater Glory to God the Father through their practice in both His, and in Y’shua’s honour (Is 56:6; Mk 2:27,28; Jn 5:23; 1 Cor 5:7,8) as Heir of all things, as Master with all authority in heaven and on earth, whose unchangeable Passover ordinance is included in
Matt 5:19,48; 28:18-20 & 1 Cor 11:1,2.

We need to pay close attention to what the Spirit is communicating in Gal 4:8-11.

In Gal 4:10, not by any stretch of the imagination is Paul disclaiming, disowning and knocking-down the Fourth Commandment (Shabbat) and the classic Hebrew Feasts of YHVH which are the premier teaching platform and conceptual spiritual tools to achieve His unwavering vision and goal of purification of “one new man” (one new quality of humanity) as “the same body” (Lk 1:33; Acts 7:38) now enlarged and augmented by incorporation in Messiah of a remnant from the nations by adoption (Rom 11; 15:10-12; Eph 2:11,12,15; 3:6).

Gal 4:8-10 is a pointed accusation – an indictment of apostasy against naïve, wilful believers who, having “turned to God from the power of satan, from darkness to light to receive forgiveness” for repentance for sin (Acts 26:18) have RELAPSED into sin by renewed preference for PAGAN custom (customs by which they were “in service to them which by nature are non-gods”) (verse 8), and are in danger of being “cut off” for refusing ongoing sanctification by faith by becoming recusants (one who refuses to conform to sound doctrine), in effect renouncing their adoption by grace by rejecting the House of Jacob, God’s adopting nation and house of prayer for all nations whom Shabbat and the Feasts identify as the “one fold,” the Household of YHVH (Is 56:6-8; Jer 10:1-12,16; Lk 1:33; Jn 10:16; Acts 3:22,23; Rom 11:22; Eph 2:11,12,19; 2 Thess 2:13-15).

So great care needs to be exercised in reading Paul, as Peter warns (2 Peter 3:14-18).

Paul’s complaint is with misuse (corruption) of the Word (2 Cor 2:17; 4:1,2) and subservience to commandments and doctrines OF MEN and their traditions (Mk 7:1-13; Col 2:8,22), rather than to the holy yoke of Heaven’s will being done on earth (Matt 5:19; 6:9,10; 11:29,30).

So Gal 4:8-11, Col 2:16,17 & 2 Thess 2:15 are three irrefutable witnesses (AS substantive and conclusive as three corroborating witnesses in a court trial of truth) to the perpetuity of the Biblical Sabbath and Feasts, and all RELATED teachings (which is considerable by any standard), discoverable from Genesis to Revelation by making diligent search, by the Spirit (2 Cor 13:1,5).

The Ten Commandments’ seventh day Sabbath (Shabbat) and the Feasts of Ex 23:12-17 are equally the heritage of Jew and Gentile in the good, natural olive tree, which is defined as the forever House of Jacob (Lk 1:33) which was constituted in Ex 19:5-8 as the holy nation and household of the God of the Hebrews.

There is one law for REDEEMED Jew and Gentile (Rom 2:13; 3:31; James 1:22-25; 2:12).

Who then took the decision to de-commission and re-purpose Sun day (the first working day of the Biblical six day working week) and discard Shabbat; and keep a partial Shavuo’t (‘Pentecost’) but discard the Passover (Lk 22:1,16-18) and Feast of Tabernacles (Zech 14), and why?

Could it be that the Passover and Sukkot (Tabernacles) emphatically endorse Israel’s national and territorial legitimacy according to God’s people’s Biblical boundaries (Ezekiel 47:13-23); and that “hatred for Zion” characterized the compromised priesthood which made a pact with the devil NEVER to agree to Israel’s birthright and which under the umbrella of Imperial Rome usurped the pre-eminence of the House of Jacob?

And where in the New Testament Books is it written that we are urged to follow Paul’s example of his stout defence of the original teaching of the Gospel (Phil 1:6,7; Jude vs 3), to confirm and defend the endowment of these Appointments between Israel and their God, even upon us as our heritage too, as their co-heirs in Messiah and partakers of their promises?

Read on.

Let’s pause a moment to reflect on the power, substance and unique sanctity of Shabbat and the two fundamental Feasts that were ignorantly repudiated.

The “holy solemnities” mentioned in Is 30:29 and 33:20, which are the LORD’s perpetual Feasts which identify Him as Israel’s God and which attest to His majesty, power, mercy and grace, have nothing to do with Gentile substitutes.

The Passover Feast of Unleavened Bread is the foundational Biblical pattern for our salvation-deliverance by “Christ our Passover” (1 Cor 5:7,8) and of our baptism and refinement by sanctification by the Spirit (1 Cor 10:1-11; 2 Thess 2:13,14), as well as being God’s solemn promise to REPATRIATE Israel to possess ALL of Abraham’s landed inheritance, to be saved there (Gen 15:13-16; Ex 6:5-8; 23:13-17; Deut 6:23-25; Ezek 36).

The Feast of Tabernacles is the memorial of YHVH’s faithfulness to Israel on Exodus and to us on OUR probationary wilderness journey to spiritual maturity, to “keep us (through all life’s circumstances) by His power by faith unto salvation (final redemption – Rom 8:23; 1 Peter 1:2-9),” to prepare a “holy and blameless” bride as “one new man” obedient to Is 56:6 (the thumbnail description of the responsibilities of the redeemed) to prove worthy of inheritance of the world and age to come (Lk 20:35; Eph 1:4; 4:11-14,23,24; Col 1:21-23,28,29).

Sukkot (Tabernacles) is also God’s definite promise that as “chief of nations” living “alone” (no two-state abomination), immoveable from their homeland (Gen 12:7; Nu 23:9; Deut 33:28; Amos 9:11-15), the promise to Israel’s fathers confirmed on the Cross (Gen 17:8; Ps 105:8-11; Jer 31:7,10,17,31-36; Rom 15:8), Israel WILL be held in high esteem (Is 60-62,65,66) by the nations who will either serve Israel’s Biblical interests by recognizing Israel’s sovereign kingdom-nation status in the covenant (Ex 19:5-8; Deut 26:16-19; 2 Sam 7:23-29; Is 9:6,7; Jer 31-33; Mk 11:10; Lk 1:32; 2:32; Acts 1:6,7) and its precisely prescribed Biblical borders, or they’ll be desolated, ruined, even destroyed by the curse for rebellion against YHVH’s order-in-election of His Hebrew household as “Israel My son, even My firstborn” (Gen 12:2,3; Ex 4:22,23; Ps 137:5-8; Is 60:12; Is 46:13; Zech 14:16-19; Lk 1:32,33; Eph 2:11,12,19).

The genuine seventh day Sabbath is not only the Memorial of Creation, but is the weekly reinforcement of these Hebrew promises, as the covenant sign (Ex 31:13,16) that the purpose-in-election of Israel as adopting nation (Rom 11) for sanctification of heirs of the world (Acts 26:18,20; Rom 4:13,16; 15:16-18), stands forever.

With that in mind, what we need to recognize, to “awaken to righteousness” from slumber induced by the occult spin of the narcotic which is Replacement Theology (1 Cor 15:34), is that ‘paradosis’ (tradition) in 2 Thess 2:15, encompasses BOTH teachings AND sanctified traditions, and that merely translating paradosis as “teachings” while vehemently defending UNAUTHORIZED, PRESUMPTUOUSLY REVAMPED Roman appointments at the expense of our Father’s PERPETUAL Holy Appointments, which the Son has unequivocably ratified in His Blood, is HYPOCRISY at its worst.

Col 2:16,17 confirms Is 56:6-8 (“the Hebrew house of prayer for all nations” cross-referenced in Jn 10:16 as the “one fold” of Eph 2:11,12) “now (that) ‘the (same) body’ (Acts 7:38; Lk 1:33) is of the Messiah” (Matt 11:37; Col 2:17; Eph 3:6) and becoming increasingly Hebraic (Messianic) as more and more Jews acknowledge Y’shua as Messiah, pending the cutting off of all who deny Him and His sayings (Deut 18:18,19; Acts 3:22,23; Matt 7:13-27; 21:41-44; Jn 5:40-47; 8:51,52; Acts 13:45,46).

Most Christians read Colossians 2:16-17 under a cloud of denominational and doctrinal bias, as supposed validation that the Torah is obsolete (impossible given its rôle according to Matt 5:19; Rom 2:6-13,26; 3:20b,31; 7:22,25; 8:4; 1 Tim 1:8-11; 2 Tim 2:5 & 3:14-17).

Their chief, specific target is customarily the continue observance of the one-and-only Shabbat of Gen 2:2,3 and the related BIBLICAL Hebrew festivals (Holydays/Holy Convocations), followed by clamorous objection to BIBLICAL (not rabbinical) dietary laws, which include the basic table fellowship requirements in Acts 15:19,20.

We’re going to see how great an error can result from the grievous misstep of translator-selection of an INAPPROPRIATE participle as a conjunction.

To crown the revelation awaiting the honest student in Col 2:17 here is the digital Strong’s Concordance entry, comparing “but” (an ‘ADVERSATIVE’ participle, perfectly suiting Rome and her daughters who are implacably ADVERSARIAL to Zion’s moedim/” solemnities”/Holy Convocations – Is 33:20) with “now,” a ‘CONTINUATIVE’ participle, perfectly supporting the perpetuity (present continuous tense) of the LORD’s ordinances confirmed by Paul (1 Cor 7:19; 11:1,2) as noteworthy traditions, in 2 Thess 2:15, to help ensure we AVOID falling away (defect from the truth as apostates).

Every one of us is hugely indebted to Strong’s for pointing out that the participle “now” is AS substitutable in the received Greek verse as “but,” in Col 2:17, but is by no means preferable to “now” without twisting Y’shua’s intention, and when the verse is amended accordingly, to rather read “…NOW (that) the body is of Christ (the Messiah),” it instantly exposes the heavy doctrinal bias toward Roman appointments in the King James Version and just about all other translations, and we discover that Col 2:16,17 & 2 Thess 2:15 are PARALLEL verses, both urging the believer NOT to be judged by those who know no better, and not to be shaken by persecution, for having the good sense and backbone NOT to be bewitched by benighted human tradition.

Most translations other than the King James Version are equally misleading (such as “…the SUBSTANCE [or reality] is of [or, belongs to] Christ”), exposing an alarming Protestant bias against SCRIPTURAL Appointments as nothing less than hypocritical apologetics in defence of ROMAN meddling with the faith, to keep pagan converts happy by retaining their former holydays – which Paul alludes to in his remonstrating with the Galatians for backsliding to the observances of idols, in Gal 4:8-11.

As Romans in the Roman colony of Philippi in Macedonia said in response to Paul’s championing of the Godly customs of Torah- and New Covenant-sanctioned Sabbaths and Feasts: “…These men (Paul and Silas), being Jews, do exceedingly trouble our city, teaching CUSTOMS which are NOT LAWFUL for us to RECEIVE, neither to OBSERVE, being ROMANS” (Acts 16:20,21; 21:20-24; 28:17; Rom 3:31), a lame defence of apostasy if there was ever one, and which has not changed, to this very day.

Rome personifies ‘the decrees of the nations’ and is simply not interested in honouring Zion’s God’s DEEPEST desires, such as Israel’s unquestionable birthright to and sovereignty over HIS Land – Ps 68:29-35; 122:2-9; 132:11-18; Jer 27:5; Ezek 36; 47:13-23; Acts 17:26), and His ‘traditionary law’ stipulations for their everlasting well-being.

Nothing affirms Rome’s fateful identity as endtime Babylon more conclusively, than its peremptory refusal of the God of Israel’s Meeting Times with His set apart congregations, and that’s that.

This resulted in the persecution of Paul and Silas and the amazing ensueing testimony of deliverance for Paul and salvation for the keeper of the prison, described in Acts 16:22-40.

Col 2:16 clearly describes TORAH sabbatical tradition which is the backstory to continuity of the perpetual moedim confirmed by Y’shua and the Apostles – prophetically speaking, Messianic practice of Shabbat and the Feasts casts their shadow BACK over pre-Messianic practice, so great will be the glory of Torah in Messiah (2 Cor 3:8,9) “NOW (THAT) the (same) body (as before) (Acts 7:38) is of Christ (Lk 1:33; Eph 3:6).

Should it surprise us that the Hellenized translators, sincerely deceived in this matter, chose a conjunction that served the assumptions propagated by Replacement Theology, rather than the CONTINUATIVE part of speech, “NOW,” which Strong notes is “OFTEN unexpressed in English,” and which exactly reflects the continuity, forever, of the Lev 23 & Deut 16 Appointments, to the Glory of YHVH, as His irreplaceable, untransferable, indissoluble Personal Testimonies (Ps 119:111).

Word: de

Pronounce: deh

Strongs Number: G1161

Orig: a primary participle (either ADVERSATIVE or CONTINUATIVE) – BUT, also, and, moreover, NOW (often unexpressed in English).

As a put-down of the LORD’s Feasts, “but” in the KJ Version of Colossians 2:17 has worked brilliantly, throwing a spanner in the works of consecration and sanctification of the church, despite the fact that it is one of a FEW alternative options dismissed by scholars prejudiced against Feast teaching traditions they did not fully understand.

The misguided choice of this little part of speech (“but”) under the seductive influence of Replacement Theology, is robbing countless believers of the full measure of the profound blessing offered in the vast promise of Isaiah 58:14 to those who do righteousness at all times (Ps 50:23; 106:3; 1 Jn 2:28,29; 3:7-10) and who keep the SEVENTH day of the week Holy, according to the commandment to treat the Ten Words as INDIVISIBLE (Gen 2:2,3; Ex 20:8-11; 31:13-17; 34:27,28,32; Is 56:6-8; Matt 12:8; Mk 2:27,28; Heb 4:1-11).

The “everlasting covenant” of the seventh day Creation Shabbat, the indelible covenant sign of YHVH’s Sovereignty over His people (Ex 31:13,16), AND the binding factor between Jew and Gentile – the amalgam of the “one new man” in the natural olive tree that represents the grace of Hebrew adoption as seed of Abraham and proves we are set apart in the House of Jacob in Messiah (Lk 1:32,33; Rom 11; Eph 2:11,12,15,19; 3:6), is an indispensable Biblical tradition upon which the call to be conformed to the image of the Messiah is based, because it is the first of YHVH’s Appointments as the first of His ways for the sanctification of His bride (Rom 8:4,29).

Colossians 2:16,17 is the New Covenant AFFIRMATION (along with 2 Thess 2:15) of the PERPETUITY of the Ex 23:12-17; Lev 23 and Deut 16 Sabbath and Feasts.

New Moon (new Hebrew month inaugurations as in Exodus 12:2) and the weekly Shabbat from antiquity, will headline the essential continuity of these important traditions during the coming millennial Kingdom of David (Is 9:6,7; 66:24; Lk 1:32,33; Mk 11:10).

Colossians and 2 Thessalonians ENDORSE Is 56:6 & 58:12-14, which are both Messianic prophecies recalling backslidden Israel and the Hellenized church to the tried and proven sanctified and blessed ancient paths, in order to fulfil the duties of honourable covenant-keeping sons, to be fully pleasing to God in obedience to righteousness (Lk 17:10; Rom 2:13,26; 3:31; 6:12-22; 8:4-14; Heb 5:9; 13:20,21).

Anyone referring to Strong’s Concordance will find that its definition of “traditions” (paradosis) in 2 Thess chapter 2:15 in the context of the falling away of the church (verses 3-15), goes beyond the generic word ‘teachings’ deceitfully chosen in many translations which are disrespectful to the full counsel, to define the meaning of the Greek, as the ‘Jewish (Hebraic) traditionary law’ which no-one can abrogate, since the BIBLICAL Hebrew traditions are PERMANENT.

That fact should be written on every true worshipper’s heart.

Let’s wrap up with yet another very important observation in 2 Thess 2.

Notice how Paul is having to deal with dreamers (deluded by the sorcery of the imagination) in 2 Thess 2:1-3 who’ve been sowing discomforting, unsettling confusion about end time events by posing as Paul’s spokesmen (verse 2) – pretended revelation of the Spirit by word or letter ALLEGEDLY from Paul, not denying the second coming and the Scriptural catching away of the bride, as in “the COMING of our LORD Y’shua-Jesus the Messiah and by our GATHERING unto Him” (verse 1), but rashly claiming “that the day of the Messiah is AT HAND” (verse 2).

The Apostolic rebuttal is DECISIVE: “…that day SHALL NOT come, except there come a FALLING AWAY FIRST, and (moreover), that man of sin be REVEALED, (deifying himself in the Third Temple, as) the (anti-Christ) son of perdition” (verse 3&4), AND that THAT circumstance is being restrained (“ye know what WITHHOLDETH”) until the appointed time allows (verses 5-8).

“Let no man deceive you BY ANY MEANS…” says Paul.

This is a life and death issue.

An unprepared fiancé has no future (Rev 19:7-9; 20:6).

