Perhaps the most important equation in the Universe:
The Sinai Revelation of “the Way of YHWH” (on the original Shavuo’t) + the Jerusalem Gift of the Presence and Power of the Spirit (‘Pentecost’) = perfection of the beauty of holiness = full assurance of hope (Heb 12:14,28; 13:20,21)
“Christ in you (formed in you by His Spirit), the hope of glory” (Rom 8:29; Gal 4:17; Col 1:27)
Col 1:27 is far greater than a conditional PERSONAL promise of assurance of hope (Heb 6:1-12)
It anticipates the day when the NATION of Israel (to whom the church has always belonged) refined to perfection and defended by their returning Messiah (Is 66:10-16; Micah 4:1-8; 8:7-20; Zeph 3:7-20; Zech 13:8,9; 14:1-19), will be catapulted to pre-eminence in “latter House” glory and shalom-shalom, upon restoration of the Throne of the Monarchy of the Dynasty of David, to Jerusalem, to exalt the Son of David (Is 9:6,7; Jer 31:7,10,17,31-36; 33:14-26; Lk 1:32,33; 2:32; Amos 9:11-15, Haggai 2:7-9).
This is what we’re being shown in Eph 2:11,12 & 5:26,27 – the day when the purified remnant of the nation and commonwealth, of which we are an integral part with full rights and obligations as sons, will be identical with its church (Heb 12:23), just as it was when nation and church were founded at Sinai (Ex 19:5-8).
The church is never extraneous to Israel. Israel always has a remnant of true heirs of their national heritage (Rom 11:1-5,11-15,23-29) to which the nations can “run” to join THEIR blessed destiny as heirs of the world (Is 55:1-5 KJV; Rom 4:13,16), as did the “mixed multitude” on the Exodus (Ex 12:38; Acts 7:38), for which reason we are expected to “glorify YHWH for His mercy” (not covenanted with us – Jer 31:31-34) (Rom 15:8-12 AMP).
So Holy Spirit has pointed out a valuable approach to correctly ‘reading’ the meaning and purpose of this Feast.
He is drawing our attention to the “riches of the glory” of “this mystery of the Messiah” “among the (ingrafted) Gentiles,” which is described in two parts, in Eph 2:15b; 3:1-10 and Col 1:26-28, confirmed in Hen 12:3/Gal 3:8,9 as the call, the surnaming and the ingrafting of Gentiles justified by faith, into Israel (the House of Jacob) as THEIR CO-HEIRS BY ADOPTION, for equipping and sanctification by the Spirit in ALL “the doctrine according to Godliness” (the teachings of obedience to the laws of God, which is the definition of being “in Christ”), to “keep the faith” for YaH’s household (Eph 2:11,12,19; Rom 6:17; 8:1,4; 1 Tim 6:3,11-14; 1 Jn 2:3-6) to be unified in all respects, as “one new man” (Is 45:4; 49:5-8; 54:3; 56:1-8; Lk 1:33; Jn 10:16; 1 Cor 1:10; Eph 1:4,5; 2:11,12; 4:11-14,23,24, to be presented “PERFECT ‘in Christ’ Jesus” (Matt 5:48; Lk 6:40), for eventual glorification with Yeshua, amongst His nation (Lk 1:33; Is 46:13).
Neither Jew nor Gentile has permission to follow DIVERGENT PATHS by warping, compromising and diluting the faith (Deut 12:32; Rev 22:18,19).
“One faith” means one law (Ex 12:49; Nu 15:14-16; Eph 4:5).
The grace that saves us from sins that were past (Rom 3:25), is never a licence for breach of covenant, or holiness becomes an impossibility (Rom 3:31; 6:15-22).
These facts train brilliant light upon the complete purpose of Pentecost.
