38 precepts await us in Deut 21:10 – 25:19, some seemingly incongruous in our day, but all nevertheless ordained to help reveal the MIND and SENSIBILITY AND SENTIMENTS of Deity, to help guide us, by the Spirit, on His “Way of life (everlasting),” to bring us to the full stature of the Messiah as trophies of His sanctifying work in those who don’t find it “a strange thing” to be obedient “in EVERYTHING” (Ps 106:3; 139:23,24; Prov 6:3; Hosea 6:1-3; 8:1-12; Matt 28:20; 2 Cor 2:14-17; 3:18; 5:5; Eph 4:13,14).
The Ezra 9 image (above) perfectly illustrates the point that ‘Revival’ is a seed, a MEANS to serious REFORM and Restoration of all doctrine wilfully forsaken over nearly 1900 years
The ATTAINMENT of true sonship (Phil 3:10-17; Heb 12:1,4-11), defined as loyalty to YHVH and to His covenant (Jn 14:15,21; Rom 3:31; 1 Jn 2:3-6,17), is ultimately RECOGNIZED, REWARDED and MANIFESTED by the inclusion in the FIRST resurrection (Rom 8:19,23), of those DULY PREPARED and “walking at liberty” (“obedient in everything,” to be “dead with the Messiah” to indictment by the law, for transgression of truth and righteousness – 2 Cor 2:9; Col 4:12; 2 Tim 2:5,11), UNDEFILED in “the Way of YHVH” (Ps 1;19:7-13; 119:1,45; Rom 7:22,25; Acts 24:14), to be worthy to “walk WITH our Messiah in white,” by being given “fine linen, clean and white,” representing “the crown of righteousness” (2 Tim 4:3-8) awarded for “working righteousness” as proof of Fear of God, that great test of full consecration to the will of God (Deut 5:29; Ps 50:5,23; 86:11; 111:10; 119:38; Prov Matt 6:9,10; Lk 1:50; Acts 10:35; Heb 12:14,28; Rev 3:4; 14:6,7,12).
Eternal life being dependent upon HOLINESS (Rom 6:22; Heb 12:14; Rev 20:6), salvation from eternal death NECESSITATES our willingness coupled with the Spirit-enabled ability to examine, separate, categorize/classify and discern righteous application of knowledge (Rom 3:20,31; 2 Tim 2:15) to know without a shadow of doubt WHAT constitutes ABOMINATION (detestable and abhorrent) in the sight of God, amongst all that is esteemed by man (Lev 5:17; Lk 16:15), or we are not fully revived/raised from our baptism into Messiah’s Death (Rom 6:1-6)…we are not “dead to sin” (“circumcized to the world”) to “walk lawfully in Him” in perfect repentance and perfect faith (faith completed by works), free from defilement caused by accidental or presumptuous breach of covenant, in the “newness of life” now possible through our costly justification and regeneration by the Blood, water and Spirit (Lev 5:17; Deut 25:16; Jn 3:5; 4:14; Rom 8:13; Col 2:6; Titus 3:5; 2 Tim 2:5; Heb 10:16).
Being Instructed “out of the law” equips us to fulfil Rom 2:13,18,26; 12:1,2; 8:4-14 & Phil 1:9-11 – “approving the things that are MORE EXCELLENT,” to answer “the call to glory and virtue” (2 Peter 1:1-15).
There is no such thing as discipleship by the Spirit APART FROM study of “the Way” (which Abraham learned to perfection and) which is anchored on the rock (feminine singular) of the Torah and the Prophets (Gen 17:1; 18:18,19; 26:5; Matt 5:17-19,48; 7:24,25; 28:20; Acts 24:14)
What is “highly esteemed by men,” versus what appalls YHVH and justifiably deserves the label “abomination” (more frequently mentioned in Scripture than most of us have ever taken to heart), are the POLES between which we are to DISCOVER “the Way of YHVH” which leads to Life (Matt 7:13,14), by constantly using the infallible ‘Berean Test’ based on consulting the wisdom of the Torah and the Prophets, for verification or rebuttal of anything pertaining to our spiritual life (Prov 25:2; Acts 17:11; 18:25,26; 24:14; 2 Cor 13:1,5; 2 Tim 3:14-17).
