A Character Study on Isaac, Esau and Jacob

A CHARACTER STUDY on Isaac, his non-covenanted son Esau (an example of toxic masculinity), and princely Jacob (Gen 32:28), showing that Biblical case studies prove that SOULISH LOVE DESTROYS SOUND JUDGMENT

This is one of the greatest canvasses in history, of the impact of the psychology of human relationships on covenant-keeping, which is our single greatest responsibility as a remnant called to adoption as sons of God, to perfect the holiness of spiritual love – as Paul said: “…what COUNTS (to be “accounted worthy” of resurrection from the dead) is KEEPING THE COMMANDMENTS of God” (Ex 20:1-17; Deut 7:7-15; Matt 5:19; 12:50; 28:20; Lk 17:10, 20:21,35; 1 Cor 7:19; 2 Cor 7:1; 1 Jn 3:1-4; 4:17; 5:2&3).

To frame the following discussion on the character of three of the most consequential figures in the Bible, here is some mega-macro context, to set the scene.

Prepare your heart to receive the meat of the Word:

The saga of the FOUNDING Abrahamic household which BECAME the Messianic church (Is 51:1-7; Lk 1:33; Acts 7:28; Gal 3:29), is a TRILOGY of case studies on Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, showcasing God’s grace and His faithfulness (emunah), the two love traits, along with faith and patience, most needed to see us through to final redemption (Rom 8:4,23; Heb 12:28 KJV).

An few opening comments on Jacob at this point in the study, will greatly aid the reader arrive at tenable conclusions.

As the most tried and contested of the three fathers, Jacob’s character is best summed up in his own words on two separate occasions, both of which were fraught with danger, sacrifice to establish righteousness, and with great complexity – Gen 27:12 & 30:33

The first:

“My father will peradventure (perhaps) feel me (posturing as Esau in skins to simulate hairiness) and I shall SEEM to HIM to be a DECEIVER, and I shall bring a curse upon myself, not a blessing”

Not spoken by someone with no moral code and ethical disposition.

The other:

“So shall MY RIGHTEOUSNESS answer for me (my fair dealing will be evident) in time to come when the matter of my wages is brought before you…”

Again, not usual for an opportunist and fraudster to sing the praises of RIGHTEOUSNESS.

So to arrive at the far-fetched notion that Jacob was a self-reliant, self-interested, conniving opportunistic trickster is not just plain incompetence in Biblical analysis, but ‘presumption on steroids.’

It’s just like Satan, to use sleight-of-hand (‘léger de main’) to flip the truth to try to turn the tables on honest appraisal of the facts.

The leitmotif throughout these chapters in the history of the House of Jacob, the future Messianic Kingdom household (Ps 59:13; Lk 1:32,33), is Jacob’s resilience under almost impossible burdens, in keeping his composure (equanimity), maintaining his connection with the Presence of God, and being thorough in “adorning” Abrahamic “doctrine” with good works (Gen 18:18,19; 26:5; Titus 2:7-10), by being exceedingly patient and just in his thought and actions, which is why he is called by the heraldic title “yeshurun” (ideal son of the covenant) implying noble, truthful, just, considerate, merciful and kind, a precious title extended to Israel as witness nation (Jacob being their namesake) when they RARELY cleaved to God (Deut 32:15-20; 33:5,26; Is 44:1-8)

On a spiritual scale of 1-10 Esau scores well below 5 (his intermarriage and secession from the Hebrew household of God sank him), while Jacob, closer to 10, and probably 10, by Gen 32:28.

Of his own life, Jacob (by then 130) would later say to Pharoah in Joseph’s presence (in Gen 47:7-9,28) that “FEW and EVIL (i.e. heavy, diabolical resistance encountered) have the days of the years of my life been and have not attained unto the days of the years of the lives of my fathers in the days of THEIR pilgrimage (Abraham, 175; Isaac 180). Jacob went on to die at 147 after 17 years in Egypt, in Goshen, escaping famine in Canaan.

Jacob’s is a nearer example of the call of ﹰGod to the adventure and ‘suffering for righteousness,’ of a sacrificially transforming Spirit-led life, than either Abraham or Isaac.

Jacob, a credit to his righteous grandfather Abraham’s zeal for “the Way” (Gen 18:18,19; 26:5) was to ISAAC’s troubled household, what priestly Shem (the firstborn of three sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth) was to NOAH’s.

Mankind owes the promise of CONTINUITY of life itself and of a RIGHTEOUS future civilization (Dan 9:24) to both Noah and Shem for the REBOOT of life after the Flood with a spiritual foundation; and to Abraham’s grandson Jacob and his seed, for carrying the patriarchal baton, going forward, as the remnant eternal House of Jacob, the “one new man” (Is 29:22-24; Eph 2:11,12,15,19; 3:6) which, as the ‘ekklesia’ or ‘kahal YHVH,’ “the church of YHVH,” is the AUTHENTIC, One, Holy, Apostolic, Universal (= ‘catholic’), “General Assembly and Church of the firstborn, Jacob,” by the election of grace (Gen 14:13; 25:23; Ex 4:22,23; Ps 68:26; Lk 1:33; Gal 3:27-29; Heb 12:23).

The overarching mystery of the Kingdom (of which there are many – Matt 13:11; 1 Cor 4:1) is that being “in Christ” means being a FAITHFUL covenant-keeper (Jn 12:47-50; 15:3-15; Rom 7:22,25 – Rom 8:14; Heb 5:9; 10:16; 1 Jn 2:3-6) “in Abraham” (Gen 12:3) and “in Jacob” (Gen 28:14), as reckoned through Isaac, as it is written, “in Isaac shall thy seed be called” (Rom 9:7-14).

That places everyone who by faith receives the salvation “which is of the Jews” (Jn 4:22; Rom 9:4,5), within the dynasty of the three fathers whose character development through Spirit-led trials of faith, is INDICATIVE of the sanctifying work of the Spirit to which we are to submit to pursue perfection of holiness (2 Thess 2:13,14), to be “accounted worthy” of escape and of eternal life as the bride for which Abraham, Isaac and Jacob prepared THEMSELVES by hearing and heeding God’s Voice and ways (Gen 17:1; 26:5; Matt 8:11,12; Lk 20:35; 21:36).

Let’s begin.

Bible biography, historical narrative and survey of doctrine is like a very advanced JIG-SAW PUZZLE, that can be pieced together ACCURATELY only by revelation provided by the Holy Spirit, the Teacher (Deut 29:29; Prov 25:2; Jn 12-16; 1 Cor 2:9-16; Rom 8:14).

Interpreting the lives of the founding fathers, especially.

Understanding THEM is the grounding for all character study because the holiness to which they were called (encapsulated in Gen 17:1 to them, and in Matt 5:48 to us) is the benchmark of Godly character which all mankind needs.

The three fathers are used in Scripture to reveal the delicate, painstaking work of the Spirit of holiness Who is appointed to sanctify man by impressing the traits of the Divine Nature on our souls to restore us to the image of Deity for us to retain the original innocence imputed to us when we were saved by grace (Jn 15:3; Rom 8:29; Col 3:9-15; 2 Thess 2:13,14).

Isaac, heir to “the Land of Moriah” (Israel) where he and his father Abraham were severely tested (Gen 22:2-17; 25:5; 26:3-5), was the covenanted heir of the dynasty of Abraham (Gen 17:19,21), born 13 years and nine months SUBSEQUENT to Ishmael’s birth which was due solely to “the great transgression” of a PRESUMPTION by Sarah that a prophecy foretelling an auspicious birth from Abraham’s one flesh marriage to her (Gen 12:2; 15:4,5), was God LEGISLATING the procreation of ISHMAEL by Abraham with Sarah’s maid Hagar (Gen 16:1-5; Ps 19:13), which occurred when Abraham was 86.

Sarah (then still Sarai) soon had cause to confess her unsound judgment, even though ungraciously (“MY wrong be upon THEE” – Gen 16:3-5).

Immediately, we spot the parallel between Eve’s temptation of Adam by her temptation by the serpent spirit, and Sarai’s seduction of Abram with a pragmatic, opportunistic idea offered as a solution to manifest prophecy, a preposterous hope (2 Cor 11:3; 1 Tim 2:13,14).

If we don’t hear Prov 3:5,6 resound in our spirits, we are ‘leaning’ way out of touch with the covenant.

Our reasoning is never sanctified if not led and disciplined by the Spirit (Rom 8:14).

That unnecessary birth of Ishmael (turned to advantage) was due not so much to impatience and deep disappointment at Sarah’s long years of barrenness, but unsurprisingly, to her incredulity at the thought that a birth might still be possible for Abraham at 100 and to her at 90.

Barren and close to 100, beyond REALISTIC hope of childbearing, Sarah ASSUMED her barrenness would justify IMPROVIZATION (Gen 16:1,2).

They allowed these demoralizing thoughts to hinder a deeper consideration of the prophetic meaning of “SHALL come forth out of thine OWN bowels” (Gen 15:4).

Without faith it is impossible to please God.

Our faith lined up with the Word, directs angels (Ps 103:20)

Faith is schooled by prophecy.

We must patiently let prophecy TUTOR our souls, or we’ll most likely leap to conclusions, as Sarai and Abram did.

Thankfully angels don’t act on the voice of OUR word.

Abraham and Sarah’s initial test with Isaac was therefore COMPOUNDED by the perception of the limitations of their advanced age AND Sarah’s longstanding barrenness (Rom 4:19,20).

On the other hand, Rebekah’s test was believing for fertility AND safeguarding and properly administering the calling upon the elect son, Jacob, AT WHATEVER COST (Gen 27:8,13), since she had personally been made privy to that election while pregnant, by the Voice of YHVH speaking to her directly (Gen 25:23).

God foreknew Isaac would go soft on principle and renege on the Divine decision to elect Jacob, and so He needed a backstop which He found in unflinching, faithful Rebekah:

“My son (Jacob), obey my voice according to that which I command you…And his mother said unto him, ‘Upon ME be thy curse, my son: only obey my voice…”

It is undeniable that vigilant Rebekah and her ‘dear,’ principled son Jacob, had a firmer grasp of custodial responsibility for the patriarchal succession to God’s household, than husband and father, Isaac, the long awaited son of Abraham upon whom the founder of the dynasty had pinned his hope for fulfilment of the cornerstone ancestral promises,”So shall thy seed be” (Gen 15:5,6); and “…in blessing I will bless thee…I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven and the sand which is upon the seashore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed…” (Gen 22:17,18).

Which Isaac was jeopardizing, because the emotionalism of soul-ties and obsessive desires (Gen 25:28) can dull one into stupor and unreason.

Because of that, destiny hung in the balance.

She knew it.

So did Jacob, or he would not have complied (Gen 27:9,10,12,14).

His righteousness and the righteousness of the defence of his ENTITLEMENT to the blessing, against Isaac’s stubborn, unconscionable self-will, was justification enough for redemptive measures to be taken, as it would later be against his unjust uncle Laban – “so shall MY RIGHTEOUSNESS answer for me in time to come, when it shall come (time) for my hire before thy face…” (Gen 30:33; 31:6-9,38-42).

The common insinuation by unschooled commentators that Jacob was an arch- DECEIVER, is as good as flinging that accusation in the Face of YHVH, since it was He Who ordered and authored both Rebekah’s redemption of the birthright AND Jacob’s innovative steps taken for just and equitable recompense for his twenty years heroic faith in the trials faced in his conscientious service to Laban (Gen 31:6,7,42).

Isaac’s intractability on the issue of the blessing, not abated by his physical decline (Gen 27:1), had to be circumvented, outwitted.

The Holy Spirit provided the inspiration to Rebekah (Gen 27:7-17), as He would LATER do, to chastise and humble Laban to give Jacob his dues to return rich, to Canaan (Gen 30:31-35,37-43; 31:1,9-13).

Who knows what tests of the quality of our faith will face us to prove OUR commitment to the integrity of the Word (1 Peter 1:1-9).

They’re inevitable (2 Cor 1; Heb 12).

What’s so tragic about this family drama so far, is that Jacob’s impersonation of Esau (Gen 27:19,22-24) was even necessary, since Jacob’s election to the ‘mishpat bachor’ (mantle of the consecrated firstborn male, commonly reassigned when the actual firstborn was deemed unequal to the sanctity of the rôle) was already an established and KNOWN FACT.

The whole episode in Gen 27 (the dissembling in the subterfuge necessitated by Isaac’s obstruction) triggered near to Isaac’s time to die by, “that I may EAT, that my soul may bless THEE (Esau) before I die” (Gen 27:1-5), would have been redundant had Isaac, a contested firstborn TO THIS DAY, yielded to prophecy (Gen 25:23) and acted upon it at Jacob’s circumcision and naming ceremony (bris milah) (Gen 17:13,14), to ratify and settle the matter of succession before family and guests, at the start.

Instead, he allowed his and Esau’s presumption to cast a pall over family harmony, for decades.

Rebekah and Jacob must have been horrified by the thought of imminent discontinuation of their family from their heritage due to Isaac being on the verge of DISALLOWING THE AUTHORIZED SUCCESSION.

To mother and son, their husband and father seemed oblivious of the existential and spiritual crisis he was precipitating, after around a hundred years of awareness of Jacob’s ‘sure title,’ by his stumbling at the law to forswear prophetic destiny which in THEIR hearts, was crying out for his PLANNED, premeditated misstep (Gen 27:4), to be foiled.

That Isaac’s conscience was so seared that he failed to join the dots from Esau’s intermarriage with a Hittite (Gen 26:34,35; 27:46), an act of abnegation and secession from the Hebrew sheepfold, to defilement worthy of expulsion from the congregation, beggars the imagination.

Due to failing to “possess his soul” (Lk 21:19), Isaac had committed a fundamental parenting error and sin, by showing PARTIALITY in his relationship with his two sons born to him at age 60, who were born to Rebekah at the same time, Esau emerging first (Gen 25:21-26).

So we read that “as the boys grew” : “And Isaac loved Esau (a cunning hunter, a man of the field), because he did EAT of his VENISON ; but Rebekah loved Jacob (a ‘plain’ man in tents)” (Gen 25:27,28; Rom 9:10-14).

God did not love Esau LESS. For good reason (knowing the end from the beginning) He disfavoured him while respecting Jacob more.

Through Isaac’s weakness of character at that stage, he had developed an irrational, tenacious soul-tie which skewed his judgment and his emotions.

The meaning of “plain” in Gen 25:27 makes all the difference to the exposition of this part of the unfolding covenant drama:

Usually (morally) pious; specifically, gentle, dear: which when coupled together denote plain, undefiled, upright. (Strong’s H8552)

To elaborate further, “plain” denotes
sound, wholesome, an ordinary (unpretentious), quiet sort of person
having integrity.

Common sense tells us that Rebekah’s was the nobler love.

Isaac’s vicarious delight in Esau’s physical prowess and the TASTE of the evidence of his cunning hunting victories was CARNAL, to say the least; even absurd as the basis of preferential affection for one sibling and of the inevitable divisiveness which would threaten the continuity of the dynasty upon which salvation of the world would depend.

In all these years, the sociological and psychological polarization between extrovert Esau and introvert Jacob, which may have seemed innocent, grew.

It would lead to death threats when immature Esau wouldn’t face the fact of Jacob’s chosenness as Isaac’s heir.

It is inconceivable that Rebekah withheld the Gen 25:23 prophecy from Isaac, because there is no plausible reason for such secrecy.

After all, Isaac’s faithful intercession was the catalyst for Rebekah’s barrenness being reversed: “And Isaac entreated YHVH for his wife, because she was barren, and the LORD heard (was entreated of him) and Rebekah his wife conceived” (Gen 25:21).

They must have rejoiced together and given thanks for the miracle.

There was no obvious strain in the relationship that might account for callous and foolish disregard for their blessings.

This put Rebekah’s delivery of two sons in a similar bracket to Sarah’s delivery against all odds, of Isaac, given the barrenness they’d had in common.

Her subsequently troubled pregnancy could not have escaped Isaac’s notice and compassion, nor the outcome of her petition for an explanation for her prenatal suffering – which she’d petitioned in the poignant words “…why am I thus” (Gen 25:22b), which garnered the astonishing reply that two DISPARATE nations (“two MANNER of people”), as divergent in essence as Isaac’s and Ishmael’s were being gestated, and that the older (which would be Esau, birthed first), would serve the younger (Jacob) (Gen 25:23).

Paradoxically, this contrasts with, yet also strikingly resembles Isaac’s pre-eminence (as bona fide covenant firstborn to Sarah) as lord to ISHMAEL (who was not the firstborn of the Gen 15:4 prophecy, but born of a different mother), as Jacob (prophetically constituted heir by sure prophetic title) was lord to Esau (Gen 27:37).

Neither parent was unaware of Jacob’s election by grace BY PROPHECY (Gen 25:23) as Isaac’s heir and therefore, AS the third dynastic patriarch of YHVH’s household of faith.

Esau’s vigorous outdoor interests and churlish temperament most likely distracted him from co-responsibility to carry the baton of the then known Torah, “the Way of YHVH” received by revelation and instructed by grandfather Abraham under God’s directions (Gen 18:18,19; 26:5).

That Esau grew up believing that the covenant blessing was his is not surprising, given Isaac’s soul-tie, favouritism, wilful ignorance of YHVH’s decree in favour of Jacob, selective omission of knowledge while raising Esau and therefore wilful discrimination against Jacob (Gen 25:31-33).

This is where the plot of the narrative requires especially careful handling.

Was the birthright actually Esau-Edom’s before becoming Jacob’s, or is the narrative treating the facts IRONICALLY by portraying life from Esau’s perspective – his belief that he was incontrovertibly the heir and that he could even barter the birthright at will?

Jacob playing along, by offering to buy the birthright which, as the “plain,” righteous son not unfamiliar with Torah, he’d have known is IMPOSSIBLE!

Knowing Esau’s inflammatory nature, his character, or lack of it, did Jacob reckon this strategy easier than directly confronting Esau with the blunt terms of the Gen 25:23 prophecy that “the elder shall serve the younger”?

We recall Joseph living to regret telling his brothers prematurely that they would serve him (Gen 37:4-11).

Is this scenario there to expose the infantilized condition of this cunning, worldly outdoorsman, who by despising ‘his’ birthright by trading it for a dish of lentils, establishes his own ignominy?

Here the analogy with Isaac and Ishmael becomes very important.

Isaac is the covenant child of the promise given in Gen 15, BEFORE conception, birth and weaning in Gen 21:1-8.

He is sanctified as firstborn in the womb.

He is BORN AS HEIR to Abraham.

Ishmael is the imprudent improvization. Though he lived first, he is not the prophesied son and heir, even though a firstborn.

Jacob, designated heir prenatally, is also sanctified IN the womb.

Esau emerges FIRST, because prophecy ORDAINED that order of delivery, for it (the Gen 25:23 prophecy) to be fulfilled, for Israel to be “chief of nations,” as Isaac (and later YHVH Himself) would himself CONFIRM in his prophecy over Jacob, when endowing him with the blessing of the ELECT, deserving, firstborn CONSECRATED male (Gen 25:23; 27:29; 28:3,4,10-19; 35:11; Jer 31:7); NOT because Esau would emerge as PROVISIONAL heir.

That point cannot be stressed enough.

Esau was not born a PROVISIONAL HEIR (had he momentarily been heir, that status quo couldn’t ever have been more than provisional), because any presumptive claim to the Kingdom inheritance of Abraham and Isaac could not VEST in anyone other than the prophesied recipient of that exceedingly high honour and trust (Matt 8:11,12; Lk 1:32,33).

A presumptive claim must rest on CREDIBLE testimony (‘presumptive evidence’), not on the mere fact of birth timing.