Paul seizes on the opportunity to straight-talk the congregations on the NECESSITY to be wise to the need to “occupy” themselves waiting and “looking for the mercy” of resurrection to life for the FAITHFUL (Lk 17:10; 19:13,14 KJV; Jn 5:24,28,29; Rom 2:6,7; 1 Peter 1:13,14; Jude vs 21), by learning to “keep the Word of My patience (conscientiously keep covenant, precept by precept) (Is 28:9-13; Rev 3:10; 14:6,7,12) by mastering sound doctrine (Eph 4:11-17) by “stand(ing) fast” (staying grounded in all truth, unshaken, unmoved by insult and criticism of the narrow path, resisting fear and persevering, at all costs) and “hold(ing)” (seizing, retaining)” the terms of separation (the criteria of virtuous conduct which make Godliness the plumbline) detailed in the covenant, to avoid falling away from the faith, by heeding the reproof, correction and training in the righteousness of sound doctrine verified by the Torah and the Prophets (2 Tim 3:14-17).

Especially, being sure to be in attendance, assembling before the Presence at all the Times APPOINTED by BIBLICAL “tradition,” not human tradition (Ex 23:14; Ps 42:2,4; Is 56:6; 2 Thess 2:15; Heb 10:23-31) in order to be assured of “the crown of righteousness” we need to attain, by “striving for masteries” of the Way to walk before God and be perfect (Gen 17:1; Matt 5:19,48) to be “wholly sanctified…”, acceptable candidates for the bride (Lk 20:21; Acts 10:35; 2 Cor 5:9-11; Phil 3:10-17; 1 Thess 5:23; 1 Tim 6:11-14; 2 Tim 2:5; 3:14-17; 4:3-8).

It follows that 2 Thess 2:3-15 is a condensed end time exhortation on the READINESS of WISE virgins (to receive the spotless Bridegroom), against the background of dreadful apostasy (always triggered by the secret power of iniquity) that will sink the hopes of the lax, complacent “many” who’ve been unconvinced of the need to “find” the narrow path which leads to eternal life (Matt 7:13,14).

Paul knew on the authority of his Saviour that salvation will be CONFIRMED in only a relatively small remnant of professing believers who yield to the Spirit to be sanctified by belief in the truth to obtain one degree of glory to the next (Jn 17:17,19; Acts 5:32; 2 Cor 3:18; 2 Thess 2:13,14), just as “they are not ALL Israel which are OF Israel” due to a raft of flesh related issues that contradicted the Word (Is 1:9; 9:6; Matt 7:13,14,21-24; 25:10-12; Rom 11:5,14; 1 Cor 1:8; 10:5-11), and that deceitful prophesying of a FORESHORTENING of the probationary period mercifully provided for, for sanctification of a SINCERELY repentant, willing and OBEDIENT remnant (Is 1:19,20; Acts 5:31,32; Phil 1:9-11; 2:12,13; Heb 2:10,11; 5:9; 12:28; 1 Peter 1:13-17) will inevitably result in a FAR SMALLER FRACTION of believers meeting the Refiner’s test of purity (Mal 3:3; Titus 2:14; 1 Peter 1:22; 1 Jn 3:3,4,7).

Transformation into chaste virgins is MILITATED AGAINST by one’s soul being far from conformed to the CHARACTER of the WAYS of God which produces the IMAGE and likeness of God in Messiah Y’shua (Lk 20:21; Rom 8:29; 12:1,2; Heb 1:1-3).

So Paul (and Peter) thundered against the voices of anyone used by satan to devalue, debunk or hinder our pursuit of perfection of holiness in “ALL our manner of conversation [life]” (Ps 50:5,23; 1 Cor 7:19; 2 Cor 7:1; Phil 1:27; 2 Peter 3:11-18) which is possible only by full consecration to purification through grateful acceptance of necessary trials of the obedience of our faith and faithfulness, to be established in the righteousness of a perfected walk in all the will of God by “living for righteousness” (1 Jn 3:7; 1 Peter 2:24).

Ideally, doing “nothing against the truth” in order to avoid any charge of being “reprobate” – a tall order on which the indwelling Holy Spirit is WELL ABLE TO DELIVER, leaving no-one with an excuse for their defilement by sin (Mk 9:49; Rom 1:5; 3:31; 5:3-5; 15:16-18; 16:19,26; 1 Cor 3:17; 2 Cor 2:9,10; 10:5; 13:6-8,11; Col 1:28; 4:12; 1 Jn 3:3-10).

We from the nations with whom God did not covenant (the reason to thank Him for His great mercy – Jer 31:31-34; Rom 15:7-12; Eph 2:11,12) would have no opportunity to be groomed by the Holy Spirit to be part of the BRIDE had the God of Jacob, Israel’s Husband, not promised to “betroth Himself…” to a remnant of the House of Judah and the House of Israel FOREVER (Is 54:5-8; Hosea 2:19-23; Lk 1:33) as THEY AND WE the redeemed in the church of YHVH (which belongs to the House of Jacob as “the congregations from the fountain of Israel” – Ps 68:26; Lk 1:33), repair the “great breach(es)” of faith and covenant which have disgraced historic VIRGIN ISRAEL and the church for generations (by profaning the holiness of His everlasting covenant under the sway of every wind of doctrine – Is 58:12-14; Jer 6:16; 14:17; 16:19; Hosea 4:6; 8:1-12; Mal 1:6; 2:5-11; Eph 4:14; Heb 10:26-39; 13:20,21).

Keeping the paramount, stately, sublimely weighty (‘kavod’), founding, spiritual compass setting Gal 4:8-11; Col 2:16,17 & 2 Thess 2:15 time-related precepts (which are Deity’s “Testimonies” lending depth and structure to revelation – Ps 25:10,14; 93:1,5; 119:111,152 – in the form either of commandments or ordinances, tucked into Matt 5:19; Rom 3:31; 1 Cor 7:19 & 11:1,2 for further corroboration) in awe of all the beauty of their Holiness as repositories of treasures of wisdom and knowledge in Christ, is PIVOTAL to abiding in the Vine in the Father’s PERFECT will (never mind what our parents/forebears were led to believe – Jer 16:19), to be presented to the LORD as the consummate, “chaste virgin” “Israel of God,” “unashamed before Him at His coming” “knowing that everyone who DOETH righteousness, is born of Him” because “faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone” (Lk 1:33; Gal 6:16; Eph 2:10; 5:26,27; Col 1:28; 2 Cor 11:1,2; James 2:14,17; 1 Jn 2:28,29; 3:7,10).

In short, take the Scriptures at face value, always relying on the discipline of the infallible Berean test, of discovery by the Spirit of two or three corroborating or disapproving witnesses from the Torah and the Prophets (Acts 17:11; 24:14; 2 Cor 13:1,5; 2 Tim 3:14-17) to validate or rebut any assumption about what is true, to put paid to conjecture, to eliminate error, to cure unbelief.

As a priority, urgently heed Rev 18:4,5 and in the FIRST instance, return in repentance to the concentrated shalom, unique sanctity and the Glory of the manifest Presence of Father and Son on the Sabbath made for man and decreed for our great blessing by the Fourth Commandment (Ex 20:8-11; Is 58:13,14; Matt 12:8; Mk 2:27,28; Jn 14:21-24); then return to the seven day Passover Feast of Unleavened Bread (Lk 22:1,16-18; 1 Cor 5:7,8); and the genuine, unabridged, undiluted ‘Pentecost’ (that is, Shavuo’t [“weeks”], identified by the ‘omer count’ of seven Biblical seventh day Sabbaths from Passover, plus one day, NOT fifty days counted as seven illegitimate ‘Sunday sabbaths’ – Lev 23:15,16, not a trivial distinction); and finally each Biblical Feast cycle, to the seven plus one mystery “great last day” of the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot: “Booths/huts” – Zech 14:16-19; Jn 7:37-39) and stay with the cycle to experience exponential spiritual growth and favour with YHVH your ELOHIM, by glorifying the Son as their Master (e.g. Mk 2:27,28).

Overcomers attain the crown of righteousness by developing a love for nuanced understanding of our magnificent covenant

Final word:

The God of the Hebrews’ deliverance of Israel’s firstborn (males, human and animal) by passing through Egypt and over the sprinkled doorframes of the children of Israel’s homes (Ex 12:12,13), as proof of His Eternal Supremacy and Divine Royal Prerogative to both form and MAKE, BREAK and RANK nations (Deut 7:6-12; 26:16-19; 28:1-14; Rom 32:8,9; Ps 72:11; Is 60:12; Jer 10:25), became the pretext to henceforth define and identify HIS nation, Israel as a whole, as “Israel is My son, even MY firstborn,” thereby establishing Israel’s PERMANENT PRECEDENCE in Christ the only Begotten Son and Firstborn from the dead, as irrevocably His firstfruits and adopting nation by the election of grace, confirming God’s promises to the fathers (Ex 4:21-23; Jer 31:7,10,17,21-36; Lk 1:33; Rom 1:16; 11:1-7,11-29; 15:8; Acts 3:19-26).

Easter has buried this tightly interwoven Passover revelation knowledge from the general view and therefore from the consciousness of the mainstream church, adding to Israel’s distress over the generations, because Easter’s (and Sunday’s) architects have treated the Architect, Builder and Owner of the Universe (El Olam) with contempt through SELECTIVE OMISSION of truth, for which Y’shua’s Feasts are the remedy.