We are to avail ourselves of “the knowledge of sin” (Rom 3:20; 1 Tim 1:8-11; 2 Tim 3:14-17) in order to throw the Divine will into SHARP RELIEF.
‘Revival,’ always a merciful dab of power from on high, is grace shown (“a LITTLE SPACE,” our probation, once reconciled, to undergo trials of the heart) to learn YHVH’s commandments (Acts 21:20; Rom 3:20,31) to be fully delivered from bondage to error and sin by being sanctified by doing His will (Rom 2:13; 1 Thess 4:1-3a; 2 Thess 2:13-15; James 1:22-25), “to LEAVE us a REMNANT, to ESCAPE…” (Ezra 9:8-10; Lk 17:10; 20:35; 21:36; Rev 3:10; 14:12).
Torah is given to train and fine-tune our CONSCIENCE to esteem ALL precepts (Ps 119:128; Col 4:12), to instantly detect error and sharply differentiate between virtue and abomination.
If conscience is WEAKENED by a restricted, biased spiritual diet (Heb 5:11-14; 6:1-12), and unexercised and further undermined by weak faith (which Y’shua always rebuked), it is easily DEFILED (1 Cor 3:17; 8:6-13).
Biblical ‘Revival’ is not so much an event or series of events marked by worship teams; the receiving of merciful relief ministered as the Spirit wills as the fruit of the nine ministry gifts of the Spirit; and perhaps being slain in the Spirit, but is a SOLEMN RETURN to God in deep repentance for straying from the plumbline of the Torah and the Prophets, as amplified by the Messiah (Deut 18:18,19; Acts 3:22,23; Matt 5:18,19,48; 17:5; Rom 3:31).
The concept of being revived (an act of CONVICTION BY THE SPIRIT, of REPENTANCE and of RETURNING) is perhaps best summed up by the personal transparency shown by the willing introspection and external inspection described in Ps 51:2,11; 139:23,24; 2 Cor 13:5; 2 Peter 1:10,11 & James 1:22-25; 4:4-10.
The broadest definition of revival must surely be, our being made aware of our NEED FOR GOD, and of our nakedness before Him, not just knowing that He EXISTS, but that the reward that LASTS, is reserved for those who “EARNESTLY seek Him,” by which obedience is ALWAYS implied (Deut 7:9-15; 28:1,2,9,10; Ps 53:1; Heb 5:9; 11:6).
We’re commanded to pray for governments so that the Word of God has “full course” and is glorified (2 Thess 3:1-3; 1 Tim 2:1-5), because without rulers PREDISPOSED to doing us GOOD (Rom 13), by governing under JUST laws, men would ‘eat each other alive.’
For that reason, it is clearly of the deepest regret to the Holy One Who is Father of all, that so few of us identify unequivocably with the Torah prophecies about the calling of our holy chief-of-nations-designate (Deut 26:16-19; Jer 31:7,10,17,31-36) as witness-in-chief (Is 43:1-11; 44:1-8) to the wisdom and the beauty of the holiness of our Father’s STATUTE BOOK (Ex 19:4-8; Deut 6:25; 28:9-14; 32:46,47; 33:2,4; Mal 4; Lk 1:33; Matt 5:19; Rom 3:31), especially in Deut 4:5-8 and Is 2:2-4 & Micah 4:1-8.
We’re called to demonstrate the wisdom of YHVH’s laws, to the world.
It is an integral part of OUR call too, to witness as THEIR co-heirs.
Have we overlooked 2 Tim 3:10?
As Paul’s highly commended protegé, evangelist (proclaimer) Timothy was a model Torah disciple (2 Tim 3:10,14-17).
Evangelism and with it, REVIVAL, have been OVERSIMPLIFIED to the point of being stage- managed (in terms of censorship of at least 80% of the everlasting covenant in revival meetings); REPENTANCE has consequently become deeply COMPROMISED; and understanding of ELIGIBILITY for the First Resurrection scandalously SCOFFED AT, all because ‘altar calls’ promising INSTANTANEOUS UNCONDITIONAL full assurance of hope, contrary to Paul’s teaching and practice (Phil 3:10-17; 2 Tim 4:3-8; