Commentary on Numbers 13-15. Topic: Faith and Foolishness; Fact and Fiction
Numbers 13-15
Topic: Faith and Foolishness; Fact and Fiction
“PROVING what is acceptable to the LORD, see (then) that ye walk circumspectly (i.e. accurately, governed by the compass of holiness through obedience to the righteousness of the laws of God), not as FOOLS (not appreciating that prophecy is pre-written history; a highway, if believed), but as the WISE, redeeming the time (occupied “living for righteousness”) because the days are evil. Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what (all) the will of YHWH is” (Rom 3:31; 8:4-14; Eph 5:10,15-17; Phil 1:9-11; Col 4:12)
As an opening remark, it shouldn’t escape us how RARE it is, as a rule, for Christians (whose knowledge of “the faith” is largely built on a diet of FAITH PROMISE CONFESSIONS – 2 Cor 1:20, rather than on balanced understanding of promises RELATIVE to OBLIGATIONS AND DUTIES – Lk 17:9,10; Rom 1:5; 2:13; 3:31; 8:4; 15:16-18; 1 Cor 7:19b; 11:1,2), NOT TO BELIEVE a promise, compared with our dismal track record, since the Roman apostasy, of ignorance of and deviation from obedience to “the Way” by not believing in the role of the commandments to create Christlikeness as proof of repentance (Lk 21:20; Acts 24:14; Rom 8:4,29; 1 Jn 2:3-6).
Of all the promises Israel might have chosen to disavow, their attitude towards their Divine Title Deed to Canaan was the most provocative challenge to their Maker’s Sovereignty, capacity, power and determination to deliver on His covenants of promise: a slap in His Face, and a stab in Abram’s back by being willing to forsake the Way of YHWH (Gen 18:18,19; Ex 6:2-9).
One wonders what OUR mortality statistics would have looked like had WE been “the church in the wilderness,” en route to Canaan, disputing the viability of ownership of our destination (Nu 14:1-3; Acts 7:38).
Would WE have been any LESS predisposed to slander, by chafing against the promise of YHWH’s Land, as our inheritance? (Nu 14:31,35,36).
Would WE have been any MORE predisposed to keep covenant, than Israel in its great forty year test of worthiness of embryonic nationhood? (Nu 15:15,16).
Have WE presumed what the Truth is, choosing our own reality rather than verifying and supporting the Truth, any LESS than Israel, over its generations?
Wilful IGNORANCE (the disinclination to want to hear and know the truth), which is the equivalent of wilful DISOBEDIENCE, and which is the root of PRESUMPTION (which “reproacheth the LORD” and is “the great transgression”– Ps 19:13; Nu 15:30), is responsible for more shame and pain than we can imagine.
In the account of the spying of the Promised Land, to assess its potential (bearing in mind that fact-checking unfulfilled prophecy still requires faith), the self-condemnation of a generation of inveterate grumblers who revolted by slandering their inheritance (over 600000 men over the age of twenty) (Nu 1:2,3; 14:27,29-35) was entirely due to turning a deaf ear to FAVOURABLE facts ATTESTED TO by the two faithful witnesses (Nu 13:23-27; 14:6-9), but DISTORTED by manipulative, discontented fearmongerers, whose allegiance to the Exodus project was extremely doubtful (Nu 13:28-33).
We have within us that same conflict, spurred on by groundless apprehension, seduction by carnal reasoning, aided-and-abetted by a ‘fear and flight syndrome’ (Nu 14:4), which Paul proved, can be overcome, through trust, and the Fear of God sensitizing us to the wisdom of what is EXPEDIENT, in order “not to be brought under the power of ANY” suggestion and inducement to make decisions that run counter to truth by satan ‘running interference against the perfect will of God’ (Nu 13:30; Rom 7:22-25; 1 Cor 6:12).
We learn from Abraham in Rom 4:18-21 and Mary in Lk 1:37,38,45, that the promises of God are A HIGHWAY TO CERTAIN FULFILMENT, provided we stay clean by abiding in the Vine (Jn 15:3-15; 1 Jn 3:3,4) and “just believe” that we’ll “see the glory of God” in the outworking of His promises.
With relatively few exceptions, Israel did neither, most of their time in the wilderness. Unwilling to be refined like silver and gold, to enter their inheritance, multitudes perished in ignominy, under the curse.
It was hard-going for the Holy Spirit (Acts 7:51,53).