The Word is precise in its recounting of Isaac’s and then Jacob’s prenatal election under a prophetic anointing on Rebekah, to refute ANY thought that Esau’s and Isaac’s claims to the contrary (Gen 37:25,26), have any legitimacy.

The birthright and blessing being NON-TRANSFERABLE, by the law of prophecy (Is 55:11).

Ephraim’s eligibility for “the blessing” due to Jacob/Israel’s prophecy and intervention in the Presence of Joseph (“God hath SHOWN me also thy seed” – Gen 48:8-22), over and against the circumstantial evidence of Manassah emerging first from the womb, STRENGTHENS the argument against Esau being an exception to the prophetic rule of faith which is both ‘irrefragable and indefeasible’ (irrefutable and cannot be annulled) as the common law of PRECEDENT, in the case of all three fathers of the faith.

Note how BLIND Jacob (” he could not see”) “guided his own hands WITTINGLY” (led by the Spirit), to follow what he’d been SHOWN in the Spirit (Gen 48:11,14) to be sure to place his RIGHT HAND (the right hand of fellowship) on EPHRAIM, the YOUNGER’s head, knowing that “Manassah was the firstborn”

Like Jacob and Esau, the principle of the older serving the younger who would be greater and stronger, would be re-enacted (Manassah would honour Ephraim’s election by grace), all because DIVINE PREROGATIVE must prevail over human preferences (Gen 48:16,19,20).

“His (Joseph’s father, Jacob) REFUSED” to cave in to pressure to acknowledge, institute and establish worldly priorities (Gen 48:19), just as he did in co-operating with Rebekah’s emergency rescue plan (Gen 27).

He “set Ephraim BEFORE Manassah” (Gen 48:20), because as “a plain man living in tents,” he had been raised in the Fear and admonition of YHVH (“God hath SHOWN me also thy seed”) as a true heir of grace and of the beauty of the holiness of the Way (Gen 18:18,19; 25:27).

What a change from Isaac’s near-suicidal derailment of everlasting salvation from the PATRIARCHAL TRACK OF DIVINE SELECTION, in idolatrously exalting Esau, a manpleaser, in his heart, by surrendering LESS than 100% of his soul to his father’s God by giving access to a pernicious soul-tie (Gen 15:2).

Soul-ties are rarely if ever benign.

There’ll always be those whom Divine Prerogative displeases (even briefly, as it did Joseph, in Manassah being overlooked – Gen 48:17-20), and as it did Isaac only at first, until his rude awakening (Gen 28), and of course Esau, until his eventual FRAGILE reconciliation with Jacob (Gen 33).

There’s a wealth of revelation of the mind of YHVH in that triumph of the Spirit over the flesh, in matters of death-to-self-will by seeking and obeying the LORD.

To sum up:

Jacob was a spiritual listening post. It’s impossible to make the case that he was not in close fellowship with his fathers’ God. Had he not been, in short order he would have been confounded, embarrassed and dispossessed in idolator Laban’s household (Gen 31:19,41,42).

Jacob was in Mesopotamia under covering of the Spirit and under a WEALTHY PROPHETIC MANDATE (Gen 27:29; 28:1-15; 31:9-13); as Abraham had been in his temporary sojourns from Canaan (Gen 12; 20).

For anyone to argue that the founding fathers whom YHVH LOVES (Deut 4:37; Rom 11:25-29) had LESS of the Spirit of YHVH than Moses (Is 63:11-14), the future leader of Abraham’s household (Acts 7:38), would be invidious.

Jacob is identified most strongly with true Instruction (Torah) and consequently with uprightness, as its heir (Gen 18:18,19; 26:5), BECAUSE he walked in its light.

We are not given a single example of Jacob profaning YHVH by being unGodly.

We know Jacob loved and trusted truth (Gen 32:10).

He never missed an opportunity to call on the Name. The sheer number of Divine visitations to Jacob and the comfort of prophecies received at all critical points in his life should dispel the myth of the amateur character profiles which plunder his reputation by slurring his motives, character and desires.

He continually testifies to and pleads for YHVH’s patronage and providence.

Edom existed because Esau gave it its lack of character, because Esau was of a different spirit to Jacob.

It’s the spirit of Esau-Edom that, like Amalek, will be last to be destroyed on the coming “Day/s of Jerusalem” (Armageddon then Gog and Magog, Gog and Magog 1&2) (Ps 137:7; Rev 20:6-19).

If we drill deep, we’ll see that until Isaac’s admission of his grave fault in driving an occult agenda behind Esau as his candidate for heir, he (Isaac) was dangerously UNEQUALLY YOKED with Esau who would not shy away from murderous defence of his pride and error (Gen 27:41-45), instilling fear in the household.

Soul-ties addle the brain.

Isaac’s self-deception ended only when the need for Jacob to marry into an approved lineage (which Esau had flouted – Gen 26:34,35) which Abraham’s brother Nahor’s line (Rebekah being daughter of Nahor’s son Bethuel) represented, caused it to dawn on him that Jacob wasn’t just going on a marriage journey to discover God’s pick for a covenant wife, but was going into self-exile in self-defence because of Esau’s rage at losing what was never his (Gen 27:40-45).

This was evidently when the blessing given to Jacob UNDER PRETENSE of impersonating Esau (Gen 27), was REITERATED by Isaac with mental assent on the eve of Jacob’s departure (Gen 28:1-7), though we’re left guessing how much of Isaac’s soul was in it.

Only God searches the heart.

Either YHVH/Y’shua is “LORD of ALL,” meaning that we too be light with no darkness in us to be pure as He is pure (1 Jn 1:5 – 3:10), for Him to possess one hundred percent of our souls, or we cannot be as He is and “remain forever” in Him (Lk 6:40; 1 Jn 2&3).

Possession all or in part, by DARKNESS, is a continual reality because as long as seed, time and harvest last (Gen 8:22), we will reap what we sow (Gal 6:7,8).

It’s the reason we’re saved to be sanctified by salting with fire (Mk 9:39; 1 Peter 4:12-17), because fiery trials alone can make God’s ways indelible in our hearts (Heb 10:16) through the purging and purifying like gold, which works experience and Godly knowledge into us as testimony to the salvation of our souls being the goal of our faith (Rom 5:3-5; 2 Cor 2:14; 1 Peter 1:2-9; 5:6-12).

Evidently Esau never attained that goal.

It’s not surprising he remained a credible threat to Jacob, as Edom is to Israel and their interests today.

All of this cannot but reflect on Isaac whose resistance of the Gen 25:23 prophecy (which flattered Esau) continued from age 60 when Jacob was born (he’d married Rebekah at 40), until Isaac’s old age (Gen 27:1,2,41).

What a long span of time to disconsole and diminish one’s true firstborn, who could only have found comfort and been strengthened by the Word, in the face of the attrition of lingering sibling favouritism.

This was torment.

What a way to treat God’s Voice (Gen 25:23).

Jacob’s soul-wounds still being somewhat raw, anxiety about Esau’s attitude and schemes was still afflicting him twenty years into marriage, which was twenty years after Jacob’s father had finally blessed him (Gen 32:9-12).

Was that blessing entirely sincere, or perfunctory?

The answer is kept deliberately ambiguous.

If it was sincere and done in contrition (about which Scripture is silent) one would expect that Esau’s horns would have been pulled in under Isaac’s rebuke (if, of course, Esau came under conviction for mistreating the true recipient of the blessing).

Perhaps Esau’s greatly mitigated behaviour towards Jacob in Gen 33:4 which on the face of it looks like a miraculous transformation, can be attributed to some influence from Isaac, but then again, maybe not.

Though there’s no record, perhaps YHVH spoke directly to Esau as He’d spoken to Laban, to knock sense into him (Gen 31:29).

We don’t read about any remorse by Isaac and restitution to persecuted Jacob.

In fact, Isaac DISAPPEARS from the narrative until his death and burial at age 180 by Jacob and Esau in Gen 35:28,29, which is altogether puzzling since Jacob was re-established in Canaan, his heritage, for some time before Isaac’s passing, erecting an altar and calling it El-Elohei-Israel, God of truth (Gen 33:16-20; Is 65:16).

No homecoming feast reported.

No reconciliatory paternal expressions of mercy and grace even hinted at.

No ceremony acknowledging the birth of the twelve patriarchs to Jacob and his wives, who as the Messianic House of Jacob would become the nucleus of the Hebrew “one new man” who would inherit the world (Lk 1:33; Rom 4:13,16; Eph 2:11,12,15,19; 3:6).

It’s a miracle therefore that Isaac possessed his soul to return to God in FULL consecration before being gathered to his fathers.

As Jacob was consecrated his entire life, becoming aspirational, upright, merciful and just, princely, bridal ‘Yeshurun,’ which is why the church is forever named after Jacob, not Israel, as an encouragement to us, to submit to and overcome trials of purification to be true sons (Gen 32:24-39; 35:9-12; Is 29:22-24; 44:1-8; Deut 33:4,5,28; Lk 1:33; Heb 12).

The Word of the LORD had come to Rebekah in her distress all those years before to settle the matter of the Patriarchal blessing which flows from the Patriarchy of Deity to the sanctified firstborn, through his father (Gen 25:23), because YHVH knew JACOB, not Esau, would be “devoted to His Fear (i.e. to the love AWE of God” (Ps 119:38).

We should all build these chapters into the shortlist of essential readings in our private library of character-development literature, because character, the footprint of the soul, is destiny; and our future, if we’re saved into the coming Kingdom (Is 9:6,7; Mk 11:10; Lk 1:32,33; Acts 1:6,7) through the Blood of the Messiah Y’shua-Jesus, Son of David, is joint-inheritance of the Universe in Him, by cleaving to the God of Jacob (Rom 4:13,16; 11:1-32)

Jacob’s righteous character is evident under the great strain of the trial of his faith in his encounter with Esau.

Jacob’s division of his household into “two bands” wasn’t just a prudent decision for self-defence and survival, even though his reasoning in Gen 32:8 and his appeasement strategy with lavish gifts, make that seem to be the case (Gen 32:7,8,13-23).

His reminding YHVH of His prophecies promising Jacob success, deliverance, protection, favour and great multiplication (Gen 32:9,12) showing that Jacob’s FAITH WAS STRONGER THAN HIS REASON, prove that (Gen 32:9-12).

While of course he was fearful of what the outcome of setting up the rendezvous with Esau would be (Gen 32:3), his Fear of God was stronger.

His actions show care, considerateness and kindness towards his dependents, not the desperate scheming of a fugitive and underdog, of which he was neither, having just been exalted to PRINCELY rank by the Angel of the LORD (Gen 32:28).

Esau, the cunning hunter and hands-on adventurer, had done well for himself, both in Canaan, and in Mnt Seir, after leaving the paternal home, which evidently made the crisis that arose over the birthright a distant memory, increasingly irrelevant to his new, apparently happy and contented married life, to Hittite and Ishmaelite stock (Gen 32:3; 33:9; 36:2,3,6-9).

There seems no trace of sibling envy and rivalry in the description of the reunion in Gen 33, especially verse 4, which must have allayed Jacob’s fears that Esau’s four hundred strong ‘household cavalry’ was an ominous presence (Gen 32:6).

In a prophetic twist, Rebekah’s hopeful prediction that Esau would somehow reform (“UNTIL thy brother’s fury turns away”) to allow Jacob a safe return, ON HER CUE (“THEN I will send and fetch thee from hence/Laban’s household” (Gen 27:43-45), is fulfilled by Jacob courageously taking the initiative to ‘test the water’ to “find grace in thy sight” (Gen 32:5) by sending messengers to let Esau know his plan to return to his father’s household (Gen 28:20,21; 32:3-5).

Rebekah could never have anticipated that her expectation of Jacob being TEMPORARILY ‘exiled’ from credible danger, “And tarry with Laban a FEW DAYS” (Gen 27:43), would stretch to TWENTY YEARS, due to Laban’s incessant demands (Gen 31:41) creating the ideal time and space, it seems, for Esau’s soul to be cured of its furious, murderous intent (Gen 27:41-44).

Reminds us of Rom 8:28

“And we KNOW that ALL things work together for good to them who love God, to them who are the called, according to His purpose,’ as Jacob surely was, and as we are, grafted into his household as his grandfather’s, father’s, and his seed, in the Messiah (Gen 12:2; 28:14; Lk 1:33; Rom 9:7; Gal 3:29).

The Supremacy of the Word

Through a love for worship and what occurs during worship, we need to be so careful not to magnify the ministry of the Spirit above the Word itself, because YaH has magnified His Torah above even His Name (Ps 138:1,2), His Name being only as good as His Word, His Word BEING Spirit and Life.

The Word outranks everything, in the pursuit of understanding of the truth.

All “revelation’ is subject to forensic Berean scrutiny using the plumline as the arbiter, by the Spirit.

The Spirit Himself is hemmed in by the Word.

Knowing the church’s fascination with the prophetic, he is not absent from spiritual meetings that take a lightweight approach to the full counsel.

Discernment by the Spirit is ordained THROUGH the full counsel.

Any spirit that does not magnify Torah (Is 42:21; Matt 5:17-19; Rom 3:31) is not the HOLY Spirit Who DERIVES His Holiness FROM THE WORD, which is why He is also known as “the Spirit of Y’shua-Jesus,” the “Holy One and the Just” (Acts 3:14; Gal 4:6) Who is the “express Image” of the Person and therefore of the three-fold Holiness of the eternal LRD-GD YHVH TZVAO’T (Is 6:3; Heb 1:1-3)

Living Out of the Cloud

Tradition suggests Moses received the foundational revelation of the Ten Words on sapphire tablets (Is 54:11) WHILE PHYSICALLY IN THE CLOUD (the manifest Presence) on SHABBAT MORNING. That is the pattern for seeking YHVH early, literally “anticipating (preventing) the dawn” from Sunday to Friday (Ps 88:13; 110; 119:147)

By ascending Jacob’s ladder of worship in Spirit and Truth as a lifestyle, to “continually resort to God,” drawing near the Godhead by meaning what we say in the morning ‘Shema’ (the twice-daily supreme Proclamation of the faith – Deut 6:4,5; Mk 12:28-34), we are to learn to abide in the Vine to live in but not of the world, by being continually in the Presence, from experience of lives totally dependent upon receiving Instruction and guidance OUT OF THE CLOUD, to walk in an open-vision anointing, being in the Spirit at all times (as the world does DIGITALLY today), the Cloud (Sh’kinah) being “the place of the Excellency of THE GLORY” which YHVH created, for His Name to be Hallowed.

We do this by leaning “not upon our own understanding,” but especially, by seeking and waiting on the LORD in the dawn vigil of sweet sessions of silent thought, to receive as our daily “certain rate,” impartation of PRECOGNITION (pre-thought thought deposited into our spirits like lodes of gold as freely impregnated ideas and impressions lending context to shape our destiny), to which Words (which are sacred) ARE THEN GIVEN, to clothe and give meaning and therefore substance to the confidential train of Divine thought (Ps 92:2,5; 94:19; 139:17) which is PRECONCEIVED and discerned by the SPIRIT OF REVELATION, WISDOM AND UNDERSTANDING (Is 11:2; Eph 1:17) Who searches the deep things of God, to reveal to us what has been prepared, for OUR glory (1 Cor 2:9,10,12), for our lives are “hidden WITH the Messiah in YHVH,” in Whom are hidden FOR us, “ALL the treasures of wisdom and knowledge,” as “grace to be accessed by faith.”

All the power of heaven, DISTILLED in the “principal wheat” of ‘Rhema’ Word (‘Davar ha Medubar’ – revelatory truth) as intimate daily personal instruction and direction, for us to “stand in His counsel” to be fully briefed to know our remit (the terms of reference of our mandate) to fulfil our “purpose in predestination” by “asking, seeking and knocking,” then “listening, watching and waiting” for His still, small voice (1 Kings 19:12) to bring clarity and coherence to our lives by EMBEDDING in our spirits what is germane and indispensable to conform our lives to His perfect will.

So shall each morning’s “certain rate” of spiritual manna (with a double portion on Friday’s 6th day “Preparation” for Shabbat) (Ex 16:4) be sufficient to illuminate our pre-ordained path of life (Ps 16:11; Prov 4:18) to bring the day to a prophetically “expected end” (Ps 5:3; 62:5; Prov 8:34-36; 23:17,18; 24:13,14; Jer 33:3; Eph 1:11)


In Y’shua-Jesus’ Name, may it please You Father to SUPERNATURALLY EQUIP those whom You’ve designated for a fully consecrated life by adoption (Eph 1:4-6), to establish and enhance each of our family’s rôles in the family tree within the Abrahamic dynasty of Your Kingdom (Gen 12:2,3; Lk 1:33; Gal 3:29), to build upon the righteous legacy of forebears, which will redound to Your Glory.

In this way may our pedigree (lineage; family line, all the way to Noah), sanctified by Your Blood through our repentance and good works (Lev 26:40-42; Rom 15:16-18; Titus 2:13,14); and our heraldry (coats of arms, symbols of heredity) raised beneath the Banner of Y’shua as Ensign of Israel (Nu 2:2; Ps 60:4; Is 11:10-12) reflect OUR fulfilment of every covenant test of virtue and holiness, for the glory of the perfection of Your love command by coming into the light by doing all the truth we were born again to embrace as wisdom (Prov 4:8; Jn 3:21; 1 Jn 1:5-9), to be “pillar” households exemplifying “the Way,” to replicate ourselves in other households also being taught to navigate these perilous latter days of Noah to attain final redemption on the narrow path (Jn 3:19-21; Rom 2:6-13; 2 Cor 3:18; Col 1:22,23,28; 4:12b; 2 Peter 1:3; 4:17; 5:2&3; 2 Jn vs 5&6; Rev 3:10-12)


This is how, through the purity of lives given access to the Cloud (Ps 50:5,23; 65:4), we too can fetch and take Words, to illuminate our way to be an inspiration to others, to follow no other way than “THE Way” (Acts 24:14). HalleluYaH

Insights into Deuteronomy 33:2&4

Deut 33:2,4

TOPIC: Choice inevitably requires discernment, and discernment, knowledge; and true knowledge and understanding, the inspiration of the Spirit.

Our greatest need as sons-in-discipleship-by- the-Spirit, to receive the resurrection promise of salvation, by ingrafting by adoption into the “good (natural) olive tree” which is nourished symbiotically, from Y’shua as the Root, by the golden oil of wisdom from BOTH the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament which He affirmed (Matt 5:19), is that we have patience to understand how the “fiery law” (Godly Instruction in holiness) which is “the heritage of the congregation of Jacob” (Deut 33:2,4), fits into the preparation by the Spirit, under grace, of a worthy bride for the eternal House of Jacob (Lk 1:32,33; Rom 2:13,26; 3:31; 8:4,14; 11:1-29; James 1:22-25; 2:12-26).

By the grace of YHVH, these notes will help

Reaching the end of the annual Messianic reading cycle (Deut 33&34) which magnifies Torah (Is 42:21) by proving our dependence upon the wisdom in the Hebrew Scriptures for accurate understanding of “the FULL message (ALL the words) of this new life” (Acts 5:20; 20:26,27,31,32), is like watching the last embers of a warming winter fire in one’s own hearth in the presence of good company, give their final glow. The embers may die, but the memory of the evening is burnt-in to the spirits of those who sat before it, as part of the comforting nostalgia which uniquely shapes the subconscious record of our lives.

So it is for those who habitually sit under Instruction at the Master’s Feet (Lk 10:39-42; Rom 3:31), to ‘Shema’ (Listen/Hear, to treasure and observe/enact and manifest the truth in) His every syllable (Deut 6:4,5; 8:3b; Job 23:12b; Is 66:2; Mk 12:28-34), to receive “the LIGHT of the KNOWLEDGE of the glory of YHVH” and His “Way,” which IS “the Word of His grace” given to “build us up” by WARNING (exhorting, with admonishment), WARMING (encouraging and comforting) and STRENGTHENING the soul, for us to have “the excellency of the power” and “the treasure in earthen vessels,” of discernment (quickness of understanding to make righteous distinctions) and Divine KNOWHOW to perfect the love of God, to be “AS our Master,” entirely conformed to His image, by the sanctifying work of His Spirit which produces pure, true and faithful sons who walk in the light at all costs, because God is Light (Ps 119:96-105; Lk 6:40; 20:21; Jn 1:12; Rom 8:4,14,29; 15:16-18; 2 Thess 2:13-15; Heb 12; 1 Jn 1-3; 4:16,17; 5:2&3).

The wisdom of the Father of the families of heaven and earth SATURATES His EVERLASTING “covenant of life and peace” (Mal 2:5; Heb 13:20,21) which is built upon His perfect, “fiery,” washing, cleansing and sanctifying law of liberty (Deut 33:2,4; Ps 119:45; Rom 3:31; 8:4,14,18-23; Eph 5:26,27; 1 Thess 5:23; James 1:22-25; 2:12) which STRADDLES THE WORD from Gen 1:1 to Rev 22:19 and is found WHEREVER and WHENEVER the Holy Spirit QUICKENS THE LOGOS (to guard us against going beyond what is written) (Jn 6:63) by revealing FACETS of “the paths of righteousness” (Ps 23:3) which comprise the narrow Way of Holiness (Is 35:8), which we need to know for Him to lead and guide us in “ALL truth” to attain the crown of Life (Matt 7:13-27; Phil 2:12-15; 3:10-17; Jn 12-16).

Which is why we need to ‘squeeze out revelation knowledge’ on a wide scale (Alef to Tav, Gen to Rev) by JOINING the “diligent search” by the Spirit of all the Scriptures, ‘old’ and ‘new’ (Matt 13:43-45; 52; 2 Cor 1:10-13), as it were ‘cold-pressing the oil of the two olive trees’ (the Tanakh/Hebrew Scriptures & the New Testament broadly represented by Moses and Elijah as John the Baptist respectively), to draw out the full meaning of the full counsel of YHVH.

If we are submitted, He helps us accomplish this otherwise daunting task by gently urging us to follow His lead to seek the precepts to LEARN the LIBERTY that comes from “continuance” (Is 64:5; Jn 8:31,32,36; Rom 2:6-13) as we “follow after righteousness” to follow on to know the LORD (Hosea 6:1-3) as righteous Abraham did in pursuit of perfection of holiness (Gen 17:1; 18:18,19; 26:5; Ps 119:45; Is 51:1-7; Acts 10:35; 1 Tim 6:11-14), to lead a GODLY LIFE OF REPENTANCE through to the end, by walking wholeheartedly “in YHVH,” and He in us by His Spirit, to be perfected (1 Cor 8:6; 2 Cor 6:16; Col 1:22;23,28,29; 2:6; 2 Tim 3:17) by producing “fruit (obedience) ‘meet’ for (worthy of) repentance,” to prove worthy of acceptance in the First Resurrection as “the (faithful) blessed and holy,” because though many are invited, relatively few will be unblameable to be chosen as the bride (Matt 3:8-10; Lk 20:35; 26:18,20; Jn 15:2; Acts 26:18,20; 2 Cor 5:9-11; Titus 2:11-14; 1 Jn 1-3; 5:18; Rev 17:14; 20:6).

Those who will be “delivered from the wrath to come” will be those who have “lived (repentantly, obediently, holily, “crucified to the world” and have thereby lived) FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS” (1 Peter 1:2b,13-17,24; 1 Jn 3:3-10; 5:18).

THAT is how we are be OCCUPIED WAITING till the spotless Lamb’s return (1 Thess 1:10; Titus 2:11-13).

That’s the meaning of the idiomatic expression, “KEEPING ‘THE WORD OF HIS PATIENCE’ ” (namely, wisely heeding HIS patient waiting for US, to give US more time to fully reject error and unbelief to be sanctified by all the truth in the “clean Fear of YHVH” (Ps 19:7-13; Is 42:14,15; 48:9; 57:11; Jn 17:17 19; Rev 3:10; 14:6,7,12; 2 Peter 3:9-18).

The fruit, for those who humbly respond correctly to the balanced teaching and prophesying of the authentic Gospel of grace, will be confirmed salvation (1 Cor 1:8) and thereby, assurance of eternal life.

Final and full redemption (of our bodies) (Rom 8:23) is conditional upon ‘living clean’ in the Way of holiness, to not be cut off (Is 35:8; Acts 24:14; Jn 15:2-15; ﹰRom 8:4; 11:22).

Never was a wiser word spoken than that ‘the fruit of repentance IS salvation and eternal life,’ because there’s no forgiveness without repentance, and the growing in the knowledge of God and therefore, in ongoing repentance, which Peter describes in 2 Peter 3, is INCOMPLETE if God’s WAYS are NOT KNOWN – the ways of God, obedience to which the Spirit is given to us to WIN us over from unrighteousness to righteousness in word and deed, to “win Christ” (Rom 15:16-18; Phil 2&3).

None of us should underestimate the importance of our baptism of REPENTANCE for the remission of sins.

Our water baptism of repentance is far more than a static, one time event, but instead, both an act of repentance for “sins that were PAST” (Rom 3:25) AND a DYNAMIC COMMITMENT to spending the time CONDITIONALLY allotted to us to continue drawing breath on this earth (Ps 119:17-21,77) on probation as a candidate for inclusion in the bride, to LEARN and PREFER the will of God over carnal reasoning and human tradition, by repenting EACH TIME we come across fresh understanding of His requirements (e.g. Matt 5:19; 1 Cor 7:19; 11:1,2) in order to broaden the inclusive scope of our obedience to walking in the light, in order to ATTAIN and REMAIN in His perfect will (Rom 12:1,2).

Sin is “condemned in the flesh” (the corollary of “the law was weak through the flesh”) (Rom 8:3 being the fruit of baptismal circumcision – Rom 6:1-6; Col 2:10-13) when we ALLOW the Holy Spirit to both instruct us in righteousness AND lead us away from sin in PROVEN fire- and faith-tested repentance, by fine-tuning our consciences and BEING the power WITHIN us to overcome the power of sin’s dominion (Rom 6:6-22), SO THAT there’s no longer either HINDRANCE or EXCUSE for NOT allowing “the righteousness of the law to be fulfilled in us,” as it was in Y’shua (Rom 8:4,14; 1 Jn 2:3-6).

This is when we’re ASSURED we’re free of condemnation – not by only making a one-time ‘decision for Christ,’ but when for us individually, Godly law becomes known as “the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus,” BECAUSE we CHOOSE to conscientiously abide in the Vine (remain in Messiah) by being “servants of righteousness” by observing the rules of the race by the Spirit, to be “dead with Christ” to sin (1 Cor 9:24-27; 2 Tim 2:5,11) by walking AFTER the Spirit IN the power of the Spirit, to decisively overcome the sin whose wages are always death (Rom 6:18-23; 8:1-3)

Rom 2:13,26 & Titus 2:11-13 end all debate about grace and law which over the course of a consecrated life are designed to BE the HARMONY that brings us to the blessed state of purity that results from the transfiguring of our souls from glory to glory (2 Cor 3:18) through death to self-will by SURRENDER to the will of God.

Titus 2:11-13 reads “For the grace of God that brings salvation…teaches us to SAY NO to UNGODLINESS and worldly passions, to live self-controlled, upright, Godly lives in this present age while we wait for the blessed hope…” Godliness learnt from the laws of God, good for THAT EXPRESS PURPOSE (Rom 3:20; 7:7,12-16,22,25; 1 Tim 1:8-11).

There’s no “white linen” for those who scoff at the OIL OF THE SPIRIT (revelation knowledge of “the Way”) by scoffing at the holy precepts of the covenant given to keep us out of breach of faith and in Y’shua’s love on the narrow path (Matt 25:10-12; Rom 8:4,6,7; Heb 5:11-14; 6:128:8-12; 10:16,26-39; 12:25-29; Rev 3:1-6,16; 2:5,26; 19:7,8).

We don’t EARN righteousness by “working righteousness” (Acts 10:35; Rom 6:1-22; 1 Jn 3:7).

We live-up to our imputed righteousness by faith perfected by works (Eph 2:10; James 2:14-26), to PROVE that the baptismal work of grace (heart circumcision to make repentance outward reality) is having the desired effect to prove our claim that we ARE the righteousness of YHVH by MANIFESTING righteousness, to REFLECT the light of YHVH’s Righteousness to the darkened world.

Either that, or we hypocritically profess to be children of light.

Our walk/race is a Spirit-governed and executed road-test of the genuineness of our faith (Rom 5:3-5; 1 Peter 1:1-9; 5:6-12), as those called to be wholly obedient TO the faith (Col 4:12b) according to “the doctrine according to Godliness” (Rom 1:5; 6:17; 15:16-18; 1 Tim 6:3).

“Buying gold refined in fire” is a metaphor for the necessary process of sanctification we have to complete by refinement, for our purification (Dan 11:35; 1 Peter 1:7; 1 Jn 3:3; Rev 3:18).

It goes hand in hand with asking for “eye salve” and “buying oil” (Matt 25:10-12; Rev 3:18).

To be “chaste virgins” (2 Cor 12:2), we can’t do without any one of that metaphorical trio (each critical to examining our own spiritual condition – 1 Cor 11:27-32; 2 Cor 13:5; 2 Peter 1:10,11), if we are to do what Heb 2:1-3 & Heb 12 require of us, to RETAIN the seal of the firstfruits of the Spirit of YHVH (Eph 1:13,14; 4:30) AND have the protective mark of YHVH on our foreheads, only to be given to those who don’t refuse to co-operate with the writing of His precepts on their hearts, for us to serve those instructions with our minds (Prov 7:1-3; Jer 31:33,34; Rom 7:25; 8:4; Heb 8:8-12; 10:16; Rev 22:3,4).

Salvation, after all, is the grace to both RECEIVE and MAINTAIN the ORIGINAL INNOCENCE gifted to us by believing “the Word of faith” which “made us the righteousness of YaH in Y’shua-Jesus” (Jn 15:3; Rom 4; 2 Cor 5:21), to PURIFY OURSELVES to BE righteous (2 Cor 7:1; 2 Tim 2:20,21; 1 Jn 3:3-7,10) to be holy (Rom 6:22), to “remain forever” “in the Messiah,” to “remain forever” WRITTEN in the Book of Life (the one depends on the other) by having SERVED HIM ACCEPTABLY by joyfully serving His precepts, the transformed by renewal of the spirit of our minds (Rom 7:25-8:14; 12:1,2; Eph 4:23,24; Heb 12:28; 1 Jn 2:3-6,17,28,29).

So Deut 33 has embedded within it, extremely important counsel to give us if we are to be numbered amongst chaste-virgin Israel of God-“Yeshurun,” the sanctified remnant holy nation from antiquity (Ex 19:4-8; 1 Peter 2:9,10; Heb 12:23; Rev 1:6; 5:9,10), by the election of grace designated heirs of the world as the eternal House of Jacob, YHVH’s Portion, for His glory (Is 46:13; Haggai 2:7,9; Rom 4:13; Lk 1:33), the household of the dynasty of Abraham and David, the household of God (Lk 1:32; Eph 2:11,12,19) in and over which Y’shua will reign FOREVER, as King of Jacob (Deut 32:8,9; Ps 59:13; Is 41:21,27; Rom 9-11; 2 Cor 11:2; Gal 6:16).

To conclude, “the ‘church’ of YHVH” (the kahal/ekklesia/”general assembly [for Appointed Times] and congregations of the fountain of Jacob” the firstborn nation) (Gen 25:23; Ex 4:22,23; Ps 68:26; 74:2; Acts 7:38; Lk 1:33; Heb 12:23; Rev 21:12), was scheduled from ANTIQUITY, to be the commonwealth of heart-circumcised and Spirit-filled Jacob- “Yeshurun” (Deut 10:16; 30:6; 33:5,26; Is 44:1-8; Ezek 36; Eph 2:11,12,15,19; 3:6), in which the Holy Spirit (as Counsellor, in HIS ministry of righteousness – 2 Cor 3:8,9) would teach all Whom YHVH gives to His Son, to INTUITIVELY know right from wrong, NOT APART from study of the laws of life, but in conjunction with them (Rom 3:20b; 7:7) TO THE DEGREE that we immerse ourselves in the pursuit of the knowledge of truth and righteousness (Eph 5:26,27), to overwrite our hearts with the higher ways of the Kingdom, to reflect “true holiness” to fulfil the high call in Y’shua, to “glory and virtue” (Eph 4:12-14,23,24; Heb 8:8-12; 2 Peter 1).

Nowhere in Scripture is license given to trade Spirit off against the yoke of the Word (Instruction) (Matt 11:29,30; Jn 8:51,52), or visa versa, for they, like the One Who teaches us, the Godhead Himself, are uniquely and forever One (Jn 6:45,63; 1 Jn 5:7).

How can anyone be CONFIDENT that they’re meeting the test of Titus 2:11-13 (saying NO to unGodliness) unless Torah (“Instruction” as expanded/magnified by Y’shua – Matt 5:17–20; 2 Tim 3:14-17) is being taught (to UNlearn UNrighteousness) as the BENCHMARK FOR REPENTANCE, for grace for salvation “to the uttermost” to be fully appropriated (Jn 1:16; Heb 5:9; 7:25; 12:14,28) for it to be worked out in reverential Fear and trembling, to have run a true race, actually keeping the faith, to be as blameless, as “holy, harmless and undefiled” as the Master Himself? (Phil 2:12,13,15; 2 Tim 4:3-8; Heb 7:26).

May the LORD bless you for considering these revelations

TOPIC: A reader’s question arising from Acts 15:20 & 16:4,5

We might well ask whether there is a relationship between 1) the ‘legal QUARTET’ of FOUR Levitical purity requirements prescribed to the church in Acts 15:19,20; 2) the TEN WORDS of the Tablets of the Sinai Marriage Covenant; and 3) the weekly 7th day Sabbaths and the SEVEN related Holy Sabbatical Convocations in their THREE respective FEAST SEASONS (Gen 2:2,3; Ex 20:8-11; 23:10-17; Deut 16; Is 56:6; Matt 5:19; 12:8).

With this in mind, a reader asks:

Does Acts 16:4,5’s cross-reference to the FOUR RULINGS in Acts 15:20 as “decrees” (which Strong’s Concordance also defines as dogma, laws or ordinances) also INDIRECTLY refer to the Ten Commandments and the perpetual, blessed TIME-RELATED precepts – which include the WEEKLY Shabbat and ANNUAL Sabbaths – the “Holy Convocations” given to us forever, as practised in antiquity, and GROUNDED in observance of the Fourth Commandment, confirmed by the LORD and Paul in Word and deed? (Matt 5:19; Rom 3:31)


Whether we know it or like it or not, there’s no question that BEHAVIOURAL CONSTRAINTS (some evidence of a circumcised heart/repentant lifestyle, at the very least) apply to acceptance of individuals for participation in the LORD’s set-apart Appointments (Holy Convocations/Sacred Assemblies/High Sabbaths) (Ex 12:48,49; Ps 24:3-6; 42:2,4; Rom 2:13,25-27).

It can be very dangerous taking the ‘holy ground’ of the uniquely sacred Sabbaths, lightly.

The sages warn us that the Divine Appointments are for those who have PURE hearts, not for those who SIMULATE (affect) having circumcised hearts (Deut 10:16-21; Jer 4:4; 9:24-26).

Undoubtedly, Acts 15:20, which pinpoints crucial ‘hygiene factors’ for a righteous walk, addresses this basic concern.

‘Basic’ in the sense that keeping the Ordained Appointments with our Holy Maker, to be “nourished on pure doctrine” in His Presence, and by feasting at HIS table (Ps 23), is the BASIS of covenant-keeping for the sanctification of TIME, within which everything else CREATED, exists.

Idolators, fornicators, the “effeminate” (who violate natural law) and others who fall under certain descriptions of unrighteousness, are unworthy of the most intimate spiritual fellowship.

Generally, God is patient with our spiritual growth (Is 48:9; 57:11b), covering our faltering steps with His Blood (lest we be destroyed) as we learn obedience under grace, but He draws a solid red line FROM DAY ONE, with “these NECESSARY things” in Acts 15:20.

Converts must have produced proof of repentance by having turned from ABOMINATIONS, or the Feasts themselves are polluted and the congregations, defiled.

It’s tempting to believe that salvation by grace entails accountability to no more than FOUR stipulations for righteous living.

However, SANCTIFICATION of spirit, soul and body (1 Thess 5:23) would be a feat, if there were so FEW precepts to lead us away from the REPROBATE nature of the first Adam, to the PURITY of the Last Adam which only heart circumcision and submission to the inward working of the Spirit (the grace which enables obedience to God’s holy requests of us), can accomplish.

We would not be stretching the truth by alleging that in the mind of Messiah are the following riders:

Acts 15:24

“…to whom we gave no such commandment (for your RECONCILIATION and INNOCENCE to be reinstated)”

‘ “But now ye have been made clean through the Word,” “if you love Me” you will follow-on to know Me by learning and doing My commandments’

Jn 14:15,21-24; 15:3-15; 1 Jn 2:3-6

Neither Y’shua-Jesus nor Paul ever knew or kept what we call Sun day as anything but “Yom Rishon,” the head or “first day of the week” (“day the first”), the resumption of the work-week after Shabbat, which dates from the beginning of time according to the pattern of the week of Creation.

The Saviour and His chief Apostle to the Gentiles would have been regarded as having uncircumcised ears and hearts (Jer 4:4; 6:10), had they confessed and acted differently, thereby following a different gospel.

Due to Y’shua being “LORD, even of Shabbat,” the “everlasting covenantal sign” of “all power/authority in heaven and earth” vested in Him over the redeemed (Ex 31:13,16; Matt 28:18), Shabbat is symbolically the THRESHOLD of Y’shua as the “Door” (Jn 10:9,10), which we pass over through the Doorway (i.e. “in Christ”) to “go in (enter Shabbat for total rest) and out (into the secular world) to FIND pasture” after the weekly close of Shabbat, by walking after the Spirit IN but not OF the world from sunset Saturday to mid afternoon Friday.

In other words, labouring VIRTUOUSLY during the six days APPOINTED for work, to establish testimony, and thereby, reputation for the covenant and our covenant-keeping God (Deut 7:9-15; 8:18).

So to characterize Shabbat as anything other than a core axiom of the faith, would be SEDITIOUS DISINFORMATION.

Logically, Shabbat (the inception of “the Way” in Gen 2:2,3) is the first of “the first ways of…David” and is therefore undeniably, at the front of the “first works (of righteousness)” which will be used to evaluate our loyalty to Y’shua as our “Firstlove,” since our salvation is “the sure mercies of David” (2 Chr 17:3-6; Is 55:1-5; Acts 10:35; 13:32-39; Rev 2:4,5).

Just a glance at Is 58:13,14 (14 especially) should convince us that attainment of the promise of ABUNDANT life in Jn 10:10 is heavily dependent on NOT DISOWNING the Biblical, seventh day Sabbath.

Rev 2:4,5 describes Ephesus’ serious spiritual condition, due to estranging themselves from Paul’s MESSIANIC teaching (Rom 3:31).

Amongst all the procedural principles ignored or renounced by the church, misuse of Sun day as an imposter for Shabbat, is the most serious disruption of the Biblical blueprint for the unhindered flow of grace.

Given the number of references to Shabbat in Acts (none of which refer to the first day of the week), it’s inconceivable that Paul, Timothy and Titus would not have affirmed the church in Shabbat-keeping.

No-one can read Ex 20 and Deut 5 and claim Sun day is the seventh day of Scripture (just consider the weekday order, as historically defined in any reputable dictionary), without displaying evidence of a profoundly unscrupulous streak.

Those who follow Rome’s rejection of the Ten Commandments by their denial of Shabbat (according to Scripture, denying even one is repudiation of all), by choosing Sun day over Shabbat as an ‘ecclesiastical innovation,’ show YHVH that they are NOT taking His command seriously, to submit to His Spirit to write His laws on their hearts, to serve them with their minds (Prov 7:1-3; Rpm 7:22,25; Heb 8:8-12; 10:16).

This failure is ultimate proof that they are neither being led by the Spirit (Rom 8:4,14) nor obeying His Son (Heb 5:9), through Whom the Spirit of Holiness originally blessed and set apart the Genesis Frid sunset to Sat sunset Shabbat, as the EVERLASTING covenantal sign between redeemed man and the Creator-Redeemer God of the Hebrews, as well as to Principalities and Powers (Ex 31:13,16; Eph 3:1-10), that they are adopted, by grace, in the eternal House of Jacob which our Master Y’shua will rule forever (Is 14:1; 45:4; 54:3; 55:5; Lk 1:33; Acts 5:32; Rom 7:22,25 – 8:14; 11:17-29).

The grace we partake of with Paul for the “defence and confirmation” of the Gospel and therefore, for the defence and confirmation of the sanctified and blessed Holy Sabbath of the Fourth Commandment (Ex 20:8-11; Is 56:6; 58:13,14; 66:22-24), the first and holiest commandment prepared for and given to man (Gen 2:2,3; Mk 2:27,28; Heb 4:1-6,9-11), is FUNDAMENTAL to our high vocation of holiness, which is to be “valiant for the truth” (Jer 9:3), to testify to and walk in “all truth,” to keep and defend “the one faith,” by the truth being our witness – “to have a good testimony from ALL [who’ve ever walked righteously, as the narrow path demands] AND indeed, from THE TRUTH ITSELF,” that we are “manifestly a letter from the Messiah” (neither adding nor subtracting anything from “the Way”) and therefore a seal of Paul’s apostleship (certifying by our example that he both lived and taught all the truth) (Acts 20:25-32; Phil 1:6,7; 1 Cor 9:1-3; 2 Cor 3:2,3; Eph 4:1-4; 2 Tim 4:3-8; 3 Jn 1:3,4,12; Jude vs 3; Rev 14:6,7,12; 22:14,15,18,19).

We can safely assume that the Acts 15:19-24 table fellowship Regulations/ “Judgments” (“mishpatim in Hebrew which the KJV describes as “decrees”) AND the “Ketubah” (Marriage Covenant) of Ten indivisible Words (Ex 34:27,28,32) and the Seven Holy Convocations (which are extensions of the weekly Shabbat), are JOINTLY foundational doctrine originally kept by all converts (Jude vs 3), as historical records prove conclusively.

The Spirit has QUEUED our heavenly Father’s instructions, for us to encounter and learn to apply them “line by line, precept by precept, here a little there a little,” to mature in obedience to live a sanctified life, wholly in the light, in the full stature of the spotless Lamb of God (Is 28:9-13; Eph 4:12-14,23,24; 1 Thess 5:23; 1 Jn 1-3).

Acts 15:20 is at the FOOT of the ladder of sanctification by being at the HEAD of that queue (priority-wise), along with the Ten Words which include Shabbat, the principal and holiest time-related precept.

Acts 15:20 is not a ‘new,’ liberating mini-Torah as many believers suppose, but a specimen summary of behaviours that are an ABOMINATION to the LORD. Verse 20 barely scratches the surface of what full consecration to the will of YHVH entails (Matt 6:10; 12:50; 28:20; Col 4:12b).

For anyone seriously enquiring after truth, in less than a couple of minutes, a comparison of Acts 15:20 with 1 Cor 5:7-12; 6:9-20 & Eph 5:2-18 will reveal that the contents of Acts 15:20 can’t possibly be the final word on obedience.

If we insist on holding that view, we’ll subvert our souls by deceiving ourselves (“oppose ourselves” as in 2 Tim 2:19-26), and will find it impossible to meet the test of doing “NOTHING AGAINST the truth” (2 Cor 13:5,8).

To put it bluntly, it’s the false gospel of “THE WILL OF THE GENTILES” (dictates of the flesh; rulings of the nations; commandments and doctrines of men; human tradition) (Col 2:8,20,22) which insists that grace now OVERRIDES duties and obligations of sonship, instead of providing the holy power to FACILITATE our full obedience.

Acts 15:20 becomes a fetish (an object of irrational reverence) and a rather dumb rule of thumb to apostates (wilfully ignorant defectors to a different gospel) who haven’t the common sense, let alone the wisdom, to consult the rest of the Bible to grasp how challenging its call is to absolute purity through the obedience of sacrificial living as proof of love (1 Jn 5:2&3), beginning with the principles taught in the Sermon on the Mount.

There are no shortcuts to purification of a bride, and purification, essential to our perfection (Col 1:28,29), is impossible without delighting in the Father’s Instruction (Matt 5:48; 12:50).

That means that recusants (those who obstinately refuse to be conformed to sound doctrine, to be conformed to the image of the Messiah), will hope in vain for a good expected end (Prov 24:13,14).

It’s obvious no Jewish Apostle or protege of Jesus’ Apostles would have press-ganged newly believing Gentiles into a PAGAN mold.

There was no semblance of a Sun day ‘sabbath’ ’till the official apostasy in 321AD and 325AD, which arrogantly overruled the weekly Biblical Sabbath and the Passover Feast of Unleavened Bread (Matt 12:8; Lk 22:1,16-18; 1 Cor 5:7,8).

Early believers, under more or less direct instruction by the Apostles, would all have known that “the seventh day” is the one and only Shabbat; and the three Pilgrim Feasts, the infrastructure for our complete sanctification (Ex 23:10-17; Deut 16; 1 Thess 5:23), for all generations who would join themselves to Israel by faith, to cleave to THEIR God, the one and only God (Ex 23:17; Deut 4:39,40; Is 14:1; 56:6-8; Zech 12:1; Jn 10:16).

It boggles the mind how anyone could keep a straight face trumpeting Acts 15:20, while denouncing ANY of the Ten Words, which were given “in commandmenT” (as “the commandment to keep the commandmentS” – Ex 34:32; Deut 30:10,11; 2 Jn vs 5&6) as the overall benchmark for holy living.

Take a look at Deuteronomy 4:13&14 for confirmation:

Those 4 Acts 15:20 “Judgments” (wise determinations on how to live Godly lives in community, especially in the intimacy of table fellowship), FOLLOW-ON (vs 14) from observance of the pillar-like, immutable Ten Words (vs 13), now to be transferred by the Spirit of Truth from stone Tablets and written on the fleshy tablets of our hearts, to be found in the Holy of Holies of the tabernacle of our flesh, now the Temple of the Spirit, or our standing as disciples of truth and righteousness is questionable (2 Cor 3:3; Heb 10:16).

Anyone who imagines that these four ‘collateral’ (concurrent/concomitant but subordinate) Levitical PURITY requirements (which would have been in “the SIDE of the Ark” alongside the Tablets – Deut 31:24-26; Acts 15:20), TRANSCEND and SUPERCEDE the Ten Pronouncements which we call commandments, which are the cornerstone of righteous civilization, in the LORD, has taken leave of his or her senses.

Colloquial English words have been substituted for peculiar Hebrew terms in many passages in most translations, but the purpose and effect is the same. The Instruction (Torah) of our God (Rom 2:13; 3:31; 8:4,6,7; James 1:22-25; 2:12) is our heritage of Instruction too (Deut 33:4; Rom 3:20; 7:7,12-16,22,25; 1 Tim 1:8-11), to learn to reverentially fear God and delight in His ways (Deut 5:29; Ps 1; 19:7-13; 40:7,8; 119; Rom 7:22), to help us understand what our Father regards as the immoveable BOUNDARIES of acceptable behaviour, for US to be “offerings acceptable in word and deed” (Deut 33:4; Rom 3:31; 12:1,2; 15:16-18).

Whether Paul travelled with Timothy (Acts 16:1-5), or Timothy and others travelled without Paul, it’s easy to prove that many Scriptures such as Rom 3:31; 12:1-21 &13:1-14 & 14:1-23; 1 Cor 4:17; 7:19; 8:4; 11:1,2; 2 Cor 2:9; Phil 2:12,13; Col 3; 4:12 describe far more than a set of instructions fewer than the fingers of one hand.

So yes, “decrees” in Acts 16:4,5, while specifically identifying Acts 15:20 as their primary context, also encompass all other “sayings” which have Divine legal weight as the Father’s Instruction, under classifications such as commandments (Matt 12:50; Jn 8:51,52; 14:15; 1 Cor 7:19; 1 Jn 2:3-6; 5:2&3; 2 Jn vs 5&6), ordinances (1 Cor 11:1,2) and “traditions” (2 Thess 2:15 – specifically Shabbat, Passover, Shavuo’t/Pentecost and the Fall Feasts).

1 Cor 7:19; 11:1,2 also cross-reference TRADITIONS (which are YHVH’s Personal “Testimonies” in Ps 119:111; 2 Thess 2:15) which are either commandments or ordinances – decreed as institutions of the faith, in perpetuity (e.g. Ex 12:14,17,23).

Shabbat is both a commanded everlasting covenant in its own right (Ex 31:13,16; Is 56:6; Matt 12:8) and an intensely holy tradition, and both Shabbat & Passover which are thematically related (Deut 5:15), are encompassed by the term “ordinance” in Is 24:5 (Rome having changed both, to subversively and illegitimately swap Sun day and Easter for Shabbat and Passover).

Shabbat is our STATUTORY PROTECTION, as the great covenantal sign of our separation from the world and sanctification “in Jacob,” in Christ as ruler forever of the House of Jacob on David’s Throne (Gen 28:14; Is 9:6,7; Mk 11:10; Lk 1:32,33; Rev 21:12).

As the sages say, God keeps those who ‘Shema’ (Hear & heed) the two-fold command to “remember” AND to “observe” (keep, guard, treasure) Shabbat’s unique sanctity, to keep it INTACT (Is 58:13,14).

The Feast High Sabbaths are NO LESS HOLY than the weekly Shabbat because their ‘gravitas’ hinges on the sanctity of Shabbat as the UNDERLYING testimony of the IDENTITY of the God of the Hebrews as Creator-Redeemer (Ex 20:8-11; Deut 5:12-15); and their STATURE is significantly MAGNIFIED by the knowledge of the glory of the accomplishments of YHVH describes to us for advanced instruction in the covenant, in the additional testimonies that each Feast and its unique Sabbaths (two for Passover; one for Shavuo’t/Pentecost; four for the Fall Feast season) represents.

The weekly and Feast Sabbaths JOINTLY proclaim the reasons why the God of Israel is the one and only true, wise, living God (Deut 4:39; Is 44:24) Who alone warrants mankind’s repentance, total trust, loyalty, reverence and the highest praises (Acts 20:21; Zech 14:9).

The only reason given by the sages for the weekly Sabbath having greater weight is, they say, due to there being 52 of them, which is an artful deduction!

That rationale can be effortlessly flipped by inferring from the uniqueness of each once-off High Sabbath, that each of them is greater than any one weekly Sabbath.

But these are moot points.

The truth is that one cannot make an argument that would justify considering the seven special annual Sabbaths any LESS holy and less BINDING upon us, than the weekly Shabbat.

This is truly treasure hidden for us in Christ Col 2:2,3

It’s given to “comfort” and “knit us together in love” in Him as the Hebrew “one new man,” Jacob-Yeshurun, corporately keeping the original, perpetual Appointments, as His true witnesses (Deut 33:5,26; Is 44:1-8; 56:6; Lk 1:33; Matt 12:8).

The sages teach that it can be derived from Scripture (e.g. Gen 26:5) that all three fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob kept Shabbat (Melchizedek ministered bread and wine and blessed Abraham, God’s friend, when he returned from war to REST).

Noah’s priestly firstborn son Shem, extremely long-lived, was alive and quite likely ministered Torah to Abram, the next elect ‘saviour’ of the world (hence Gen 26:5), who like Noah (the “preacher of righeousness” through whom civilization was rebooted as it will be again after the Final Judgment, through Y’shua as the Seed of Abraham – Gal 3:16) and later, Moses, was a type of Messiah our Deliverer and living proof of the holiness of Torah instruction in righteousness (2 Tim 3:14-17).

After all, who can argue that Abram did not take Gen 17:1 seriously, to BE Abraham, father (of the PERFECTED faith) of many nations? (James 1:22-25; 2:12,4-26)

That’s evidently how Abraham Isaac and Jacob prepared themselves, through many trials, to be in the bride (Matt 8:11,12), or there’d be no “Abraham’s bosom” to which to go after death.

To be exact, one really should add this:

James 2:21-23, which refers to Gen 15:4-6 & 22:1-18, refers specifically to “obeyed My VOICE” in Gen 26:5, but note, the rest of the categories of faith for faithfulness in Gen 26:5 (namely, “charge, commandments, statutes and laws”) apply equally to James 1:22-25 & 2:12


Acts 16:4,5 “established the churches in the faith” because while appearing to be a limited reference to Acts 15:20, we should infer from the full counsel that it actually describes the comprehensive ongoing Apostolic training in righteousness in “all the counsel of God” (Acts 20:25-32) that was taking place from region to region, since the PREPARATORY, “necessary” RULINGS for new converts in Acts 15:20 (to help set the standard for holiness) are mere spiritual milk.

Its four requirements, important as they are, are amongst the ELEMENTARY precepts included in Is 28:9-13’s reference to “the Way,” spiritual MILK from which we are to be weaned, to progress to maturity in the doctrine that distinguishes the faith into which we’ve adopted, from all other systems of belief (Lk 20:21; Eph 4:12-14,23,24).

Heb 5:11-14; 6:1-12 urge us to advance beyond elementary principles by heeding Is 28:9-13, to learn our entire covenant (Heb 13:20,21), to be sure to be fully pleasing to our King, and besides, have the joy of experiencing the “glorious liberty” and “rest and refreshing” which walking lawfully after the Spirit, to be “dead with Y’shua” to sin (Rom 7:25-8:23; 2 Tim 2:5,11), promises to the faithful who keep themselves “undefiled in the Way,” to remain in Y’shua’s love, abiding in the Vine, honoured to have HIM call us His “friends” (Ps 119:1,45; Jn 14:15,21-24; 15:3-15; 1 Cor 3:17; 2 Cor 7:1,2; 2 Tim 2:20,21; 1 Jn 3:3)

The LORD Y’shua-Jesus is returning as “Shiloh,” to take “Yeshurun” (the refined, remnant “Israel of YHVH”) as His Bride

This past week’s weekly Shabbat Portion (8th October, 2022, Deut 32) speaks to the subject of Sukkot/Tabernacles (which began two days later, the 10th) which, through the symbolism of the flimsy unroofed sukkot (booths, huts) in which Israel was preserved for forty years, is a PARABLE of the vulnerability of lives exposed to the curse by denying God the obedience which the Glory of His Holiness demands (Deut 28-32).

Both Songs of Moses (Deut 31&32), together with the Song of the Lamb (Rev 15:3), are holy measures to warn and save us from disqualification from the bride.
Our Master, Y’shua, is returning as “Shiloh” (ultimate, Royal High Priestly Son of David) (Gen 49:10,24; Lk 1:32) to tabernacle permanently with men whose fully consecrated temples are purified by obedience to the holy rule of law, to perfect their faith, to know the glorious liberty of true sons (Ps 119:45; Jn 8:31-36; Rom 1:5; 8; 16:26; 1 Peter 1:22; James 1:22-25-2:26; 1 Jn 3:3-10) for THEM to be sanctified by His Glory.

THEY are Yeshurun, the bride of our one and only Messiah

Shabbat 07/08 Oct 2022 ; Tishrei 13 | 2nd Lunar Quarter | TORAH Portion: Deuteronomy 32 | ANALOGOUS REFERENCES: 2 Sam 22; 23:1-5; Ps 101 | Lk 1:17,33; 20:21; Acts 13:22; 14:15; 24:14; 26:18; Gal 6:16; Heb 13:20,21

Deut 32, read/considered in isolation 48 hrs before the first of the two High Sabbaths during Tabernacles, has a direct bearing on our eligibility for inclusion in the bride, and thereby, for participation in the Feast, in the millenial Kingdom of David (Is 9:6,7, Zech 14; Mk 11:10; 2 Peter 1:1-11).

NOTE: 2 Sam 22 is a paean of high PRAISE and TRIUMPH to God, Who blesses men who like David “turn from vanities” and “from disobedience, to the wisdom of the just,” to be “men after His own heart” who order and seek the perfection of their lives and households in the nobility of “the (ancient) Way” appointed (Gen 18:18,19; Ps 101; Is 35:8; Lk 20:21; Acts 24:14), for us to be covenant-keeping “Yeshurun” (Deut 32:15; 33:5,26; Is 44:1-8), the Sovereign title designating the faithful, pure and holy remnant House of Jacob, the residual “Israel of God” – the “household of YHVH” described in Eph 2:11,12,15,19; 3:6; Gal 6:16, due for greater latter-house glory through our souls’-transfiguration by the Spirit through our sanctification by the commandments (Is 46:13; Haggai 2:7,9; Lk 1:32,33; 2:32; 2 Cor 3:18; Eph 5:26,27)

Our task this week is not difficult, if one appreciates that the final readings from Deuteronomy slow down considerably, inviting deep meditation on content, for an important reason – the Ten Days of Awe from Trumpets to Yom Kippur are the final screening of the CANDIDATE BRIDE, to settle the question of whose probation is judged satisfactory, for acceptance for attendance at/ participation in the first Sukkot of the Sabbatical Messianic Kingdom.

We could say that the Days of AWE (which through heaven’s monitoring of our repentance, reveal what WE consider necessary to repent of, and which thereby reveal the extent of our grasp of the everlasting covenant) take the SPIRITUAL TEMPERATURE of the would-be bride (Rev 3:16)

There’s far too little FEAR OF YHVH (Deut 5:29; Rev 14:6,7) because there’s virtually no attention paid to the fact that “mortality” will not be INDISCRIMINATELY “swallowed up” by the “life & immortality revealed by the Gospel,” but will only provide escape from wrath, for the lives of those who have “counted the cost” of being crucified with Christ, dead with Him to sin, by living fully consecrated to the Father, by, through and for Y’shua, by living unequivocably for righteousness in both word and deed (Is 25:7-9; 28:9-13; Matt 10:38,39; Lk 14:24-33; 21:36; 2 Cor 5:4; Rom 2:6-13; 15:16-18; 2 Tim 2;5,11; 1 Peter 2:24; Rev 3:10-12; 14:6,7,12).

Deuteronomy makes the decision required to have “full assurance of hope to the end,” for ACCESSION to HEBREW ETERNITY as “the blessed and holy & without blame” (Lk 1:33; Eph 1:4; 2:11,12,15,19; Heb 5:11-14; 6:1-12; Rev 20:6; 21:12), as clear as day.

In the mystery literature of Scripture, LORD- Immanu-El-Messiah, “the Shepherd and Stone of Israel” RETURNING as “SHILOH” (Gen 49:10,24; Is 7:13,14), has chosen a refined, “reserved remnant,” “YESHURUN” (the conceptual identity of the SUMMARY of YHVH’s mandatory CRITERIA to attain true holiness) as His Bride (Deut 32:15; 33:5,26; Is 44:1-8; Phil 2:12-15; 3:10-17; Heb 12)

Both Songs of Moses (Deut 31&32), together with the Song of the Lamb (Rev 15:3), are holy measures to warn and save us from disqualification from the bride.