The remedy, because they were conceived in order to INTEGRATE the knowledge of the Atonement by the Lamb of YHVH, with the entire unifying prophetic vision and purpose of God for Israel and the nations, in the Messiah (Eph 1:10; 2:11,12,15,19; Col 1:16-20) in order to raise up a remnant wise to Torah Instruction as righteous Abraham was (Gen 18:18,19; 26:5; 2 Tim 3:14-17), to be inspired curators of Biblical history and prophecy, to be entrusted with a world without end (Is 45:17) under the everlasting Reign of the Monarchy of the House of Jacob under YHVH-Immanu El, “with us” as the Word Incarnate as the Son of David, for all of which purpose the Gospel is defined as “the SURE MERCIES of David” (Is 7:13,14; 9:6-8; 45:17-25; 55:1-5; Lk 1:32,33; Acts 13:32-39; Rom 4:13,16).

The immemorial (because of the Lamb slain before Creation) and “perpetual” Passover AND the one and only Sabbath/’Shabbat’ of “Christ our Passover”) which is linked-in as the ‘Prologue’ to the LORD’s Feasts, by Gen 2:2,3/Deut 5:12-15; Ex 12:12-14,17,24; 1 Cor 5:7,8; Rev 13:8b) demonstrate how important it is for us all (Jew and Gentile in the SAME Hebraic olive tree) to adhere to the FRAMEWORK of our three-fold sanctification (1 Thess 5:23; 2 Thess 2:13-15) which the Biblical Feasts REPRESENT as milestones in a straight and narrow, WINNING race founded on the Way, in the Messiah (Matt 7:13-27; 1 Cor 9:24-27; 2 Tim 2:5), because YHVH’s inimitable Appointed, or Set Times are demarcated as CHECKPOINTS for us to individually assess the degree of our doctrinal purity to “keep ourselves in the LORD’s love” by being sure we’re consistently walking in the light (Ex 13:3-16; Prov 6:23; Lk 20:21; 2 Cor 13:5; 1 Jn 1-3; Jude vs 3:21-25).

This is the essence of what the Holy Spirit is impressing upon us in Gal 4:8-11, Col 2:16,17 and 2 Thess 2:15.

Let’s learn our lesson well, for only then will we be partaking of the same grace as Paul, for the defence and confirmation of the genuine Gospel of the Kingdom which for the better part of 2000 years, has “suffered violence” (Phil 1:7)

Why repentance and salvation is a Divine Ultimatum

Because that alone justifies us being kept alive (“justification of life” – Rom 5:18), because all, being dead in their sin (“sin is the sting of death”), are “condemned already” “because they have not believed in the Name of the only Begotten Son of God” and the redemption which is in His Blood, even the forgiveness of sin, and therefore are not “learning of Him” to do the Truth to come into the light (Matt 11:29,30; Jn 3:16-21; Rom 5:12; 2 Cor 5:14).

They have rejected God’s merciful offer of the Presence and power of His Holy Spirit, to teach and lead them to establish them in HIS righteousness, to be true sons (b’nei B’rit) of His “Everlasting Covenant” (Jn 1:12; Heb 12; 13:20,21).

They are therefore vulnerable to the curse of “the law of sin and death,” for failing to “Hear” and follow His Son, the Messiah – the Prophet pre-announced by Moses (Deut 18:18,19), to accept Divine Protection beneath the shadow of the Almighty (Psalm 91).

As “seed of ABRAHAM,” “in Christ (the Messiah)” (Gal 3:27-29), it is “in ISAAC” and “in (and amongst the eternal House of) JACOB” (Gen 12:3; 28:14; Ps 59:13; Jer 31:31-34; Lk 1:33; Rom 9:7; 11:17-29; Eph 2:11,12,15,19; 3:6) whose natural offspring (descendants of the Twelve Tribes) are entrusted with the ‘repair of the world’ and ‘improvement of the Universe’ (‘tikkun ha olam’) under the righteous rule and holy ordinances of “the God of Jacob,” that WE from the nations get to partake of the promise of that great coming “restoration of ALL things” not by human effort but by the power of God’s Spirit (Jer 33:25; Ps 104:30; Acts 3:19-21), by accepting the “everlasting salvation” which is “of the Jews” (Is 45:17-25; Jn 4:22; Rom 9:4,5; Phil 2).