Rather than “just believe,” the false spies chose to believe and to report what is INEXPEDIENT, IMMEDIATELY sealing their fate, by plague (Nu 14:36,37). Their gullible HEARERS who gave no credit to the truth (Nu 14:1-12) would die along with them, not all at once, immediately, but over a trying span of forty years, “bearing your iniquities,” to all intents and purposes disinherited, until none of that wicked generation which insulted the Spirit of grace by DEFAMING the promise of all of Canaan, was left to DEFILE the remnant of the nation and the holiness of the Tabernacle of meeting in which the Almighty graced Israel with His Presence (Gen 17:8; Nu 14:32-35).
Herein is a huge lesson for the church today. In a severe warning addressed to the pulpit by Paul, we read that it is in knowing and heeding SOUND doctrine, that “thou shalt both save THYSELF, and THEM THAT HEAR YOU” (1 Tim 4:16 – read the full text over and over, bearing in mind that it is speaking to individuals ALREADY SAVED from sin, but doctrinally weak and erring in spirit by ignorance of “the knowledge of sin,” not yet obtained, by prejudice against, and therefore lack of instruction out of the law – Ps 94:12,13; Rom 3:20b,31; 2 Tim 4:3-8).
1 Tim 4:16 demands the attention of both leaders AND the flock which too often passively gives preaching undeserved credibility by not subjecting it rigorously to the Berean test to validate its accurancy (Acts 17:11; 2 Cor 13:1,5; 2 Tim 3:14-17). Neither preacher nor congregant is safe from destruction by PROPAGATION OF FALSE DOCTRINE (‘goat propaganda’) believed and acted upon. The ten spies represent a ‘strange pulpit,’ estranged from the truth and adversarial to faith. We should all ponder deeply the poignancy of the statement: “But Joshua the son of Nun, and Caleb son of Jephunneh…LIVED STILL” (Nu 14:38).
One wonders how many are the “FEW” who when all is said and done, will “live still,” by being the tried and proven elect who take consecration seriously, to “find” the narrow path that Joshua and Caleb’s witness and subsequent inheritance in the Land, symbolizes (Matt 7:13-27; 1 Jn 2:17; Rev 3:2-6). How many, are the “many” who, by believing suspect doctrine (including the false “first day of the week” sabbath and feasts – Ex 20:8-11; rejection of our debt to Israel – Ro 15:27, and Israel’s ownership of their Land in perpetuity – Gen 17:8; Ps 105:8-11; Rom 15:8) are provoking YHWH repeatedly today, perhaps already EVEN MORE than the “ten times” that seems to have been a cardinal measurement of disloyalty and rebellion (Nu 14:22), by reports which they’ve not objectively tested, and by breach of covenant which they are disinclined to want to recognize due to complacency fed by prejudice against study of the Hebrew Scriptures, which are written for OUR admonishment in order for us to be found “in Christ,” to “win Christ” by being His trophy as overcomers of sin, by being steadfast in spirit, for full assurance of hope, to the end (1 Cor 10:1-12; Phil 3:8-17; 2 Tim 3:14-17; Heb 5:11-14; 6:1-12; 13:20,21; 1 Jn 2:3-6).
“Shall He find faith on the earth” is an ancient question related to appreciation of the merits of His ways (which Israel often despised) (Ps 78:36,37,40,41; Lk 18:8,9) and which goes hand-in-hand with His pre-occupation, for our own good, with our “need of patience in order to possess (teach and discipline) our souls” which are the processors of our choice of reality (Lk 21:19). Our Father probably looks on today and says to Himself: “…how long will it be before they believe Me (trust Me, receive all My doctrine and believe My promises…” (Nu 14:11; Jn 5:24; 8:51), knowing that a CUT-OFF point exists for those who “receive NOT the love of the truth whereby they must be saved,” a FATAL SEPARATION that must be executed, to finally differentiate between tares and wheat, sheep and goats, “bastards” and true and faithful sons, for a virgin bride to inherit eternity as the glorious remnant, latter house of Jacob (Haggai 2:7-9; Lk 1:33; Matt 25:10-12; 2 Cor 11:1,2; 2 Thess 2:10-15; Heb 12; Rev 22:14,15)
Underlying the spiritual reality of an education (a discipleship) in “the paths of righteousness” (Ps 23:3 – the ways of the One true, wise, living God which constitute the narrow path), is a DUEL in the Spirit (between the spirit of this age and the Holy Spirit) between faith and foolishness, for victory of FACT (faith being the EVIDENCE of things not seen) over FICTION (the folly of being deluded by one’s PERCEPTION of reality, unsupported by actual experience or by the promises).