Jacob proclaims that Judah’s tribe will not merely produce conquerors, but also kings; in fact, this tribe will be the source of a specific King

Our Master, Y’shua, is returning as “Shiloh” (“Gift from God;” “Peaceful One/Sar Shalom Who is the Royal High Priestly Son of David to Whom the Sceptre of Judah belongs) (Gen 49:10,24; Lk 1:32) to tabernacle permanently with men whose fully consecrated temples are purified by obedience to the holy rule of law, to perfect their faith, to know the glorious liberty of true sons (Ps 119:45; Jn 8:31-36; Rom 1:5; 8; 16:26; 1 Peter 1:22; James 1:22-25-2:26; 1 Jn 3:3-10), for them to be sanctified by the glory of His Presence.

It is THEY (Is 64:5; Mal 3:16-18; Rom 2:6-13; Heb 8:10-12) who are “YESHURUN” (a seven-times-refined remnant of the House of Jacob), His BRIDE (Lk 1:32,33).

This makes sound interpretation of the mystery-identity of Spirit-filled “Yeshurun” in Deut 32:15; 33:5,26; Is 44:1-8 high-up the ladder of NECESSARY revelation knowledge (Deut 29:29; Prov 25:2; Jer 33:3; 1 Cor 2:9,10), if not the PINNACLE of our call to discernment of “the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven” as responsible “stewards of the mysteries,” to demonstrate that we KNOW our “Prince and Saviour,” by being obedient to His Spirit (Matt 13:11; Acts 5:31,32; 1 Cor 4:1; 1 Jn 2:3-6).

YESHURUN symbolizes the “doctrine according to Godliness” (Torah as amplified by Y’shua) as the absolute yardstick of the purity without which we cannot be in union with Him (1 Jn 3:3,4).

That yardstick alone is the means to fulfil the traditional prayer: “LORD purify our hearts so that we serve You in Truth.”

Our personal decision must be, that at all costs we be a perfect representation of “Yeshurun,” to be conformed to Y’shua’s image, in order to uphold the unity of “the one faith” through faithfulness to the holy vocation by which our walks are being measured, moment by moment (Eph 4:1-5,12-16,23-32).

Full redemption (Rom 8:23) awaits only those who give themselves over to being WHOLLY sanctified by the truth (Jn 17:17,19; 1 Thess 5:23).

Our FOCUS should therefore NOT be on a “catching away” of a proven remnant to the clouds, whose precise timing is a secret, but on steadfastly growing in the knowledge and UNDERSTANDING of YHVH under grace, by experiencing the benefits NOW of meeting that litmus test of acceptance with Messiah for resurrection of LIFE, knowing that YHVH humbles the proud and indifferent, but exalts the contrite, meek and lowly who love Him by loving His law (Ps 51:10,17; Lk 6:40; 20:35; Jn 5:24,27,28; 14:15; Acts 10:35; Rom 2:6-26; 3:31; 6:12-22; 7:7,12-16,22,25; 8:4-14; 15:16-18; 16:26; Rev 14:6,7,12; 18:4,5; 19:7-9).

He dwells in and amongst those those who are ever mindful of their dependence on grace, which alone can take us from extreme vulnerability and small beginnings, to greatly magnified lives.

Recognizing, and sacrificing thanksgiving for the train of events and pattern of mercy and grace which has helped keep us safe in Father’s love to bring us from season to season, is the underlying lesson of Sukkot.

Those whose adoption does not translate into ‘tutored souls’ devoted to conscientious keeping of the faith, and whose character therefore does NOT match the thirteen attributes of the Divine Nature (the express image of YHVH – (Ex 34:6; Rom 8:29; 1 Peter 1), are no more likely to be recognized as fit to be established forever in the one and the same body (Ex 19:5,6; Deut 28:9; 29:9,12,13; Eph 3:6) at the final closing of the gate on hypocrites (Matt 7:21-24; 25:10-12), than those who couldn’t pass for Ephraimites by mispronouncing “Shibboleth” as “Sibboleth” (Judges 12:6).

Y’shua’s ‘Bestman,’ the Holy Spirit, has introduced Him to the bridal candidates and is supervising the preparation of YIELDED vessels of honour (2 Tim 2:20,21), to BE the corporate remnant bride, worthy to walk with Y’shua their LORD in white (Rev 3:1-6,16; 19:7-9; 20:6).

We have to be just as suitably prepared to “remain forever” “in Jacob,” in Christ (Gen 12:3; 28:14; Lk 1:33; Gal 3:29; 1 Jn 2:17), as Y’shua, as “King of Jacob,” to rule “in Jacob” forever, to the ends of the Earth (Ps 59:13; Is 41:21,27; Lk 1:32,33; 6:40; Heb 2:10,11; 5:8,9).

No-one is unconditionally guaranteed Hebrew eternity.

Week by week as we give precedence to consulting the plumbline of the Torah and the Prophets (Y’shua’s “rock” [fem.] – Is 42:21; Matt 7:24-27), to embed and ‘marry’ the intricate lattice-work of narrative and doctrinal LINKS to the “everlasting covenant” (discernable, comparable and intelligible by the Spirit – Deut 29:29; Matt 13:11; 1 Cor 2:9-16) IN OUR SPIRITS (Heb 13:20,21), we discover that Torah is as much an expanding universe of WISDOM through continual APPLICATION, under grace, of our growing knowledge of truth & righteousness to attain true holiness (Eph 4:23,24; Heb 12:28), as the PHYSICAL Universe is expanding under direction of the Spirit Who “formed the worldS” through the Word of YaH’s power.

He is doing so for it to be a CONTINUING WITNESS to the magnificence of the purpose of His conception of time, space, and matter (Ps 19), through the limitlessness of His understanding and Creativity operating WITHIN the discipline of the eternal “ordinances of Heaven and Earth,” to help WIN US OVER by His Spirit, to the SAME DELIGHT in His ways so ably and perfectly demonstrated by our Master, Whose honour and Fear of His and our Father to be our example, for YHVH to be our Sanctuary too (Ps 40;7,8; Is 8:13,14,16,20; Mal 1:6; Jer 33:25; Lk 6:40; 2 Tim 2:5; 1 Jn 2:3-6,17,28,29).

If that is our passion, there’ll be no unpleasant surprises for us at the final shofar blast and at the judgment seat of Messiah, when an overwhelmingly positive evaluation of OUR PREPARATION to reign with Him as royal bride consort, will make all the difference (Lk 12:47; 2 Cor 5:9-11; 1 Jn 2:3-6,17,27,28).

The priority brief which the Holy Spirit has been given as His great sanctification- assignment, is both EXHAUSTIVE (Jn 17:17,19; Acts 20:25-32; Col 4:12; 1 Thess 5:23) and UNCOMPROMISEABLE (Lk 6:40; Col 1:22,23,28,29; 2 Thess 2:13-15) – to prepare and present a blameless, WHOLEHEARTEDLY faithful and loyal wife to the spotless, holy, harmless, undefiled Lamb of YaH (Phil 2:15; Heb 7:26).

Deut 32 impresses upon us how pivotal fully knowing doctrine is, to being fully pleasing to our covenant-keeping God (Deut 7:9-15; 32:2,3; 2 Tim 3:10,14-17); and how essential it is for Israel’s former defective character not to RE-EMERGE and cause provocations (Deut 32:5,6,15,28-30; 1 Cor 10; Heb 3&4; 8:8-12).

Becoming “fat” and “sleek” (analogous to the reckless boast of self- sufficiency in Rev 3:15-22), thereby DISTORTING THE PROFILE of “Yeshurun” (i.e. no longer being on track to be REPLICAS of the faultless sonship of the Last Adam) by variance/gainsaying by becoming conceited, self-indulgent, complacent, indolent, capricious, imprecise, inaccurate and no longer circumspect, unmindful, undisciplined and perfunctory (quite the opposite of what is required by Lk 17:10), will NOT bring us to the goal of our faith, which is salvation of our SOULS (minds, wills, emotions) (1 Peter 1:2-9).

Without ‘possessing our souls’ through submission to trials of our hearts, to test the quality of our faith and our understanding of the covenant, by the RECEPTION we give the laws of life in our hearts, we cannot attain full redemption (Rom 8:4-14,23; Phil 2:12-15; 3:10-17).

There’s no freedom without accountability, and no accountability without the righteousness of the law to set the boundaries for righteous living (Rom 7:22,25; 8:4), by giving us the knowledge of “the Way,” to be holy by “approving the things that are more excellent” (Rom 2:6-26; Phil 1:9-11).

Sukkot is the ‘season of our JOY’ because it is the backstop to the wilful disobedience and/or accidental/ignorant disobedience which ROBS us of the PRESENCE (Deut 31:9-13).

Deut 32 is therefore one of the most sobering accounts of what “EVERLASTING salvation” (Is 45:17-25) requires of us

Topic: the call to absolute purity of chaste virgins, by the Song of Moses AND the Song of the Lamb

Torah Portion: Deut 31:1-30 | Prophetic parallels: Joel 2:15-27; Hosea 14:1-9; Micah 7:18-20; Rev 15 | Topic: the call to the absolute purity of chaste virgins, by the Song of Moses AND the Song of the Lamb, noting how YHVH’s WRATH is sharply contrasted in Deut 31:16,17,29 versus 19-21 & in Rev 15:2-4 versus 15:5-8, with the MERCIFUL appeal implicit in these two Songs, to heed the reasonable requirements of “the everlasting covenant,” to avoid harm and even destruction (Rom 12:1,2; Heb 13:20,21)

Yet again, we find that the Hebrew Scriptures have no less in common with the New Testament Books, than the reverse, leaving anyone who harbours a bias against either, as instruction in righteousness (2 Tim 3:14-17), with no place to hide.

By repeating “…He will not FAIL thee nor FORSAKE thee” (Deut 31:6,8), counterbalanced by repetition of, “LEARN to FEAR the LORD” (Deut 5:29; 6:23-25; 31:12,13) to “observe to do” (be DOERS of) “the Way which I’ve commanded you” (Deut 31:12,29; Lk 20:21; Rom 2:6-13; 7:22,25; James 1:22-25; 2:12), we’re reminded that while the Father of Israel’s LOVE is unconditional, His obligation to keep covenant (i.e. not breach His promise) with us INDIVIDUALLY, is inevitably voided at some point by provocations, by our failure to reciprocate in good faith, in appreciation for the holiness of the everlasting covenant (Nu 14:34; Deut 7:9-12; Heb 2:1-3; 10:26-39; 13:20,21).

We’ll read more about YHVH’s responses to contempt for His laws (Rom 8:6,7), in Deut 32.

Ananias and Saffira (Acts 5:1-10) are an object lesson (intentionally placed close to the account of Pentecost) to give warning to us against complacency, by showing the SEVERITY of what is in store for imprudent, rebellious spirits who in one way or another scorn YHVH’s Appointment with His nation at Sinai on the first Shavuo’t, by repudiating the marriage covenant and the moral law for which it stands, by their own breach of righteousness (Matt 7:21-27; Rom 11:20-22; 1 Peter 4:17).

So Deuteronomy 31 is yet another proof that the Glad Tidings proclaimed to Israel as well as to us (Heb 4:2), is a constant reminder that the PROMISED FREEDOM (the freedom that lies BEYOND the ACT of our translation into the Kingdom of God’s Son through justification by faith) is inextricable from RESPONSIBILITY to submit to loving correction for our ongoing sanctification by refinement of our souls by obedience to righteousness, to be AS our Master Whose Image, the express image of Deity, is the acme of the perfection of holiness (Matt 5:48; Lk 6:40; Jn 8:31,32,34-36; 15:3-14; Rom 8:4,29; 2 Cor 7:1; Col 1:13,28,29; Heb 12).

Given that the true worship is patterned on what occurs in HEAVEN (both in terms of furnishings, and of the content of jurisprudence – Matt 6:9,10), there’s no reason to believe that there’s not an ORIGINAL in Heaven’s Sanctuary (Rev 11:19; 15:5), of the “statutes and judgments” which were “put in the SIDE of the Ark of the Covenant (Deut 31:9,24-26) and which include the preparatory Acts 15:20 Levitical table fellowship regulations as part of the collateral body of Divine law (i.e. in the sense of ‘additional but SUBORDINATE’; ‘connected, but ASIDE FROM the MAIN subject’ – Deut 4:13,14; 7:9-12; 29:9,12-15)

The Fundamental indivisible Ten Commandments (Ex 25:22; 34:27,28,32), the ‘main subject’ of righteousness in word and deed on the Way of Holiness, from which the collateral (subordinate) “paths of righteousness” which comprise “the Way of the LORD,” derive; AND the Song of Moses (Deut 31:21,22; Rev 15), TOGETHER witness against covenant- breakers

If we examine both contexts objectively, we’ll find that the Song of the LAMB is no LESS of a witness against those who mistake “the Way of YHVH” as mere SUGGESTION (Lk 20:21; Acts 24:14), than the Song of Moses (Deut 31:15-30; 32:15-35; Rev 14:6,7,12; 15:1-7).

The Song of Moses and the Song of the Lamb which sing the praises of the Holiness of YHVH’s Instructions for GODFEARING CONSECRATION, were written as anthems to inspire loyalty to YHVH and His “everlasting covenant,” by encouraging the household of faith to rise to the standard of righteousness now set corporately by Messiah’s deeper and fuller teachings, for Israel (and their church) to become the triumphant, unimpeachable “Yeshurun” (idealization of uprightness) “in whom YHVH-Immanu El-Y’shua will be King” (Deut 33:5; Lk 1:32,33) through the everlasting Reign of the Begotten Son, on the restored Throne of David (Deut 32:15; 33:26; Is 9:6,7; 44:1-8; Jer 31:7,31-36).

Dying in the LORD with “victory over the BEAST, and over his IMAGE, and over his MARK and over the NUMBER of his NAME” (Rev 15:2,3), is not possible except by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony of YHVH’s faithfulness to keep those who “keep the Word of His patience” (as defined by Rev 3:10; 14:6,7,12), in His love.

As Hosea 14:8 prophesies, “From (and now in) Me is thy fruit (of obedience to the commandments) found” (a cross-reference to abiding in the Vine by sanctification by the commandments, to “remain forever” inscribed for Life – Jn 15:3-15; 1 Jn 2:3-6,17,28,29).

Moses and Y’shua are jointly concerned to usher in everlasting righteousness (Deut 18:18,19).

The Song of Moses and the Song of the Lamb are the theme songs of the “they” of Rev 15:3&4, who cleave to YHVH in the strong faith always found by devotion to exercising FEAR of YHVH (Ps 119:38 – hence its great emphasis throughout Scripture), thereby offering HIM the strength of an uncompromisingly righteous witness as our ultimate tribute to HIS Love for US, since obedience is the currency of Divine Love (1 Jn 5:2&3; 2 Jn vs 5&6), the performance of truth held out as a great blessing to be desired, in its own right (1 Jn 5:3; Rev 3:10; 14:6,7,12,13)

The Haftarah (corresponding, ‘parting,’ follow-up) selections from the Prophets (Hosea 14:1,4-9; Micah 7:18-20; Joel 2:15-27; Rev 15:1-8) support the conclusion that both Songs share the themes of return and restoration (to the purity of holiness possible only through return to sound doctrine as in Rev 15:3&4 – “just and true are THY WAYS…who shall not Fear Thee”) through removal of the reproach of sin through the necessity for our chastisement, even scourging (Heb 12:6-8), for our refinement to take place by the Presence and power of the Spirit to ensure sanctification of a remnant of proven and therefore “legitimate” sons to be fit to be heirs of YHVH, as “partakers of HIS own Holiness” (Acts 10:35; Rom 8:4,17; Heb 12; 1 Peter 1:2,13-18).

We would be frighteningly remiss if we were to neglect to heed the mounting weight of loving warnings to keep ourselves in YHVH’s love, which DOMINATE THE CLOSING PORTIONS of both the Torah and the Book of Revelation which speaks for the ENTIRE Bible, as the confluence of all narrative and doctrinal threads.

HalleluYaH for not leaving us without a SURE, albeit NARROW path, to the victory of Rev 15:2 which will result in the FULFILMENT of the election of the House of Jacob/dynasty of David in Ex 19:5-8, in the restoration of the monarchy to Jerusalem in Is 9:6,7; Mk 11:10; 1 Peter 2:9,10 & Rev 1:5&6; 11:15 when Israel and its co-heirs in its commonwealth will rise to rule as “Yeshurun”-chief-of-nations, with the nations as THEIR INHERITANCE (Deut 33:26-29; Is 14:1; 54:3; Zech 2:10-12; Rom 4:13; Lk 1:33; Eph 2:11-19)

TOPIC from Numbers 30-36: ‘Sinai, the Gospel, and “EVERLASTING salvation”,’ a thread which emerges from the 7 themes in this Portion, of 1) Patriarchal authority (male veto Nu 30) 2) Retrib. justice (inevitability of judgment of unrepented iniquity) (Nu 31:1-17; 35; 2 Tim 2:19-26) 3) Sanct. by purification by obedience (Nu 31:19-24; Mk 9:49; Eph 5:26,27; 1 Peter 1:22; 1 Jn 3:3-7) 4) Redistr. of wealth (Nu 31:25-54; Prov 13:22) 5) Pleadings/negotiation/adjustment of inheritance (Nu 32/36; 6) Exodus ITINERARY of 41 stations/tests, a parable of sanctification of the NC bride on PROBATION under grace (Nu 33; Ex 19:4-8; Dt 6:23; Lk 20:35) 7) boundaries/holy distinctions

“Ye have seen what I did to the Egyptians and how I bore you on EAGLES’ wings and brought you to Myself” (Ex 19:4).

The PARALLEL of that promise to Israel, to “bring us OUT from thence in order to bring us IN, to give us the Land which He swore to our fathers,” to be “all righteous…that He may be glorified” (Deut 6:23-25; Is 61:21) and which will be fulfilled only on COMPLETION of their current reversal of 2nd and final Exile (Deut 30; Is 11:10-12), is the SPIRITUAL promise ratified in their New Covenant, of salvation-deliverance from bondage to the darkness of Torahlessness, for “TRANSLATION into the Kingdom (that comes “without observation” – Lk 17:20) through justifying-faith in the redemption which is in “the Messiah their Passover,” for preparation of a wholeheartedly faithful remnant, for acceptance with Y’shua for entrance into the “Everlasting Kingdom” (Acts 10:36; 1 Cor 5:7,8; 2 Cor 5:9-11; 2 Peter 1:1-11; Heb 5:9) represented by the millennial restoration of the Davidic Monarchy to Jerusalem (Ps 122:5-9; Is 9:6,7; Mk 11:10; Lk 1:32,33; Acts 1:6,7).

The single most important meeting of the church in all its history (forever “the congregation/s of the Fountain of Israel” as the dynasty of Abraham reckoned through Isaac and Jacob the CONSECRATED firstborns – Gen 18:18,19; 28:14; Ps 68:26; Lk 1:33; Jn 10:16; Acts 7:38; Rom 11; Gal 3:29; Eph 2:11,12,15,19; 3:6; Heb 12:23) was its phenomenal encounter with their Deliverer the God of Hebrews, as Lawgiver on the first Shavuo’t, when in awe, Israel acknowledged Him as sole ultimate Sovereign of the Universe (Deut 4:39; 6:4,5; Mk 12:28-34), and in a unique covenant with their God ON BEHALF of the church in perpetuity (Deut 29:12-15), UNANIMOUSLY ACCEPTED the yoke of the marriage covenant, to receive His gracious promise to tenderly guide their destiny to fulfil their holy vocation as “a kingdom of priests and a holy nation” bound by YHVH’s righteous commandmentS given “in commandmenT” (Ex 19:5-8; 24:7,8; 34:27,28,32), thereby binding all (including believers from the nations) who would eventually accept the Messiah, to these identical terms, as part of “the people of inheritance” called to KNOW the Messiah by growing in grace and in the knowledge of God by learning “the Way” which He as the Holy and Just Son demonstrated to perfection, to be unashamed of our conduct and thought life, on His return (Deut 4:10-24; Matt 12:50; Lk 6:40; Jn 14:15; Acts 24:14; Rom 3:31; 15:16-18; Heb 12:25-29; 1 Jn 2:3-6,28,29).