God Himself will “destroy those who destroy the earth” (Rev 11:18).

“It isn’t MAN’S green agenda, but THIS clean, powerful, Holy Conservation Agenda for the redemption of Creation from its defilement by the weight of mankind’s sin (Is 24:3-6; Rom 8:18-22), that the authentic seventh day Shabbat of the Ten Commandments (the Memorial of Creation and of the new birth; and the Rehearsal of the Wedding Supper of the Lamb) celebrates, as the “everlasting covenant sign between the God of the Hebrews and ourselves” (Ex 31:13,16), that He (the only living God – Deut 4:39; Is 44:24) has sanctified the House of Jacob for the renovation of the millennial earth for the second Kingdom of David (Mk 11:10; Lk 1:32), and for stewardship of the New Earth which will be the home of “everlasting righteousness” to fulfil all prophecy, “when there shall be no more curse” (Dan 9:24; Is 66:22-24; Rev 22:3,4).

So “labour to enter” the Shabbat portal to YHVH’s limitless understanding (Ps 25:10,14) and remain under His shadow, at peace, undisturbed in the unrivalled joy and contentment of the one and only blessed, sanctified, ABSOLUTE REST (Gen 2:2,3; Ex 20:8-11Is 58:13; Heb 4:4-11) that makes Jn 14:20-23 real when we give undivided attention to the weighty Presence of the LORD of Shabbat (Mk 2:27,28; Jn 14:21-23).

Abide in the Vine through the Sabbath commandment (Is 56:6; Jn 15:3-14) and experience the glory of the unique sanctity of Shabbat’s special quality of time, to marvel at “so great a salvation” that has the perfect plan to return Creation to its pristine former purity and beauty, when the earth was YOUNG and fresh, and when there was no death, because man was UNDEFILED (Rom 5:12,17,18), and no need existed for the shedding of blood for the remission of sins, to make man upright before his Creator (Heb 3:1-3)

There’s so much at stake. None of us should fail to enter in through Y’shua-Jesus, the Door, into eternal life and stewardship of eternity as heirs of God (Rom 8:17).

None of us should WITHHOLD our lives from the Good Shepherd (2 Cor 5:14,15,21) Who gave His Life as a Ransom for us all, for us to be free from the power of sin (Rom 8:3,4), to live for righteousness, with Him, forever (1 Peter 2:21-25; Rev 1:4-6)

John 10:9-11 King James Version

I am the Door: by Me (Y’shua-Jesus), if any man enter in, he SHALL BE SAVED, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.

10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

11 I am the Good Shepherd: the Good Shepherd giveth His life for the sheep

A Sabbath dedication adapted from the Siddur (Tutorial in faith) liturgy for Shabbat morning

Blessed is our God, for there is NONE OTHER (‘ein od’) (Deut 4:39), Who created us for His glory to praise and magnify Him and speak about His Majesty as Creator-Redeemer and King of the Universe, as we sanctify Him by remembering and observing His Holy Shabbat.

His loving-kindness to us is greater than to any other nation (Lk 1:33).

Therefore with all our heart, soul and might we proclaim the ‘Shema’ (Mk 12:28-34), to proclaim His Supreme Kingship and Unique (Uniplural) Unity (Gen 1:26; Jn 10:30; 1 Jn 5:7) and the wisdom of the yoke of His commandments which in the DOING, bring liberty, by faith working in love, becoming “our life and the length of our days” (Deut 4:5-8; 32:47; Ps 119:45; Matt 5:17-19; 11:29,30; Jn 8:31,32,36,51,52; 14:15; James 1:22-25; 1 Jn 5:2&3).

May we be occupied with Torah (the entire narrative, Portion by Portion) AND the commandments (within it – Rom 3:31; 1 Cor 7:19), which through the Son of David, Wondrous Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, will bring and increase peace in the world through the House of Jacob knowing “the Way” of the LORD, to fulfil God’s commandment to Abraham (Gen 18:18,19; Is 2:2-4; 9:6,7; Zech 14:4,9; Mk 11:10; Lk 20:21; Rom 11; Eph 2:11,12).

Is 58:13,14 brings the limitless blessing of Jacob within the reach of every sincere Shabbat keeper (‘moreh Shabbat’).

If the many who reject Shabbat only knew what God has invested in Jacob’s life, they would RUN to welcome Shabbat and be last to leave it, to draw on every syllable of the prophesied blessing (Is 29:22-24; Matt 12:8; Lk 1:33)