Pentecost 2000 years ago was the PROPHESIED EQUIPPING of a remnant of Israel (custodians of the Messianic faith of Israel called “the Way” and regarded as “a sect of the Nazarenes” – Acts 24:14) by the Gift of the indwelling Spirit (Deut 30:5,6; Is 44:1-3; Ezek 36:26,27; Joel 2:28-32; Acts 2:33), to fully transition, in due course (AFTER incorporation of “afar off” believing Gentiles, by their ingrafting reaching “the fullness of the Gentiles” – Acts 2:39b; Rom 11; Eph 2:13), in unprecedented power (turbo-grace) for individuals “to BECOME sons of God” (Jn 1:12) not just redeemed and imputed with righteousness as heirs of the nation (Matt 21:41-43), but by their being “wholly sanctified…” in word and deed to fulfil Israel’s calling-in-election as exemplary practitioners of the wisdom of a Torah- witness to the world (Is 43:1-11; 44:1-8; Matt 28:20).
There’s no hope of glorification without remaining “in Christ” by fully committing to be conformed to the image of Christ by growing in grace and in the knowledge of God to “know righteousness,” to BE righteous, by acquiring virtue after virtue, precept by precept, to provide evidence of a life consecrated to “keeping the faith.”
Except by being willing to suffer for righteousness, for the righteousness of God in us to be revealed “from glory to glory” as our human nature is miraculously transfigured by obedience, as true sons of the everlasting covenant (Is 51:1-7; Rom 8:18-23; Heb 12; 13:20,22; 2 Peter 1:1-13; 1 Jn 3:3-10), our understanding of the chief purpose of the enabling power of the Gift of the Spirit IS SHALLOW (Rom 1:5,7 Amp; 15:16-18; 8:1-14,29; 2 Cor 3:8,9,18).
Which is why evangelism which “has a form of Godliness but denies the power” by withholding or recklessly deferring the doctrine of crucifixion with Christ on the narrow path (2 Tim 3:6,10,14-17), and which therefore FAILS to impress upon the hearer, the NECESSITY to “follow-on to know the LORD,” to obtain the freedom from defilement to be found in sound doctrine (Ps 119:1,45; Hosea 6:1-3; Jn 8:31-36), for a true (full) conversion by purification of our souls by obedience to “the Way” (Lk 20:21; 1 Tim 4:13,16; 1 Peter 1:2,13-17,22), is more likely than not, a COUNTERFEIT OFFER of salvation.
The Sinai and Jerusalem Pentecosts are a match made in heaven.
They represent the perfect union of law and grace which fully satisfies the requirements for “walking after the Spirit” to abide in the Vine to secure the everlasting salvation which had to “come out of Zion,” to prepare us in truth and righteousness, to be glorified in Zion, the Footstool of YHWH (Lam 2:1; Is 24:21-23; 35:8-10; 51:1-11; Zech 8:1-8).
The two ‘Pentecosts’ are Divinely symbiotic, just as the relationship between former Gentile and native born Jew ought to be, within the “one faith” of the “one (Hebrew) fold” (Jn 10:16; Eph 2:11,12,15,19; 3:6; 4:1-5)
Remove the contribution of either event from the big picture, and the equation (at top) is ruined and perdition (misery and ruin) will stalk the ill-equipped soul.
Between them, Peter and Paul as chief Apostles to the Jews and the nations respectively, define the complete Gospel (or “fully preached,” ‘filled to the full” [‘ful-filled’], doctrinally pure Gospel – Matt 5:17b; Acts 20:27; 2 Tim 3:10), the Gospel which Yeshua and His herald, John the Baptist, both first announced in the Words, “repent, for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matt 3:2; 4:17), as cleansing by salvation from sin for justification by faith, IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWED by ongoing repentance and sanctification by the commandments, under grace (Jn 15:3-15; Matt 28:20), for final redemption and glorification (Heb 12:14,28).
Birth of the “great nation” promised to Abram (Gen 12:2; 15:13-16; 18:18; Ex 12:40-42; 19:4-8; Deut 26:5) and the SIMULTANEOUS birth of the historic church (ekklesia, congregation) of Jacob, because firstborn nation and ekklesia are essentially one through the Hebrew covenants with the Hebrew nation (Ex 19:4-8; Lk 1:33; Acts 7:38; Heb 12:23); plus the wisdom (Torah revealed at Sinai) and power of the Presence (Ruach) conferred in Jerusalem, to expound and inscribe it on our hearts, to preserve our lives, minister life, convict, draw, to save from sin, by repentance, for justification by faith, not only to unify a remnant of humanity who remain forever in Christ, in Zion (1 Jn 2:3-6,17,28,29), but to reconcile and unify “all things which are in heaven and earth, in the Messiah” as Heir of Creation (Matt 11:27; Eph 1:10; Col 1:20) – THAT’s the IMMENSE legacy of Shavuo’t, from first to last.
An unbroken chain of Feasts preserves the integrity of ALL their promises.
The LORD’s seven HOLY CONVOCATIONS (of which Shavuo’t is one of three Pilgrim Feasts – Ex 23) are YHWH’s “TESTIMONIES” (Ps 25:10,14; 119:111; 122:4) from which we cannot pick and choose and expect to have the full picture of the plan of redemption.
Over time, each Feast provides a ribbon of revelation none of which can be discounted without losing the plot of the everlasting covenant (Heb 13:20,21).
For example, YHWH’s Sinai Shavuo’t’s Proclamation and Testimony of the absolute moral code for mankind, is INSEPARABLE from the later testimony of the purpose of His Spirit, which is to convict the world of sin, righteousness and judgment by magnifying Torah (Is 42:21; Rom 3:20,31), to draw and freely reconcile a repentant remnant, to labour in Godly preparation, for acceptance as a faithful bride (virgin Israel joined by a bridal remnant from the nations) to inherit the coming kingdom of David, which it was not time to restore, when the indwelling Spirit was given on Pentecost) (Matt 25:10-12; Mk 11:10; Acts 1:6-8; 2 Cor 5:9-11; Rev 19:7-9)
Witnessing to the NARROWNESS of the less-travelled road to eternal life, which lies just beyond the preliminary step of faith which is justification by the Blood, is AT LEAST AS IMPORTANT as witnessing to the need for salvation from sin (and from the power of sin), yet Christianity has radically diminished the first task and exaggerated the second by giving the impression that eternal life is UNCONDITIONAL.
As His witnesses-in-chief (Is 43:1-11; 44:1-8), Israel knows better, and we ought to have paid the teachings of their Messianic emissaries far closer attention.
What the 120 in the upper room WEREN’T expecting, was power to witness to LESS than that FULL Gospel, which a compromised church has institutionalized in the name of evangelism.
The zeal of early converts for Torah, to be “made wise for final redemption (complete salvation)” (2 Tim 3:14-17), is obvious in Acts 21:20, as is the Apostles’ delight in THEIR delight in the laws of God, application of which Yeshua had considerably expanded knowing that in the “fullness we have all received” through Him, “grace for grace” is available for us (Jn 1:16), to master by the Spirit, what could never be accomplished without our regeneration through the baptism of repentance and heart circumcision.
Paul never confused salvation from sin, which is by grace (Matt 1:21), with sanctification spirit, soul and body, by obedience to the commandments, under covering of the Spirit of grace (1 Thess 5:23; Heb 10:29), to prove worthy of acceptance in the first Resurrection (Lk 20:35; Jn 5:28,29; Rom 2:6-13,26; Heb 12:14,28; Rev 20:6).
Imagine for a moment how much Scripture is routinely overlooked or paid merely incidental attention, by those who believe, contrary to Matt 5:17-19, that Christ has abolished Torah and thereby removed all responsibility for “the righteousness of the law to be fulfilled in us” by the Spirit, as it was in Him (Rom 8:4-14; 1 Jn 2:3-6).