In committing itself to full obedience at Sinai (an unequivocal pledge they would infamously, repeatedly dishonour), Israel momentarily at least listened, heard, noted and unconditionally agreed to heed the “if” and “then” in Ex 19:5,6 and the three “ifs” in Deut 28:1,2,9,10, which is a prudent grammatical precision the church today needs to recognize and take to heart, TO FIND THE NARROW PATH, since the New Covenant is no less conditional than preceding covenants which comprise its sub-stack (Matt 12:50; Heb 2:1-3; 10:26-39; Rev 2:5; 3:2-6,16)

The greatest juncture between mankind and eternity is the CRUCIFIXION; whereas the greatest juncture between the eternal God and His FOREVER all-Hebrew CHURCH (Lk 1:33; Acts 7:38; Rom 11; Gal 3:29; Rev 21:12) is SINAI (called the ‘Myrrh Mnt’ in Hebrew poetry), where He commissioned “Israel, My son, even My firstborn” (Ex 4:22,23) as the holy, eternal adopting nation constituted as a “kingdom of priests” (Ex 19:5-8; 24:7,8; Is 45:4; 54:3; 55:5; 60-62; Lk 1:33; Eph 1:5; 2:11-19; Rev 1:5,6) and gave them their Charter as His foremost witnesses of His Singular existence, Majesty, mercy, loving-kindness, compassion, Holiness and power (Deut 4:39; Is 43:1-11; 44:1-8,24) and of His Instruction in “the Way of the LORD” on how one “OUGHT TO BEHAVE” in the household of God as “jewels” of uprightness (Mal 3:16-18), to BE accounted worthy to be “established” as His “peculiar treasure” to be a “glorious church” in latter-house pre-eminence, with full assurance of hope to the end (Deut 26:16-19; Is 46:13; Jer 31:7; Haggai 2:7,9; Eph 5:26,27; Lk 20:35; Phil 1:10; 2:12-16; 1 Tim 3:15; Heb 9:19,20; 10:16; 2 Peter 3:11).

We’ve made a self-righteously modified, anti-Christ gospel a golden calf by perverting the cause of justice by shutting Sinai out of Pentecost by considering its stature as the inaugural Shavuo’t unrelated to the New Covenant’s greatest- ever demand for purification of a bride, by obedience.

Instead, the New Covenant is neither a blanket substitute for previous covenants nor a codicil, but the confluence of all covenants, honouring precedent, to fulfil all the everlasting commitments either unique to or in common with each.

No ACKNOWLEDGMENT and observance of Sinai’s legacy of truth, little or no DEPOSIT of wisdom for final redemption, because no FUEL for the furnace of sanctification (refinement being by the commandments – 1 Thess 4:1-3a; 5:23; 2 Thess 2:13-15).

It’s the church’s holy VOCATION to make disciples of a covenant-KEEPING Messiah by doing likewise (1 Jn 2:3-6,29), or soul-winning is HALF BAKED, eternal life being subject to HOLINESS (Rom 6:22; 1 Tim 6:11-14; Heb 12:14).

So prophetically, we can draw a straight line from GEN 12:2,3 (the promise of a great holy nation as the vehicle for redemption of mankind “in Abraham,” “in Isaac” and “in Jacob” “in Messiah” – Gen 12:3; 28:14; Ps 72:17; Rom 9:7; Gal 3:8,9,27,29, just as Noah’s eight souls were delivered in the Ark) through SINAI (the holding of that fundamental nation FOREVER accountable to absolute Divine moral criteria for holiness by their undertaking ON OUR BEHALF “we will do all and be obedient” – Ex 19:5-8; 24:7,8; Deut 4:5-8,10-24; 29:12-15) to REV 21:9,12; 22:14,18,19 (the consummation of the destiny of that Hebrew nation and its commonwealth – Eph 2:11,12, to prove that the ratification of THEIR New Covenant is the confirmation of the promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob – Rom 15:8 AND confirmation of the Sinai covenant of commandments as the basis for Judgment of humanity, to decide who shall have the right to immortality and to the tree of Life and therefore the right to enter through the Twelve Hebrew Tribal Gates into the New Jerusalem (1 Cor 7:19; Rev 12:17; 14:12; 22:14,18,19).

All SEVEN themes in this Portion, from the wisdom of patriarchal authority (Nu 30), to the sanctity of heritage and family lineage, national borders, inherited property and life itself (Nu 32; 35:29-34; 36), reflect the knowledge of Divinely drawn DISTINCTIONS between right and wrong, good and evil, and therefore, between the sacred and the profane, which makes Sinai forever HUMANITY’s MASTERCLASS in moral and ethical wisdom, the core of the “Shema” (Mk 12:28-34).

So much so, that Pentecost two thousand years ago (the Gift of the Spirit, above all as our ‘medium of instruction’ as TEACHER of the Way) is stripped of ITS greatest significance when Sinai’s legitimacy under the New Covenant is dumbly repudiated by violation of the subtle teachings of “grace for grace” (Jn 1:16) which INCLUDES grace to make those made clean by their salvation BY GRACE (Jn 15:3), able to MAINTAIN that imputed innocence by keeping faith with the covenant terms of separation in reverence and Godly Fear, because professing love without awe of God that produces sanctification line by line, precept by precept, is a FAILING RECIPE (Is 8:13,14,16,20; 28:9-13; Rom 15:16-18; 2 Cor 6; Heb 12:14,16,28; James 4:4,5; Rev 14:6,7,12; 18:4,5).

If the church lacks power, and the credibility of its witness is weakened, it’s because we’ve overlooked the fact that the Gospel PROJECTS THE POWER OF GOD only if it is OBEYED, and that that obedience it demands of the RIGHTEOUS, is respect for the covenant given “in commandment” on Sinai (Ex 34:27,28,32) and its accompanying precepts (Ps 119:1,45), which together comprise the love command “against which there is no law” (Lk 10:27,28).

The allegory of Agar the bondwoman in Gal 4:22-24 has nothing to do with the holy covenant obligations required of those ONCE SAVED BY GRACE, to “walk before God and be perfect” in the conscientious manner of Abraham’s and our LORD Y’shua’s obedience to the Father’s will, on “the paths of righteousness” which define the narrow way that LEADS TO ETERNAL LIFE (Gen 17:1; Ps 23:3; Is 51:1-7; Matt 5:48; 19:16-26; Lk 10:25-28; 17:10; Rom 6:12-22; Col 1:22,28; 4:12).

Sinai is not a dinosaur, not an anachronism in this dispensation, not an adversary of freedom, not irreconcilable to grace, not a contradiction of justification apart from works, not a misinterpretation of love; nor the church of Jacob in the wilderness (Acts 7:38), a spent idea.

BOTH are our legacy.

We are reborn, BECAUSE as we know from Jesus’ “sayings,” BOTH are eternal (Matt 5:19,24; 7:21-24), or there’d be no way to “partake of the HOLINESS of YHVH” to truly be His disciples, both free and worthy of escape through the resurrection to life (Deut 30:10,11; Lk 1:33; 20:35; 21:36; Jn 5:28,29; 8:31-36,51; 14:15; 15:10; Rom 3:31; Heb 5:9; 12; 2 Jn vs 5&6).

If we’re not ACCEPTING of the fact of our surnaming and adoption into the eternal House of Jacob (Is 54:3; Lk 1:33; Eph 1:5; 2:11,12,15,19), as one new man “bound in the bundle of life” with Immanu El amongst THEM (the natural olive tree) to display the moral high ground of the Sinai covenant to the world in thought, word and deed, we are not hidden in the Presence of YHVH under the covering of His Spirit.

Those who salivate over their doctrinal bias and denominational prejudice in misreading and misusing Galatians to recriminate and deem as heretical and reprobate, SAVED Torah zealots whom the Apostles COMMENDED to YHVH (Acts 21:20), should be sent down to a class of detention, to write out 1 Cor 7:19; 11:1,2; 2 Thess 2:15 repeatedly TILL THEY ACTUALLY BELIEVE THEM.

Sinai is “bondage” (to sin/Torahlessness) only for those who reject the Spirit and the principle of the leavening effect of law on the righteousness of children of the promise (Gal 4:28) called to be the LIGHT of the world as salt of the earth, not by sitting on their hands boasting in imputed righteousness, but by “walking AFTER righteousness” (constantly exercising it – Heb 5:11-14) by “walking (lawfully) after the Spirit,” to REMAIN in Messiah, the eternal champion of Torah sent to restore the earth to a Godfearing remnant of faithful stewards of the Way (Is 24:3-6; 42:21; Matt 5:19; Rom 8:1-14,18-23; 2 Tim 2:5; 1 Jn 2:3-6,17).

Let’s not be deluded by misjudging and misinterpreting Galatians which focuses rightly on NOT trying to ENTER the kingdom by saving ourselves by establishing our own righteousness by works of the law.

Sarah, saved by grace along with Abraham (Rom 4:3-5), followed- on to know the LORD by embracing Torah as the standard for righteousness, by the rule of obedience to faith, as the hallmark of their household of faith, the household of God (Gen 18:18,19; 26:5; Lk 1:33; Rom 3:31; 16:26; Eph 2:11,12,19)

“Jerusalem above,” the place of the excellency of the glory, is FREE for one reason – it is LAWABIDING, as the origin of “the righteousness of the law” which is pursued by faith for “the righteousness of YHVH” to be imputed to us, for it not to remain PASSIVE, but to be “fulfilled (by and) in US” in PRACTICE, by imitating God Himself (Matt 6:9,10; 12:50; Lk 6:40; Rom 2:13,26; Eph 5:1,10,15-17,26,27; 1 Jn 2:3-6) through the Presence and power of the Spirit of the risen LORD Jesus obtained through the salvation which is freely given for that purpose, to PURIFY and EQUIP us for eternal life (Rom 8:4,14,23; 1 Jn 3:3).

The vast canvas of the TOPIC ‘Sinai, Shabbat and “the everlasting covenant”‘ (linked to this week’s Portion) traces an entirely HEBREW TIMELINE (ingathering of the Gentiles is a ‘parenthetical’ work of the Spirit) from the call of “Abram the HEBREW” (Gen 14:13) to a HEBREW ETERNITY (Rom 4:13; Rev 21:12), by tracing the pathway of the Abrahamic covenantS (Gen 12:1-7; 15; 17; 22) and Davidic salt covenant (2 Chr 13:5) into the Gospel through the New Covenant and shows how disdainfully giving Torah a wide berth, profanes rather than sanctifies the Name (chilul rather than kiddush HaShem) (Hosea 8:1-12; Mal 2:8,10,11) and misses the love command (on which the Torah and the Prophets are “hanging” for good purpose – Matt 22:36-40) by a mile.

The Koren Siddur has a prayer in which we read the rather wonderful statement “He created Glory for His Name,” from which we can infer that HIS “sanctification in righteousness” by OUR sanctification by the righteousness of HIS commandments is CONJOINED with the Glory He made for His Name.

So we hobble the Gospel by whitewashing Sinai, at the peril of destroying good understanding of “EVERLASTING salvation” (“salvation TO THE UTTERMOST” (Is 45:17-25; Heb 7:25) which requires sanctification by all truth (Jn 17:17,19) by offering proof of repentance from a history of voiding Torah (Rom 3:31), by choosing to delight in God’s ways to avoid “returning to our vomit” because sin “will find us out” (Acts 26:18,20; Rom 7:22,25; Gal 2:17,18).

Ignoring the educational rôle of the law through the Holy Spirit framing our responses to life through its wisdom, to match Messiah’s perfect conduct (Ps 50:23; 119:96-105; Rom 3:20; 1 Tim 1:8-11), destroys any hope of accurately defining and honouring the letter and spirit of the Gospel which is THE CALL TO THE RIGHTEOUS, TO KEEP COVENANT from our hearts, by our transformation by the renewal of the spirit of our minds, to be conformed to Messiah’s perfection by doing His Father’s will on earth, to harmonize the ordinances of heaven and earth (Jer 33:25; Matt 6:9,10; Lk 6:40; Rom 12:1,2).

Satan despises what was covenanted at Sinai, which was the beginning of widely orchestrated Torah teaching to purify souls to serve
YHVH in all truth.

Which is why he has smothered the need for what we could call ‘Torah-evangelism’ TO THE RIGHTEOUS, to BE righteous under conviction of sin, righteousness and judgment by the Spirit of Holiness, to be holy, to lay hold on eternal life, which is impossible while we’re voiding Godly Instruction through wilful ignorance (Rom 3:31; 1 Tim 6:11-14; 2 Tim 2:5).

Did Abraham know Torah?

To answer that, we might as well ask rhetorically, “Did Y’shua make Abraham?” (Jn 8:58; Col 1:16).

No less than righteous Noah “the teacher of righteousness” and only hope in God, of continuity of civilization, Abram was called out of Ur of the Chaldees to initiate the great second and final cycle of redemption of mankind, by being an example of an “heir of the righteousness which is of faith” (Heb 11:7-10) AND of a true son schooled in the Way of the LORD in order to BE righteous, order his IMPUTED righteousness would have been INVALIDATED (Gen 18:18,19; 26:5; James 2:14-26).

SUPPRESSED therefore, is the fundamental knowledge of the truth that as the father of our ’emunah’ (faith and faithfulness), Abraham is the father of obedience to Torah (“obedience to righteousness” – Rom 2:13,25; 6:12-22; 7:7,12-16,22,25; 8:4) in order to “walk before YHVH and be PERFECT” (Gen 17:1; 18:18,19; 26:5; Is 51:1-7).

Being “made wise for salvation” by Torah study and practice (2 Tim 3:14-17), Abraham made himself ready (as we’re exhorted to do in Rev 19:7-9), to be accepted as part of the Bride, as did Isaac and Jacob whose heritage from their father and grandfather respectively, was Torah (Gen 26:5; Matt 8:11,12).

So the enemy in the camp is disruptive, disunifying, anarchic Luciferian ‘anti-Nomianism’ (irrational denial of YHVH’s Holiness by denial of the holiness of His ways embodied in His commandments upon which His Character is founded).

Y’shua, Abraham’s Seed (Gal 3:16; Heb 2:16,17), obeyed YHVH’s instruction to Abraham to command his HOUSEHOLD after him (the church of the House of Jacob to which we’re joined, to cleave to Israel – Is 14:1; Jn 10:16; Rom 11; Heb 12:23), to follow his fine example of magnifying Torah to “make it honourable,” “for the sake of YHVH’s righteousness,” because it became the Messiah’s teaching mandate and summons to us all to imitate Him by proving the value of Torah by “establishing” it through its Spirit-led application to our lives, by faith (Is 42:21; Matt 5:17-20,48; Rom 3:31).

Sinai, our mighty legacy of “the law of truth” (Deut 33:2,4; Ps 119:142; Mal 2:6), was the CODIFICATION of the Torah which Abraham, Job (Job 22:21,22; 29) and others knew, with augmented provisions, for it to formally become the church’s plumbline of truth and righteousness (2 Tim 3:14-17).

Being “dead to the law” (2 Tim 2:11 – no longer convicted and under judgment by the law as transgressors) by striving for masteries of the Way, to “walk at liberty” by searching out and doing YHVH’s precepts to remain undefiled and guiltless (Ps 119:1,45) is a soul’s highest achievement because thereby, we “partake of YHVH’s holiness” and Divine Nature (Heb 12; 2 Peter 1).

Ultimately, this is Sinai’s legacy to those who, by YHVH’s Spirit, “seek FIRST My Kingdom and My RIGHTEOUSNESS” to BE righteous as He is righteous (1 Jn 3:4,7).

Torah Instruction, which is good (Rom 7:7,12-16) was “received by the dispensation of Angels” (Acts 7:53), for Y’shua to become Sole Mediator between YHVH and man, of an everlasting covenant that would be ministered to righteousness-prone CIRCUMCISED HEARTS (Rom 6:6,18; 2 Cor 3:8,9) by the indwelling-Spirit of the Messiah internally convicting and mentoring the disciple in all the ways of the LORD, to wholeheartedly do them by the power of the Presence of the Spirit (Phil 2:12,13; Heb 13:20,21), so that Torah, quickened by the Spirit, is no longer “a ministry of condemnation and death” (2 Cor 3:7,9), which was because the stubborn defiance of Israel’s rebellious flesh “weakened the law” (hardheartedness rendered obedience a low probability).

Far from being IRRELEVANT to purification of our souls, which is the goal of faith (1 Peter 1:9,22; 1 Jn 3:3-7), Sinai should therefore be a CONSTANT REMINDER that the superb wisdom of Torah (as fully expounded from its first principles by Y’shua, as anticipated by Moses in Deut 18:18,19/Acts 3:22,23), is a tree of life to those who “lay hold on it and retain it” (Prov 3:18; 4:5-13), to write it on their hearts to make it the apple of their eye (Prov 7:1-4; Matt 5:19; 2 Cor 3:2,3; Heb 8:10-12; 10:16)

TOPIC: “Entering into covenant with YHVH your God,” to fulfil the condition of “the oath,” to be “accounted worthy” to be members of glorified “YESHURUN” (the sanctified remnant church of witness-nation-Israel, and their co-heirs), to remain with YHVH forever, in the Messiah (Deut 29:12-15; Is 44:1-8; 46:13; 33:26; Lk 1:33; 2:32; 20:35; 1 Jn 2:3-6,17)

There’s quite obviously a PROFOUND relationship between Deut 29:9,12-15, and the exalted, princely heraldic title “Yeshurun” in Deut 33:26 (attributed to overcoming, Godfearing, princely Jacob), which we should examine more closely (Gen 32:26-30; Is 44:2,3), especially since the fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob have such a great vested interest in OUR upholding the terms of the everlasting covenant which they knew even then as “the Way of YHVH,” which Y’shua, as Seed of Abraham, was sent to teach us, to fulfil His Father’s instruction to ABRAHAM to command his household (the church) AFTER HIM to keep “the Way” (of justice and righteousness) which his Seed would later Personify by demonstrating it to perfection for us to likewise or be called liars for claiming to know Him (Gen 18:18,19; 26:5; Is 29:22-24; Matt 8:11,12; Lk 6:40; 20:21; Acts 24:14; Gal 3:16,29; Heb 13:20,21; 1 Jn 2:3-6).

We could restate the Topic as:
“Entering into” “the everlasting covenant,” to qualify to enter into the LORD’s oath to be ACKNOWLEDGED and ESTABLISHED as legitimate sons, as “YESHURUN” (the ideal, glorious church, by attainment of the image of YHVH) through the perfection of Holiness of one and the same (Hebrew) body, the righteous remnant of the Abrahamic dynasty of JACOB, heirs of the world (Deut 29:12-15; Is 44:1-8; Lk 1:33; Rom 4:13,16; Eph 2:11,12,15,19; 3:6; 4:4; 5:26,27; Heb 12:5-11,23,28; 13:20,21)

So we are all to “ENTER INTO the covenant” (Deut 29:12-15) to be sanctified by the commandmenT to keep the commandmentS (Deut 30:10,11; 2 Jn vs 5&6) to be a “noble vine” (“Yeshurun”), vessels of honour fit to “enter into the oath” to be established as LEGITIMATE sons (Deut 28:9,10; Heb 12:8), to reign in glory, with dominion of the NEW EARTH in union with the LAST ADAM – the obedient “special treasure” of whom Y’shua will not be ashamed to call them brothers, or His Father, to be called their God, because just as “not all are Israel, who are OF Israel” (Rom 9:6), neither will all who profess to be the church (which is the remnant House of Jacob), meet the criterion of holiness, for the redemption of their bodies in the First Resurrection of the FAITHFUL (Ex 19:5-8; Mal 3:16-18; Rom 8:4-7,17,23; Heb 2:10,11; 5:9; 11:16; 1 Jn 2:3-6,28,29).

In the prophecy of Torah, the closing chapters of Deuteronomy (which we’re considering altogether, in this commentary) contribute towards framing the end of the age to give the clearest possible warnings that NEGLECT to keep covenant will mean the end (literally termination) for “many,” for not heeding the Messiah as Moses warned (Deut 18:18,19; Acts 3:22,23) and as the LORD reiterates in Matt 7:13-27; Jn 5:24; 8:51-52 and elsewhere.

The poetic epithet, “Yeshurun,” the supreme label for YHVH’s Royal vision for Zion, His nation (awaiting the return of David’s Monarchy to Jerusalem – Gen 49:10; Is 9:6,7; Lk 1:32), as His soon-to-be superlative conduit of the wisdom of His commandments, statutes and judgments (Deut 4:5-8; Is 2:2-4 Micah 4:1-8), is what we could call the prophetic rear-projection of the redemptive plan for the consummation of salvation, by RECONCILIATION and UNIFICATION of “all things which are in Heaven and on Earth,” in the Messiah Y’shua as Head of “ALL things, for the church (of Jacob)” (Lk 1:33; Eph 1:9-12,22,23 & Col 1:20), to warrant the aspirational, royal ceremonial title “Yeshurun” being applied to the sanctified, overcoming body of believers through whom YHVH will INFLICT POETIC JUSTICE ON THE LAST ENEMY, DEATH, through the Messiah-King of Israel reigning over them and us in God’s household, the House of Jacob, on the Throne of David (Mk 11:10; Lk 1:32,33; 1 Cor 15:24,25).

“Yeshurun” is the NOBLE, exalted, even ecstatic spiritual condition into which Israel and their commonwealth will be catapulted “in one day,” to receive the inheritance of all things as heirs of YHVH who are “all righteous” (Is 60-62; 66:8-14; Jer 31:7; Rom 8:16,17; 11:25-29).

Israel (= “triumphant” from the root, “mastery”) and Yeshurun (= “upright,” dedicated to justice) are both descriptive of Jacob’s emerging STATURE as the firstborn (Gen 25:23; 32:28).

“Yeshurun” would have applied to Israel when they were FIRST PLANTED in Canaan as “a NOBLE vine” (Ps 80:8-11; Jer 2:21) having just crossed Jordan on dry ground and renewed their unanimous Sinai vow of obedience (Ex 19:5,6; 24:7,8) by choosing blessing while passing between the Mnts Ebal and Gerizim (Deut 11 & 27).

The concept of being a noble vine, fully consecrated, doing all YHVH’s will – points to their refinement to perfection under their New Covenant, which in God’s mercy, is the ultimate remedy for backsliding (Jer 2:21; Heb 8:8-11).

“The flesh (to which Israel is peculiarly and perversely prone) weakens the law” (Rom 8:3,4), which is why they need the Gift of the Ruach for YaH to work in them, both to be WILLING to be willing, and to DO Torah (Matt 5:18,19; Rom 8:4-14; Phil 2:12-15; 3:10-17; 2 Thess 3:4,5).

Deut 33:26-29 is Messianic prophecy pointing to Israel’s exaltation in latter house glory (Is 46:13; Haggai 2:7,9; Lk 2:32; Rom 11:25-29)

“Yeshurun” would have been LEAST APPLICABLE when, through its persistent provocations, Israel was “an empty vine” when “judgment sprang up as hemlock in the furrows of a field” (Hosea 10:1-4) and when “their vine was of the vine of Sodom, their grapes, grapes of gall and their clusters bitter” (Deut 32:15-32), when “they were not estranged from their lust” but “were not steadfast in His covenant” (e.g. Nu 25:1-9; Ps 78).

They would not deserve that honourable title again until their intense refinement like silver fired seven times in a clay oven, both before and under the New Covenant as a RE-purchased possession, purchased in HIS Blood as “Messiah their Passover” (Ex 15:16; Zech 9-13; 1 Cor 5:7,8; 1 Peter 1:17-23), produces a remnant WORTHY of being sealed for final redemption by the down- payment of the Holy Spirit of promise (Eph 1:13,14), to which Deut 33:26 and Is 44:2,3 and Ezek 36:24-37 refer.

In his homilies at the State Funeral of EIIR, Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Selby, resoundingly quashed the idea of once-saved- always-saved, by repeatedly emphasizing, in different ways, that it is those who both believe in and who “live (FOR Christ) unto righteousness” (faithful to His precepts) to “be YE holy (as proof of “returning to the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls”) because I am Holy” (Rom 6:10,11,22; 1 Peter 1:2,13-19,22; 2:24,5), to whom the hope of final redemption by the better, first resurrection (Jn 5:28,29; Rev 20:6 – the Resurrection for which Elizabeth II sleeps in Christ as the crown of Life for a life of service in His Name), applies.

This is so because persecution for upholding truth and righteousness is a barometer of loyalty to the Throne whose foundation in Christ is forever justice and righteousness (2 Tim 3:12).

The King of kings must rule as LORD OF and OVER ALL “to the ends of the Earth,” as “King in Jacob/Yeshurun,” His elect witness nation, just as He did previously in the church of the dynasty of Abraham in the wilderness which through the Hebrew New Covenant has become His body through “the mystery of Godliness” (Deut 33:4,5; Ps 59:5,13; Is 41:21-27; 44:1-8; Lk 1:32,33; 1 Tim 3:16).

“Yeshurun” would have been a powerful motif to use, to further impress on world leaders that the One and only God does not slacken His standard of conduct, to accommodate the idolatries mankind embraces at a whim.

“Yeshurun” has music in it. Even the shhh “sound of many waters.” And not just a hint of the IDENTITY of the Messiah into Whose outstretched arms Israel is to RUN, to receive the Gift of the Presence and power of His Spirit, to “RUN the way of His commandments” (remembering His scathing rebuke: “NONE of you keep the law”) in order to be the generation whose PLEA for His RETURN in the Glory of the Father and His angels, will be HEARD (Prov 28:9; Matt 23:23b,39), by their refinement as gold and silver making them the purest expression of the holy phenomenon of Transfigurement of human nature (by possession of the soul) into the Image of the Most High (Ps 40:7,8; 119:32; Matt 5:17-20,48; 6:9,10; Lk 6:40; Rom 8:29; 2 Cor 3:15-18; Heb 8:8-12; 10:16; 1 Jn 3:3-7)

POETIC metaphorical language has a special place in YHVH’s heart.

Especially in describing Israel, His chief righteous cause (Ps 74:22), His “vine” which He “planted” between the Mediterranean and the Euphrates (“the sea and the river”) and which He HAS VISITED (Ps 80:7,8,11,14-19; Lk 1:78,79) and which He also endearingly calls His “turtledove” (Ps 74:19-22), and “Yeshurun” (Deut 32:15; 33:5,26; Is 44:1-8) when they rise CORPORATELY to “the excellency of DIGNITY” and “excellency of POWER” of the consecrated firstborn male (e.g. Gen 49:3), intended for the display of YHVH’s glory, by His nation PROPERLY sanctifying His Name (Deut 7:9-12; Is 46:13; Lk 2:32), as the FAITHFUL “residue” (reserved remnant) of “Israel My son, even My firstborn” (as the millennial “one new man,” or ‘unique Hebrew successor-civilization’ to the world we know) (Eph 2:11,12,15,19; 3:6).

It is through the last days’ Messianic overcoming “Yeshurun” that YHVH will “swallow up death in victory” (Is 25:7-9).

Namely, through the PROVEN Messianic church of “the Fountain of Jacob” (in which we also hope to be confirmed as bona fide sons – Gen 28:14; Ps 68:26; Lk 1:33; 1 Cor 1:8; Heb 12:1-11), that will have overcome the death of sin by living for Christ, just as “obedient to righteousness” as HE was, by the Spirit (Lk 6:40; Rom 6:1-22; 7:25-8:14,23; 2 Cor 5:15; 1 Tim 6:11-14) to be offerings to God worthy to be ACCEPTABLE for the general “Resurrection of Life” (Lk 20:35; Jn 5:28,29; Rom 2:6-13; 15:16-18; 2 Cor 5:9-11),

So rather than treat the remaining Portions of Deuteronomy separately, let’s consider the tight relationship between 1) the call to conscientious covenant-keeping by ALL generations of believers, in Deut 29:9,12-15 (i.e. the necessity to “enter into” the covenant in order to “enter into” the oath), and 2) the POETIC DESCRIPTION of the perfected, “true Israel of God” (those “jewels” of holiness who do not mock God by DISPUTING His PRECEPTS – Ex 19:5-8/1 Peter 2:9,10/Rev 1:5; 14:6,7,12; Is 64:5; Mal 3:16-18; Rom 2:6-13; 3:31; Col 1:28,29; Gal 6:16), as triumphal Yeshurun.

The “Yeshurun” epithet, used for SOLEMN REPROOF in Deut 32:15 (when Israel yet again went “out of the Way,” the “unprofitable” reprobate condition described in Rom 3:12), and as an ACCOLADE for the more glorious latter House of Jacob in Deut 33:26 (the glorious church in Is 46:13; Haggai 2:7,9; Eph 2:11,12,19; 5:26,27), is one of the strongest proofs of the continuity of YHVH’s Instruction (Mal 4; Rom 3:31), AND of the Hebrew identity of the church which originated as Abraham’s household LEARNING THE WAY as heirs of the righteousness which is of faith (Gen 18:18,19), as WE do today, as the Fountain of Jacob/Israel (Deut 33:28; Ps 68:26; Gal 3:29) – the remnant Messianic eternal House of Jacob the firstborn nation amongst which we are grafted in as their inheritance in Messiah (Ex 4:22,23; 19:5-8; Is 14:1; 49:5-8; 54:3; 55:1-5; Lk 1:33; Acts 24:14; Rom 11; Heb 12:23).

“Yeshurun” is Israel finally raised to high estate by submitting to learn the Way of YHVH taught by YHVH in the Person of Y’shua the Messiah (2 Chr 6:18,27; Lk 20:21).

God has indeed “dwelt with men on the Earth” (2 Chr 6:18,27), as LORD-Immanu El-Messiah, to “teach us the good Way (of holiness), wherein we should walk” (Is 35:8; Lk 1:78; 20:21; Acts 24:14), for He must justify the RIGHTEOUS according to the degree to which they’ll have practised righteousness in word and deed (1 Kings 8:23,32; Jn 5:24,28,29; Rom 2:6-13; 15:16-18; 2 Cor 5:9-11; 1 Jn 3:3-10)

We ought to be embarrassed by the number of times, especially in the closing chapters of His Torah (Deut 26-33), with corresponding warnings throughout Revelation, that our Covenant-keeping Father has had to remind us to do the same, to remain “in Y’shua” to remain “with (the Father)” – “YHVH be WITH YOU, while ye be WITH HIM (Deut 7:9-15; 29:8,12-15; 2 Chr 15:2; Is 56:6; 1 Cor 7:19; 11:1,2; 1 Jn 2:3-6,17; 5:2&3; 2 Jn vs 5&6; Rev 1-3,12,18-22).

2 Jn vs 5&6,9-11 makes that point startlingly clear.

The constant refrain is “return and obey” in various forms (e.g. Deut 30:2,8,20; Hosea 6:1-3), NOT ‘forsake the covenant with impunity’ as some have dared to believe, to their destruction (Deut 29:25-28; 30:18).

Returning through diligent obedience was regarded as important enough, for a Song to have been composed to serve as a witness against renegades (Deut 31:21); and for the entire covenant to be read in the hearing of all Israel on each Shmittah (Year of Release) Sukkot (Feast of Booths) as revision and induction of up and coming generations into Torah as the nation steps into a new seven year cycle of submission (Deut 31:10-13), immediately post-Yom-Kippur-Fast-of-repentance, to keep a short account with YHVH.

The entire Bible is the Source of HOW to prove to YHVH that we actually believe “that if One died for ALL, then were ALL dead,” by our choosing to “live henceforth (as “dead to sin,” by living) NOT UNTO OURSELVES, but unto Him Who died for us and rose again” (Rom 6; 2 Cor 5:14,15; 1 Jn 3;3-10).

This is the meaning of “enter into covenant with the LORD our God” (Deut 29:12-15).

The chief purpose of the Holy Spirit as Teacher/Counsellor, and as the Power of YaH to accomplish (Phil 2:12-15), is for us to make good on that holy obligation to learn to fear God by learning to do all His will, to FIND His promised “rest and refreshing” for ourselves, by “walking at liberty” in His precepts, as within a fence of roses (Deut 31:11,12; Ps 119:1,45; Is 28:9-13; Rom 2:6-13), to have “full assurance of hope” (of inclusion in a Godfearing, spotless bride), “to the end” (Heb 5:11-14; 6:1-12; Rev 3:1-6,10-12,16; 2:5,26; 12:17; 14:6,7,12)

As Archbishop Selby said, living for Christ in that way, provides both abundant life NOW, and the Hope that we’ll rise to glory – by producing the abundant, “peaceable fruit of righteousness “meet for repentance” (Acts 26:18,20; Heb 12) which PROVES we are indeed sanctified by the Blood and wholly acceptable.

Hence the concept of justification by WORKS of RIGHTEOUSNESS, by sanctification by the COMMANDMENTS (Acts 10:35; Eph 2:10; 1 Thess 4:1-3a; 5:23; James 1:22-25; 2:12-26).

Snapshots of the modus operandi of THAT admirable degree of consecration, are inserted strategically THROUGHOUT the Bible to help order our priorities, once w’ere reconciled by faith in the redemption which is in the Master’s Blood (Deut 5:49; 7:6-15; 10:4,12-17; 18:13; Ps 103:17,18; Hosea 12:6; Amos 5:14,15; Eccl 12:13; Zeph 2:3; Rom 2:6-13; 3:20,31; 7:7,12-16,22,25; 8:4-14; 1 Tim 6:11-14; Rev 14:6,7,12; 22:11), leaving no-one with excuse for treating the PASSIVITY of IMPUTED righteousness as the goal of salvation, especially since such great emphasis is placed on sanctification by the commandments throughout the New Testament, culminating in especially intense exhortation and admonition from Rev 14 through 22.

Under Moses, YHVH was honoured “IN Yeshurun” AS KING (Deut 33:4,5) when Israel was TEACHABLE, submitting to the wisdom of their heritage of Torah; so shall He be honoured as the “more glorious latter house of Jacob” (the proper identity of the endtime church) mends ITS ways to keep THE Way (Haggai 2:7,9; Lk 1:33; Rom 3:31), for righteousness in word and deed to be restored (Rom 15:16-18), by “mercy and truth MEETING together and righteousness and peace KISSING each other” (Ps 87:9-13), for only then (when we cease provoking the LORD by insisting on the idolatry of our self-will) will “the ordinances of Heaven and Earth” be harmonized (Jer 33:25; Matt 6:9,10) and the song of Moses and the Song of the Lamb be fulfilled (Deut 31:19-22,28-30; Mal 1:6; Rev 14:1-3,6,7,12; 15:1-4).

That is when the two consonantal couplets which make up the Memorial Name YH VH, will be UNIFIED in practice, because YH stands for the Divine Atttubute of JUSTICE/JUDGMENT and VH, for MERCY.

The BLEND of both Attributes will bring about the desired goal for Creation through the ekklesia of Jacob (Acts 7:38) which is now Messiah’s body, thereby raised to the stature of HIS FULLNESS (Eph 4:13,14,23,24), to be rightly acclaimed as “YESHURUN” – redeemed man (as Jacob was – Matt 8:11,12) purged, cleansed, sanctified and perfected as covenant-keeper (Col 1:22,23,28; 4:12).

“HALLOWING (honouring, exalting, glorifying) His Name” (Matt 6:9,10), and His Name being “put ON us” (Nu 6:27) means His image being imprinted on our souls by His laws written on our hearts (Heb 8:10), for THEM (the doers of His laws) to be His own, for having “approved the things which are more excellent, being taught out of the law,” to do them (Ex 19:5-8; Rom 2:6-26; James 1:22-25).

That’s when the Unification of all things prophesied in Eph 1:9,10, will be fulfilled, because YHVH cannot be God as “all in all” while His creation mutinies and refuses to return to Him IN OBEDIENCE, to be “WHOLLY sanctified, spirit, soul AND body,” to be restored to His Image (Rom 8:29; Col 3:9,10; 1 Cor 15:28).

In short, “Yeshurun” becomes a VALID IDENTITY for a people made trustees of the holiest ‘pandect (codex) of profitable laws in all eternity, against a rebellious spirit’ (Deut 4:5-8; Is 2:2-4), WHEN they who PROFESS the righteousness of the yoke of Heaven BASED on possession of the laws life, ARE NO LONGER HYPOCRITES, but a light to the world by walking lawfully, after the Spirit, as Y’shua and Paul did (Matt 5:19,48; 11:29,30; 12:50; Rom 7:22,25-8:14).

May Israel’s God and Father hasten that day, for us to rejoice with His people (Deut 32:43; Jer 31:7), and for all Creation, for their and its liberation from bondage to suffering by defilement by our collective Torahlessness (Is 24:5; Rom 8:4,6,7,18-22; 1 Jn 3:4).

Such is the overarching lesson of Deuteronomy


TOPIC: The “inheritance is (conditionally) RESERVED in Heaven for you” (1 Peter 1:4,13-18)

To borrow from William Shakespeare, “To be (established) or not to be (established), THAT is the question.”

Torah Portion Deut 26:1 – 29:8, to “be made wise for final redemption” (Rom 8:4,14,23; 2 Tim 3:14-17)

To borrow from William Shakespeare, “To be (established) or not to be (established), THAT is the question.”

Defining “establish” in Deut 28:10 & 29:13 in relation to Heb 8:10, is unquestionably one of the most important tasks for anyone wanting to understand how to count the cost of finishing the course by knowing and keeping THE FAITH by being won over to covenant-keeping by the Spirit (Rom 8:4,6-14), to fight a good fight to overcome Torahlessness to “win Christ” as covenant-Keeper, in the end (Lk 13:23-30; 14:25-35; Phil 3:10-17; 2 Tim 4:7; 1 Jn 3:3-7).

“Establish” is grammatically and thematically inseparable from “CONTINUANCE in well-doing (mastering of precept, rejoicing in working righteousness, remembering YHVH in all His ways – Heb 5:11-14; 6:1-12) to SEEK FOR glory, honour, immortality and eternal life” by upholding the laws of YHVH “sealed among My disciples” as in Is 8:13,14,16,20; 64:5; Matt 28:30 and Rom 2:6-13.

“Establish” according to Strong’s: H6965, means to RISE (in various applications, literal, figurative, intensive and causative), to ABIDE (remain as in “remain forever” “in the Messiah,” in 1 Jn 2:3-6,17, for abiding in the COMMANDMENTS to remain in the Vine – Jn 14:15; 15:3-15); accomplish, be CONFIRMED (1 Cor 1:8), CONTINUE (in covenant- keeping – Rom 11:22; Heb 8:9), be strengthened, succeed.