Since we know that by providing illustrations of principles and precedents through use of invaluable narratives and inventories of sin, the Hebrew Scriptures exist to encourage, admonish and correct US, to serve us in our quest for PURITY through submission to sanctification by “ALL truth” (Jn 16:13; 17:17,19; 1 Cor 10:1-12; 2 Thess 2:13-15; 2 Tim 3:14-17; 1 Jn 3:3,4); and that by human tradition, Christianity has become vastly better acquainted with the PROMISES, than the PRECEPTS upon which holiness depends, it seems that the account of the spies in chapters thirteen and fourteen is an earnest attempt to WARN us in these last days that our Father feels EXACTLY THE SAME WAY about our provocation of Him by our disrespect for His PROMISES (to all of which He expects to hear our agreement, through our “Amein” through Christ – 2 Cor 1:20; Heb 4:1-3), as He does about our provocation by our denial and rejection, or lukewarm reception of His PRECEPTS, the setting aside of which, for the sake of His glory, He can never leave unpunished, even if we’re pardoned (Nu 14:18-23; Heb 2:1-3; 3:8-19).
Those who had seen His glory and his miracles manifested in their personal and national deliverance, from Egypt to the present, yet who had treated Him like dirt, would not live to see the Land (Ps 78:40-57).
The earth will not be filled with His glory until “all things that offend, and them which do iniquity,” have been “cast in a furnace of fire…” so that “the righteous may shine forth as the sun…” (Matt 13:41-43).
That’s made very clear in respect of contempt for promises, such as Nu 14:31,36-38 (the Promised LAND, and therefore the PROMISE ITSELF, “despised” and “slandered” by Israel’s disbelief in the assurance of a safe, prosperous future there); and in respect of contempt for precepts, as in Num 15:30,31 (“despising the Word of YHWH,” by breaking His commandments presumptuously; and by being indifferent to correction).
After placing great emphasis on the prophetic fact (applicable across the board, to “…WHOSOEVER be among you in your generationS…” – Nu 15:14), that the one faith (that would become Messianic after the Resurrection – Eph 4:5) is established upon “one ordinance…FOREVER in your generationS” (one legal foundation – Nu 15:15) for both Jew and Gentile in the “one new man” (Eph 2:11,12,15,19; 3:6) which the “mixed multitude” of Ex 12:38,49 foreshadowed, chapter fifteen goes on to declare that no-one can sin in ignorance, WITH IMPUNITY and without collective guilt (Nu 15:22-29).
Chapter fifteen ends by reminding us that YHWH has done everything that He could possibly have done practically (including the ordinance of tzit-tzit [the law of the fringes]– Nu 15:37-41, which on eye-contact is designed, like the Mezuza on one’s doorpost, to identify the God of Jacob as our Protector and Provider, and to ‘summon the believer to his vocation of holiness’), to prompt us to “remember and do ALL My commandments, to be holy unto your God” (Nu 15:40,41), a commandmenT to do the commandmentS, which has not lessened over time (Deut 30:10-20; Matt 28:20; 2 Jn vs 5&6)
In other words, failure to “mix faith with the Word (of PROMISE)” (which obviously did not profit the older generation in the wilderness, who caved in to fear, ungratefulness, presumption and rebellion despite SEEING the fruit of the promised Land – Nu 13:23-27 and being ASSURED that God had removed their enemies’ power to resist them – Nu 14:6-12), due to temptation to romanticize the hell they had endured in the iron furnaces of Egypt (Nu 14:28-38; 20:5; Heb 4:2), will have the SAME OUTCOME as failure to mix faith with OBEDIENCE TO THE COMMANDMENTS in “the obedience of faith” and faithfulness (Rom 1:5; 15:16-18; 16:26) needed for sanctification by the Spirit, to be a spotless, holy bride.
The moral is clear: disdain for promises OR for precepts could well cause US to experience “the terror of the LORD” (2 Cor 5:9-11) which is summed up as being made to “know My breach of promise,” if OUR record of disgruntled dissatisfaction and dissent becomes incessant, pushing us past the limit of the mercy of the Jealous God Who is a Consuming Fire to those who defame Him by holding His Word in contempt (Nu 14:22,23; 34; Heb 10:26-39).