That’s how far the Jerusalem Pentecost, which most of the church dwells upon as if it has no history, has been DISASSOCIATED from the critically important first Shavuo’t at Sinai, creating a doctrinal chasm, resulting in enmity towards YHWH (Rom 8:6,7).
Yet it’s only by searching for and finding, appropriating and applying the laws of YaH to our hearts (Torah engraved on circumcised hearts by the Finger of YHWH), so that by the wisdom of God obtained through the Presence and power of His Spirit, they may be lived from the heart as a witness to the purity of the Way of holiness (1 Jn 3:3,4), for us to work out our own salvation in fear and trembling as true and faithful disciples to attain the crown of righteousness by keeping the faith (Phil 2:12-15; 3:20-17; 2 Tim 4:3-8), that we meet the test of authentic sonship (Matt 28:20; Heb 12)
The LORD levelled a scathing criticism against those who throughout Israel’s history ‘darkened their own understanding’ by treating the Word selectively (producing countless sins of commission and omission), as follows:
“Ye do err, not knowing the Scriptures or the power of God” (Matt 22:29).
The more Scripture is misrepresented, misapplied or omitted altogether, the more of the general anointing (latent, immanent power) on the Scriptures is forsaken, causing loss of the knowledge of God and of His Kingdom, AND corresponding loss of corresponding.
That same indictment applies to a church whose knees are deeply bended to HUMAN tradition by choosing the “broad” path of wilful ignorance, by choosing NOT to understand that the original, ‘mother’ Shavuo’t at Sinai fifty days after Passover; and Shavuo’t (a.k.a. ‘Pentecost’) in Jerusalem fifty days after the Crucifixion of “Christ our Passover” (and ten days after the Ascension), are mutually dependent, for fulfilment of the whole Plan of Redemption.
A matching purpose, despite which a deceived church has vaingloriously UNCOUPLED them, failing to see in what way the Holy Spirit has business with the law (Rom 8:4-14), thereby doing incalculable harm by severely LIMITING the Presence and power of God through “PARTIALITY in the law” (Mal 2) which DISALLOWS the Holy Spirit to quicken us by the witness of the Spirit with our spirits, across a LARGE percentage of the full counsel, thereby FORFEITING the opportunity to bear much lasting fruit of righteousness, to be holy, which is why the remnant is likely to be relatively small, many facing being cut off due to works of righteousness, as proof of repentance, found insufficient; and by dividing the House of Jacob through defilement by prejudice, presumption, dissent, error and unbelief (Ps 133:1; Lk 1:33; Eph 2:11,12) by failing to uphold the integrity of the Word, to keep “the unity of the faith,” possible only through soundness of doctrine (Matt 7:13-27; Eph 4:11-14; Rev 3:2-6).
Yet another consequence of detaching Pentecost from Shavuo’t is the fallacy that the church was birthed at Pentecost, whereas it was birthed as Abram’s dynastic, everlasting household which became the House of Jacob (Matt 8:11,12; Lk 1:33; Acts 7:38), to receive the Spirit to continue their prophesied path to chief of nations, through their own New Covenant (Jer 31:7,10,17,31-36).
The first Shavuo’t at Sinai, where Israel was washed, consecrated and constituted as adopting nation by their unanimous consent to the Marriage Covenant (the Ketubah, or ‘Shema,’ the foundation of Torah) “given (indissolubly) in commandmenT” (Ex 34:27,28,32); and its great prophesied sequel on ‘Pentecost’ in Jerusalem, are the beautiful, long awaited UNION of TORAH (Instruction in righteousness), and of the HOLY SPIRIT as Teacher and as our empowerment not only to preach Christ Crucified and demonstrate the ministry gifts of the Spirit, but to preach the necessity for those who’ve been crucified with Him in baptism, to “follow after righteousness” to be “crucified to the world” to attain the measure of holiness necessary to fulfil YaH’s vision of Zion as the perfection (completeness) of beauty (of holiness) (Ps 50:2,5,23; 96:4-7; 110:3; Rom 8:4-14; 2 Cor 7:1; Heb 12:14), because Zion as a concept and as a physical proving ground of Torah ideals, is the ‘curator’ of what Dr David Stern describes as a “single new humanity” (one new man), dedicated to the pursuit of “everlasting righteousness,” to sanctify the Memorial Name, YHWH (Dan 9:24; Matt 6:9,10)
The COMBINATION of the original Shavuo’t (Pentecost) at Sinai and Pentecost in Jerusalem, signify the unification of the Word (Torah) and the Spirit, to set the stage for Zion (perfected by Israel exalted by refinement like silver and gold – Zech 13:8,9) to “rise” (to fullness like its symbol, the moon) for YHWH’s Name to be sanctified by Him “reigning in Mnt Zion and before His ancients (the fathers), gloriously,” Zion’s “former royal dominion” restored, this time to the ends of the earth (Ps 2:7-12; 59:13; Is 24:23; 46:13; 60-62; Micah 4:1-8; 7:8-20)
Glorification of ZION, YHWH’s chief righteous cause as His custodian of the vision of a renewed Universe as the eternal inheritance of a sanctified civilization (a single new humanity, or “one new man” – Jn 10:16; Eph 2:11,12,15; 3:6); and His prophetic Eden, as sanctuary of the Tree of Life (Torah|Instruction) (Ezek 36:25; Rev 22:14); as well as His Footstool (Lam 2:1), as the destination on earth of the Throne of YHWH in the New Jerusalem (Rev 21:2,3,22,23), is the PURPOSE of Creation and Redemption and therefore, the REASON for Israel’s existence, for salvation had to “come out of Zion,” for all whose names are written in heaven, to be attributed as having been born in Jerusalem/Israel as native-born Israelites, since as seed of “Abram the Hebrew,” we are all Hebrews by adoption, in Christ as Head of the House of Jacob (Gen 12:3; 14:13; Ps 87:1-7; Lk 1;33; Rom 11:17-29; Gal 3:29)
Only when Israel, tried and proven through dark times of Jacob’s trouble (Jer 30), becomes admirable “Yesurun” (ideal Israel, excelling in the Spirit as elect firstborn nation, in the traits of mercy and justice, dignity and holy power – Ex 4:22,23; Is 44:1-8; Deut 33:26-29), WILL THE NATION AND COMMONWEALTH OF ISRAEL FILL THE SHOES OF YAH’S VISION FOR ZION.
That will be impossible if either Jew or Gentile tries to “keep the faith” WITHOUT due diligence to practice the Presence, to have enough oil to be led by the Spirit; and without regard for the righteous precepts which comprise “the Way” (“the Word of My patience” – Rev 3:10; 14:6,7,12), which is the ONLY way to righteously navigate these perilous latter days of Noah, to inherit the millennial world to come (Rom 4:13,16), to eventually make it to the New Jerusalem.
So our commemoration of Shavuo’t should also be an act of acknowledgment of and re-dedication (as ingrafted co-heirs) to ALLEGIANCE to the House of Jacob, the household of our God (Is 14:1; 49:5-8; 56:1-8; Lk 1:33); and to being found “dead to sin” and “alive to righteousness,” to reign with Christ as a remnant accounted worthy to be “a kingdom of priests and a holy nation,” as His “special treasure” (Ex 19:5-8; Deut 29:12-15; Is 60-62; Mal 3:16-18; Lk 20:35; 1 Peter 1:2,13-17,22; 2:9,10).
What we can be certain of, is that Shavuo’t will grow in gravitas, the more believers discover the extent to which their understanding of the faith has been impaired by the cunning of inherited tradition (Jer 16:19)
“May YaH be true but every man (not justified in his sayings), a liar…” (Rom 3:4)