Zion will rise (Deut 26:16-19; 28:9-14; Jer 31:7) only if the wisdom of the Father’s commandments, ordinances, statutes and judgments and sanctifying traditions is CHAMPIONED by the whole House of Jacob (Deut 4:5-8; 26:17; 27:10; 28:10; 29:9; Is 2:2-4; Micah 4:1-8; 7:8-20; Lk 1:33).

Therefore Heb 8:10 leaves no excuse for misjudging the importance of co-operating with the Spirit of Holiness to put YHVH’s laws in our minds and write them on our hearts (Prov 7:1-3), because it is “to THEM (to those who DELIGHT in His laws as He did on Earth – Ps 40:7,8; Heb 10:5-7) that “I shall be a God and THEY shall be to Me a people.”

The pronouns are specific.

The promise is not random.

Only if grace is a license for Torahlessness (Rom 6:1; 1 Jn 3:4) and love, freedom from obedience, is life and immortality unconditional (1 Jn 5:3).

Love DIVORCED from a faith which is obedient (“emunah” – Hab 2:4; Rom 16:26; Heb 10:36,38) is NOT the Love of God that ransomed us by saying a categorical ‘no’ to self-will, in Gethsemane (Lk 22:42-44).

A Salvation offer that ignores the profound “if” in Ex 19:5,6 and the three decisive “if’s” in Deut 28:1,2,9,10 (the condition implied in Deut 26:17-19 & 27:9 and expressly stated in Deut 29:13), to excuse itself for ignoring Is 56:6-8 and which therefore does not require that we “return” to YHVH by “following-on to KNOW the LORD” (Hosea 6:1-3) to be CONFIRMED and “ESTABLISHED” as the kingdom of priests and holy nation of the people of His inheritance, is absolutely not the “Glad Tidings” of “everlasting salvation,” of Is 45:17-25.

The inheritance is conditional.

Being saved into the Kingdom is free entrance into the race to attain the highest degree of holiness which alone reflects the purity of “chaste virgins” (1 Cor 9:24-27; 2 Cor 11:2; Phil 3:10-17).

Anything less is unacceptable.

Failure to run the race LAWFULLY according to “the Way” (Lk 20:21; Acts 24:14; 2 Tim 2:5), to obtain the crown of righteousness (2 Tim 4:3-8), means probable disqualification from the crown of life (Matt 7:13,14; 19:16,17; Lk 10:25-28).

The purpose of life is to FIND and to KNOW the Father and the Son, by revelation by THEIR Spirit (Ex 33:13; Acts 17:26,27; 1 Jn 2:3-6).

That is done by being willing to be shown “the Way (of the LORD)” to live righteously, and then by doing so zealously as the earliest believers were commended, by the Apostles (Acts 21:20), to love God with ALL our heart, and ALL our soul and with ALL our strength and others, as sacrificially as Y’shua loved us (Lk 20:21; Jn 13:34; Acts 21:20; 24:14b; 1 Jn 3:16).

There’s no way you can SUBTRACT YHVH’s laws to make salvation EQUAL eternal life by defining “grace for grace” (Jn 1:16) differently, to wish-away the grace given AFTER reconciliation by grace, to accomplish the high call to Heb 12:14,28.

Working out our own salvation THROUGH the righteousness of the law (Rom 8:4; Phil 2:12-15; 2 Tim 2:5) is what SECURES the promise of eternal life, which is attainable only by the holiness which is the fruit of righteousness in word and deed that makes us offerings acceptable to God (Rom 6:22; 15:16-18; Heb 12:14,28).

The great contribution of the Hebrew Scriptures towards rectifying the MADNESS of the anti-nomian (anti-Torah) Gospel of salvation, is its continual reminders that becoming “the people of the LORD Thy God” is IN ORDER TO BE MADE HOLY through the commandments (Jn 17:17,19; 1 Cor 7:19; 1 Thess 4:1-3a), or find oneself defiled and unacceptable (Deut 27:9,10; 1 Cor 3:17).

The enormity of the decision to choose Life and blessing by choosing to accept the right rulings/paths (ma’agelei tzedek) by which to regulate our thought and behaviour (to which Paul draws our attention in so many passages, such as Rom 2:13; 3:31; 7:22,25; 8:4; 1 Cor 7:19; 11:1,2; 2 Thess 2:15), will be re-emphasized in Deut 30 (in next week’s readings) which is directly applicable to the church in every generation (Acts 7:38; Deut 30:10,11/2 Jn vs 5&6).

Torah Portions were never intended to be understood without reference to, and deepest respect for, the CONTEXT in which they’re placed, consideration of CONTEXT being one of the universal EIGHT laws of interpretation.

The abrupt cut-off in the narrative this week at Deut 29:8 should therefore not mislead us.

Having just emerged from weighty consideration of the enumeration, in Deut 28:1-14, of many conditional blessings; and in verses 15-68, their inevitable antithesis – curses of many descriptions for breach of covenant, it’s evident that CONTINUITY of our attention is required from Deut 29:8 onwards for the sake of soundly interpreting the foregoing, as this is strongly implied by the “KEEP THEREFORE…” which begins verse 9, and which logically takes us to the end of verse 15, verses 12 – 15 containing one of the most important revelations in the entire Bible, which satan has had a field-day SUPPRESSING: the concept of “entering into the covenant” in order to fulfil the requirements to participate in the promise sworn on oath.

This phrase has been seditiously excised from Christian vocabulary and replaced with cant (sham holiness; humbug), and we wonder why the church barely resembles its Messianic 1st century Apostolic model.

Examining the CONTEXT of this Portion with a clinical eye, reveals the importance of understanding Deut 11:22-32 / 27:1-13 (the two accounts of the vale of decision between Mnt Ebal and Mnt Gerizim) through the prism of the TWIN-emphasis on ‘coming in’ or ‘entering in’ in a) PHYSICAL exit from Exodus (i.e. “…when you ENTER/come into the Land…”); and b) “ENTERING INTO into the COVENANT,” for which our wilderness experiences are allowed to take place, to prepare us BY GRACE (Heb 12:14,28), FOR “grace to reign THROUGH righteousness unto Eternal Life” through our BEING CONSISTENTLY OBEDIENT TO BE RIGHTEOUS to “bear fruit unto Holiness” (Rom 5:21; 6:12-22; 15:16-18; 1 Jn.3:3,4,7), not just confessing virtual righteousness (2 Cor 5:21).

Israel fording the river Jordan and being met on the west bank with a DIVINE ULTIMATUM between Ebal and Gerizim, to REPENT by choosing the precepts of the Way of life, or face extinction, is an object lesson to all of us to believe that our perfection in the Messiah using the benchmarks for purity in the Torah and the Prophets, is indeed a necessity (Deut 18:18,19; Acts 3:22,23; Col 1:22,23,28; 4:12; 2 Tim 3:14-17).

The drama of that searching of hearts and fateful decision as Israel entered Canaan BETWEEN the mounts, began in Ex 19:5-8 when constituted as a nation under YHVH’s absolute Sovereignty and laws to which they unanimously subscribed.

Now, at Ebal and Gerizim, our God held the generation that survived the Exodus, to account, even as He required their circumcision to fulfil His covenant with Abraham (Gen 17).

As a special dispensation, we from the nations are deemed physically circumcised (if of course we weren’t circumcised at 8 days – Jn 7:23) if likewise, we let His precepts align our allegiance to Him (Deut 29:12-15; Rom 2:13,25,26).

Of course, in that connection there’s a deep lesson in the closing verses of this Portion, for us all (Deut 29:5&6), in that anyone who RESISTS the Holy Spirit leading them into the wilderness seasons of life (Matt 4:1) deemed NECESSARY to develop strong faith and the knowledge of YHVH by “keeping the Word of His patience” through longsuffering experience (while supernaturally preserved and provided for, for the furtherance of sanctification of our character for transfigurement of our HUMAN nature into the DIVINE Nature by partaking of YHVH’s Holiness – Heb 12; 1 Peter 1:1-9; 2 Peter 1:1-11), is guaranteed to NOT “KNOW that He is the LORD our God,” by NOT knowing from personal experience of grace, under trial, “that man doth not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the Mouth of the LORD…” (Deut 8:1-6; 29:6).

Allowing Him “to know what is in our heart, whether we will keep His commandments, or not,” by “proving us, to do us good AT OUR LATTER END” (Deut 8:16) by inculcating the Fear of God through chastening (for the Fear of God to be our TREASURE – Is 33:6), is critically important in our long term relationship with Deity.

It shouldn’t surprise us, therefore, that becoming part of the Hebrew household of “the people of the LORD our God” comes with a holy burden of proof that our justification by faith has not been taken for granted, because IMPLICIT in the free gift of IMPUTED righteousness, is the holy obligation to live up to it, or our justification is in vain (Deut 27:9,10; Lk 1:33; James 2:14-26; 1 Jn 3:7).

James is therefore not arguing against Paul.

We are not “established” (Deut 28:10; 29:13) as bona fide ‘chaverim B’rit’ (members of the covenant) (“confirmed to the end” – 1 Cor 1:8), as ACKNOWLEDGED sons of God, except by being DOERS of the Word, to establish the PERPETUAL validity of Torah as an objective test of righteousness (Rom 2:6-13; 3:20,31; 2 Tim 3:14-17; James 1:22-25).

Hypocrisy finds no refuge in the Kingdom of Heaven, either there, or on Earth (Matt 6:9,10).

Actions speak louder than words.

Faith, “if it hath no works (Acts 10:35; Eph 2:10b), is dead, being ALONE” (Deut 26:18; 27:9,10; 28:1,2,9,10; 29:9-15; Rom 3:31; James 1:22-25; 2:12,17-26).

This is about the purging of all trace of contamination of spirit, soul and body that hinders personal purification (2 Cor 7:1; 1 Peter 1:13-18; 2 Tim 2:20,21), to match the primordial purity (natural innocence) of the LAND in which we’re domiciled (including our homes – Hab 2:9-11, so that they or other circumstances don’t ‘vomit us out’); AND that of the spotless Messiah for which Israel and we are waiting (Lk 6:40; Col 1:28; 1 Jn 3:3,4).

The lesson can hardly be lost on us today, if we love the detail in the covenant.

It’s not learnt, however, unless we are diligent enough to SEARCH & RECOVER language/phraseology in Scripture (like “enter into the covenant and into the oath”) that has been buried in the dust of centuries with malevolent motive, but which powerfully describes and confirms our righteous obligations as well instructed “children of light,” properly equipped to “approve the things that are more excellent,” learned “out of the (wealth of) Torah (Instruction)”

This Portion both explains and is explained by 1 Jn 2:3-6,17,28,29.

That’s the long and short of it.

Torah is indispensable, to understand the importance of proving WORTHY, to “remain forever” inscribed for Life by maintaining the purity we obtained when we first responded to the Word of faith and were freely justified (Lk 20:35; Jn 15:3-15; Eph 4:1; 1 Jn 2:17).

The “inheritance is (conditionally) RESERVED in Heaven” for those who “don’t grieve the Spirit,” but who in “righteousness and true holiness,” “keep themselves in YHVH’s love” (always by obedience, to honour the sprinkled Blood) by “entering into (i.e. unconditionally submitting to) the covenant,” to “enter into” the fulfilment of the “OATH” (Ex 19:5,6; Deut 26:18; 29:13) THAT ONLY THOSE WHO DO (Deut 7:9-12; 2 Chr 15:12,15), will be RECOGNIZED AS LEGITIMATE SONS (Matt 7:21-27; Heb 12) and “established” amongst the bona fide remnant, YHVH’s ‘Am S’goelah’ (faithful ‘circle’ of “jewels” – Ex 19:5-8; Deut 28:9,10; 29:13; Jer 31:22,31-34; Mal 3:16-18; Jn 14:16; 15:10-14; Heb 8:10b; 1 Peter 1:2b,4,13-18,22; 2:9,10,21,22; 2 Peter 1:1-15; 3:11-18), the SANCTIFIED “people of (His) inheritance” (Deut 4:10,20; 28:9,10; Eph 4:24,24,30; 1 Thess 5:23; 2 Thess 2:13-15; Jude vs 21).

Only THEY shall be the “NEW THING on Earth,” namely, the remnant “one new man” or bride (“a woman shall compass a man”) ‘compassing’ the Son of Man, due to His ratification of the Hebrew New Covenant of Judah and Israel to ensure that by the ministry of the Spirit, He obtains a spotless bride in the House of Jacob the firstborn, His Abrahamic household, to fulfil the marriage covenant unanimously entered into by faith at Sinai (Ex 19:8; 24:7,8), a commitment to faithfulness which is binding on all future generations, with its origin in YHVH’s instruction to Abraham to teach “the Way of the LORD” (Gen 18:18,19; 26:5; Ex 19:4-8; Deut 29:14,15; Lk 1:33; Eph 2:11,12,19; 5:26,27).

As the people called to “hallow (sanctify, exalt) the Name” and Proclaim the ‘Shema’ (Deut 6:4-9; Matt 6:9,10; Mk 12:29-31), only by being model firstborn nation (Ex 4:22,23) by magnifying Torah (Deut 4:5-8) will YHVH be sanctified satisfactorily by Israel so that He will take Israel from whom He has been separated, as His bride, along with their loyal co-heirs who endorse the Ex 19:5-8; Deut 29:9,12-15 marriage covenant IN FULL.

We’re being joined to the remnant Jewish/Hebrew bride.

YHVH does not cast Himself in the rôle of any other nation’s Husband.

We have to be “in Jacob,” “in the Messiah,” to be in the bride (Gen 12:3; 28:14; Gal 3:29).

He is our Prince and Saviour, Shepherd, Stone, Star, Great Light, Sceptre and Husband only through our affinity to Israel His chosen nation. We cleave to Him by cleaving to them in the Messiah in Whom we are in the Father (Is 14:1; 49:5-8; 54:3; 55:5; Rom 11; 1 Cor 8:6).

Read Jer 31:22,31-34 and Eph 2:11-19 in that light, for yourself.

Salvation is not “full assurance of hope until the end,” WITHOUT PROOF of commitment to honour the terms of separation from worldliness (the “paths of righteousness”;
laws of life) which define “the (strait/narrow) Way of Holiness” (Is 35:8; Matt 7:13-27; 1 Tim 6:11-14; 2 Tim 2:5; Heb 5:11-14; 6:1-12).

To drive the point, this Portion supplies a range of precepts for our consideration, from remembering to dedicate our FIRSTFRUITS (unlike the clearly denominated TITHE, firstfruits are an unprescribed quantity or value as a sacred offering), an apt starting point for the nation about to cross Jordan to enter their land, in which the first crops sanctified as food would see the end of their miraculous provision of manna; to the dire warning against bounty-hunting (mercenary ‘hits’), thereby given us a wide sampling of “the doctrine according to Godliness” (1 Tim 6:3; 2 Tim 3:10), from nourishment from new life, to death by murder (Deut 26:2/Prov 3:9,10 to Deut 27:25).

We’re warned not to discriminate against any part of the covenants made at Sinai (Horev; Myrrh Mnt) and in Moab (Deut 29:1).

Every facet of Divine Jurisprudence has value to offer to Jew and co-heir, by inspiration of the Holy Spirit (Nu 15:15,16; Matt 5:19; Rom 3:31; 8:4-14).

The principle that acceptance of Deity as Sovereign, binds us to His beneficial laws, is A CONSTANT.

Vesting our faith in YHVH through Y’shua entails unconditional surrender to the Father by acceptance of the yoke of Heaven’s legislation for mankind (Matt 5:19; 6:9,10; 11:29,30).

This act of renunciation of self-will is continually referred to through the Word.

The New Testament is the means for perfection of sanctification (1 Thess 5:23).

From Ex 19:5-8 where Israel accepted the unique yoke of chosen nation in perpetuity, its special bond with the King of the Universe is expressed in many and various reformulations such as Deut 4:5-8; 5:29; 26:16-19; to 28:1,2,9,10 and Deut 29:9-15 etc right through to the ultimate glorification of the House of Jacob in the New Jerusalem (Haggai 2:7,9; Heb 12:23; Rev 21:12)

That’s what makes the ‘Shema’ (Mk 12:28-34) (the covenant of allegiance to the One and Only God and to all His ways), the SUPREME CONFESSION in the faith (besides salvation confession from Rom 10:9-13), stolen from the original Messianic liturgy by satan whose campaign of defilement cannot succeed if it remains in place.

Just as not one of the Ten Words Spoken on Sinai (Deut 4:13) is irrelevant at any time in the past, present or future, so none of the sample size of 11 “statutes and judgments” (Deut 4:14) cited in Deut 27 could possibly find DISFAVOUR with anyone who has the LORD’s Spirit (Rom 8:4,6-14).

True Revival (its goal being the liberty of “rest and refreshing” found through freedom from defilement by not voiding Torah ) (Ps 119:1,45; Is 28:9-13; Hosea 6:1-3; Ezra 9:8-10; Acts 3:19; Rom 2:13,26; 3:31; 8:4) is ALWAYS the OVERTURE to REFORMATION of “ANYTHING contrary to sound doctrine…” (i.e. anything opposed to the letter and Spirit of the full counsel of the Word – Acts 20:25-32; 1 Tim 1:8-11), for correction and chastisement to produce full consecration, to “ENTER INTO (conscientious “masteries” of ) the covenant” so that satan has no grounds to prosecute us as lawbreakers any more than our blameless Master (Deut 29:12-15; Ps 50:5,23; Is 56:6-8; Lk 6:40; Jn 10:16; 14:30; Phil 2:12-15; Col 4:12; 2 Tim 2:5,11; Heb 13:20,21).

We need to be very clear about the purpose of ‘Revival’ so that we’re not entrapped into believing it is chiefly a platform for highly visible signs and wonders (see Y’shua’s judgment on bias against the precepts in Matt 7:21-23) instead of the greatest miracle, which is the transfiguring of our souls from glory to glory through obedience to the covenant by which purification of our souls is a necessity (2 Cor 3:18; 1 Jn 3:3-7), to be raised to the full stature of Messiah Y’shua as ambassadors of whom our Father can say to us what Paul commended in Timothy: “Thou hast FULLY KNOWN My doctrine” (Eph 4:12-15; 2 Tim 3:10), essential to proclaim the unadulterated Gospel which does not denounce the law we are called to serve from the heart by the Spirit (Prov 7:1-3; Heb 8:8-11; 10:16) with the renewed spirit of our minds (Rom 7:7,12-16,22,25; 8:4-14; 12:1,2).

To YHVH be the glory for drawing us into the DETAIL in the covenant necessary to discover the FREEDOM to be found in the OBEDIENCE which is necessary to “make FULL PROOF of our ministries” (2 Tim 4:3-8), to “finish our course with JOY” and be exalted to high estate in “Yeshurun” (ideal Israel – Deut 33:26-29; Is 44:1-8) as Y’shua’s “friends,” fully justified being called “gods,” in Him, by honouring the Way of YHVH, by “doing justice and judgment” (doing what is just and righteous in true holiness) in the Fear of God the Father (Gen 18:18,19; Ps 82:6; 106:3; 119:45; Jn 8:31-36,51-53; 10:35; 15:10-15; Acts 20:24).

[To YHVH be the glory in Y’shua’s Name for His scribal anointing to labour in the field of Torah to help stir up righteousness to harmonize “the ordinances of heaven and earth,” to manifest “the Way of the LORD” for the blessing of Abraham to be unhindered, for his Seed, the Messiah, to return for a consecrated, duty-devoted remnant (Ps 50:5,23) who both LOVE and KNOW Him by finding rest in the commandments, by having magnified and established Torah above even His Name – Gen 18:18,19; 26:5; Ps 138:2; Is 28:9-13; 42:21; Jer 33:25; Matt 6:9,10; 12:50; 13:44,52; 23:39; Lk 17:10; Rom 3:31; 1 Cor 11:1,2; Heb 5:9]