What we’re learning in this case study, is the reality that God does not change; that sin must be uprooted; and that if it isn’t dealt with decisively, we will destroy ourselves.
These chapters illustrate the cost of being deluded by imaginations operating out of WEAK CHARACTER that lead to distrust of the salvation of the LORD (Ps 78:22). The fact that ten of the twelve leaders of the Tribes were cowed into advocating AGAINST the Promised Land (Nu 13:28,29,31-33), obviously not in the long term interests of His vision of Zion and Israel as the axis of the Kingdom of heaven’s power as Royal Hub of a future sanctified remnant of humanity (Is 9:6,7; Mk 11:10; Acts 1:6,7); and that only two trustworthy witnesses, Joshua and former Gentile, Caleb the Kennezite, who cleaved to YHWH, were of sufficient spiritual calibre to be shadow leaders of the nation, shows the degree of immaturity and disloyalty prevailing at the time.
The prospects awaiting the nation in Canaan, were prophetic FACTS and therefore completely reliable, since the Land covenant cut with Abram was unilateral, and was confirmed on the Cross (Gen 15:4-21; Ps 105:8-11; Rom 15:8). On the contrary, disaffected Israel’s trumped-up nostalgia for Egypt was spiced with FICTION (Ex 16:2-4; Nu 11:1-5). Expressing their loathing for manna and their insistence on their desire for meat being met, because of lustful appetite (Nu 21:5; Ps 78:18), with the taunting insult, “CAN God furnish a table in the wilderness…CAN He provide flesh for His people” (Ps 78:16-24), was not a good start with YHWH on Exodus. He spared no time or effort judging their insolence and gluttony (Ps 78:26-37).
A generation of ‘serial complainers’ (pathologically stubborn) perishes in the wilderness under the curse, for not choosing the testing path of sanctification, by “looking back” by preferring to believe in a past which for a significant portion of four hundred years’ self-exile (Gen 15:13-16), had had next to no redeeming features (apart from the pleasantness of Goshen), and which cannot begin to be compared with the glories which were awaiting those in Nu 13&14 had they chosen to believe the astonishing promise of Israel’s inheritance of the future (and of the nations) AND been willing and obedient to count the cost of appropriating it (Is 54:3; Lk 14:23-35).
In God’s mercy, like the rest of the Torah and the Prophets, these chapters make their contribution to bringing razor-sharp accuracy to our understanding of doctrine, by providing Instruction in the righteousness of the Way of YHWH (along with encouragement, to dismantle prejudice against law and somewhat soften the necessity for reproof and correction), for admonishment from the Scriptures to impel and propel us to “find” the narrow path, in order to “keep the faith,” to be “dead with Christ” to sin, content to “suffer with Him” for righteousness, to “finish the race” in good faith, to lawfully obtain the “crown of righteousness” which is necessary to be “accounted worthy” of the First Resurrection and escape from the second death, for the priviledge of stewardship of the age and world to come as heirs of the world/s (Is 35:8; Matt 7:13-27; Lk 20:35; 21:36; Jn 5:28,29; 1 Cor 10:1-12; 2 Tim 2:5,11,12; 3:14-17; 4:3-8).
Chapter fifteen reinforces the urgency of Paul’s emphasis on the purpose and proper use of the laws of God, which is to dispel ignorance of “the doctrine according to Godliness,” by obtaining “the knowledge of sin” in order to be righteous at all times by serving His laws, written on our hearts, with renewed minds (Ps 106:3; Rom 12:1,2; 1 Jn 3:3-10; Heb 10:16), since ignorance of the law is no excuse, and presumptuous sin is unthinkable (Nu 15:22-31; Rom 3:20b,31; 7:7,12-16,22,25; 1 Tim 1:8-11).
At this Eleventh Hour in these perilous latter days of Noah, when the ‘Ark’ of the Gospel and therefore “Christ in us” is mankind’s only “hope (of glory),” we are not taking preparation of ourselves for eligibility for the bride, seriously (Rev 19:7-19) if we’re not deeply committed to the Holy Spirit making our personal study of the “knowledge of sin” (which sharply defines righteousness) our highest priority (because we’re emphatically told to “go and sin no more”), in order to co-labour not only in ‘publishing’ the Good News, but by being stirred by YHWH’s vision of Zion as the perfection of the beauties of holiness (Ps 101; 110), to ALLOW “the righteousness of the law (which fosters sanctification) to be fulfilled in us” by “from faith to faith,” for our imputed righteousness (freely obtained) to be vindicated, by it being “revealed” as proof of repentance by walking in the light, bearing fruit by remaining united in the Vine to be perfected in His love, to “remain forever” in Christ, “filled with ALL THE FULLNESS OF GOD” (Ps 50:2,5,23; Is 28:9-12; Jn 3:19-21; 15:3-15; Rom 1:5,17; 3:31; 8:4-14; 2 Cor 5:9-11; Eph 3:17-21; 1 Jn 2:3-6,17,28,29; 4:17; 5:2&3).
What a promise, forfeited by MANY in the church of Sardis (and in other places) who “failed the grace” available for sanctification (to be “as Yeshua is” – Lk 6:40; 1 Jn 4:17), whose names were “blotted out” by disqualifying themselves for eternal life by failing to rise to the measure of holiness that obedience to the everlasting covenant requires, as the “mark” for the “prize” of achieving the mirror – “image of Christ,” the restoration of which to man, by “PUTTING ON the new man (the Last Adam) created in righteousness and TRUE HOLINESS” (Eph 4:23,24; Gal 4:19), required the offer of salvation by grace as the MEANS for our human nature to be “transfigured from glory to glory” into the Divine Nature, for the entire Creation to be regenerated to reflect the CHARACTER of YaH’s workmanship in us, PURPOSED to bring us into the “glorious freedom” of faithful sons (neither above nor under the law) “in whom Satan has nothing in common” (Jn 14:30; Rom 8:4-23,29; 2 Cor 3:18; Phil 2:12-15; 3:10-17; Heb 12:14,15; 13:20,21; Rev 2:5,26; 3:2-6).
Until we grasp the fact that Israel’s essential wilderness training (the high call to learn covenant INCREMENTALLY to acquire virtue, to become the prophesied royal household of Jacob – Ex 19:5-8; Is 28:9-12; 29:22-24; 46:13; Jer 33:14-26; Haggai 2:7-9; Micah 4:1-8; Lk 1:32,33; Eph 2:11-19) to eventually reign in glory IN THE IMAGE OF THEIR MESSIAH (Who followed them on Exodus as “the Shepherd and Stone of Israel” as “the Fountain of living water,” their “spiritual Rock from which they drank” – Gen 49:24; Jer 17:13; 1 Cor 10:1-4), was a ‘DRY-RUN’ for the challenges of the stricter New Covenant “narrow path,” through masteries of which, through the Presence and power of the more glorious ministry of the indwelling Spirit (Is 44:1-8; Jer 31:31-36; Ezek 36; 2 Tim 2:5) they’ll be catapulted to pre-eminence and everlasting righteousness as chief of nations as “My son, even My firstborn” – until then, we haven’t understood the asset which the Hebrew Scriptures are TO THE WORLD, to properly interpret the New Covenant to know the perfect will of God (Ex 4:22,23; Ps 80:7-19; Is 60-62; Jer 31-33; Matt 5:17-19; 28:20; Acts 24:14; 2 Tim 3:14-17).
So we raise our banners for our spiritual father Abraham’s sake, as his seed, in Christ Who made him (Ps 20:5; 60:4; Is 51:1-7; Jn 8:56,58; Rom 4:16; Gal 3:29), to do our part to ensure that the promises to the fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are fulfilled, by seeking the unity of the household of YaH, the House of Jacob, by conforming to “the Way of YHWH” (Gen 18:18,19; Ps 133:1; Is 56:1-8; Lk 1:33; 21:20; Eph 2:11,12,19; 4:11-14) like the few EXCEPTIONS amongst the “mixed multitude” who resisted temptation to complain and disobey (Nu 11:4) to be seamlessly assimilated to the true remnant of the House of Jacob on Exodus (Ex 12:38; Nu 14:27-35), by believing both the promises and the precepts which uniquely define the identity and prescribed character of the “one new man” (Rom 1:5; 3:31; Eph 2:15; 3:6), for Israel’s God to do US good (as co-heirs of Israel, the heirs of the world, by believing in Hebrew eternity because He has promised to do THEM good – Nu 11:29,32; Ps 106:1-5; Rom 4:13; Rev 21:12), by sharing His vision of the rebuilding of fallen “virgin Israel,” in Christ, for Zion (Jerusalem, the ‘eminent place’), which is His footstool (Lam 2:1), to become the “PERFECTION OF BEAUTY” as the symbol of the reconciliation and unification of “all things which are in heaven and on earth” in Christ, through unification of a remnant of humanity through the New Covenant, “perfectly joined of the same mind and judgment, saying the same things (doctrinally),” as the PRIZE OF HISTORY (1 Cor 1:10), which is why satan is intent on destroying Jerusalem, which is why the greatest wars that will ever be fought (Armageddon = Zech 14, and Gog & Magog = Ezek 38; 39; Rev 20:6-10) are jointly called “the Day of Jerusalem” (Ps 50:2; 132:10-18; 137:5-7; Jer 31:4-17,31-36; Amos 9:11-15; Acts 15:14-17; Rom 11:1-5,11-15,23-29; Eph 1:10; Col 1:20).
There is no greater “vision from heaven” in all eternity (and therefore one to which no-one can afford “to be disobedient” as Paul, who was given understanding of the eternal purpose of the joining of the nations to Israel by adoption, as “the fellowship of the mystery of the Messiah,” points out from Is 14:1; 49:5-8; 54:3; 55:5; 56:1-8 in Acts 26:19; Gen 12:3/Gal 3:8,9; Eph 2:11-19; 3:1-10), because ZION, from which “everlasting salvation” stems, “from the Jews (Judaeans)” (Ps 14:7; 87; Is 45:17-25; Jn 4:22), whose prophetic purpose along with the rest of the Tribes will be consummated in the fulfilment of promises to the fathers, in both the millennial Second Kingdom of David, and in the majesty and beauty of the “New Jerusalem” (Gen 18:18,19; Matt 19:28; 19:28; MK 11:10; Rom 15:8; Rev 21:12), is the FUTURE PORTAL synchronizing the “New Heavens and the New Earth” in a way the present heavens and earth have NEVER EXPERIENCED due to disharmony caused by GROSS MISALIGNMENT between “the ordinances of heaven and (the ordinances of) earth” (Jer 33:25) which breaks the SACRED CHAIN of command and submission, required to unify and bind earth to heaven above.
This is the cost Creation has incurred, by the disobedience and irresponsibility of the “generations which have been called forth from the beginning” (Is 41:4) NOT seeking the Living God and/or not heeding HEAVEN’S WILL, ON EARTH (by not diligently comparing the promises and precepts recorded in both the Hebrew Scriptures and either explicitly reiterated or alluded to in the New Testament Books, to properly define the concept of “ALL the will of God” (Matt 12:50; 28:20; Acts 20:25-32; Col 4:12b; 2 Tim 3:14-17) and consequently, being defiled by their presumption and rebellion, thereby defiling the ENTIRE Universe (Ps 19:7-9,13; Is 24:3-6; 66:22-24; Jer 33:25; Mat 6:9,10; 1 Cor 3:17; 15:27,28; Rev 11:18b; 21&22).
Numbers 13-15 describes what lengths Israel’s “God and Saviour,” their Rescuer and Deliverer from bondage to slavery in Egypt (Is 45:17-25), will go to, to KEEP His “everlasting covenant” with Abraham (Isaac and Jacob) and David (Gen 12:1-7; 15:5-21; 17:7-21; Ex 6:2-8; 15:11-18; 23:20-23; 2 Sam 7:18-29; 2 Chr 13:5; Ps 89:20-37; 105:6-11; Jer 33:14-26), DESPITE most of Israel having once DISOWNED their own inheritance and many (too liberal to understand the liberty enshrined in the prophecy of Scripture that assures them a hope and a future in all of Canaan) taking it for granted today despite the deranged world chanting a perversion of Deut 11:24 (“…from the River…to the Sea…”), taunting and clamouring for them to oblige Islamic ideology by again slandering their inheritance.
Israel’s Creator will inevitably stand by His promise, because the perfection of a remnant of humanity restored to the express image of the Godhead by their sanctification through rebirth from above, for obedience to “the faith” through faith in God through the Incarnate Word as the Last Adam, for the future to be owned by a righteous civilization reckoned as having been BORN IN ZION (Ps 87; Rom 1:5; Heb 12:22,23), to reign with the Messiah Yeshua forever from WITHIN THE DYNASTY (‘b’toch ha Shoshelet’) of Abraham and David (Lk 1:33; Rev 21:12), is the heartbeat of the Father’s vision and purpose for Creation
This is a mere sample of the benefit of the organization of revelation knowledge that awaits those who increase in discernment by building the annual reading cycle of the Hebrew Scriptures into their diet of nourishment in the Word (2 Tim 3:14-17)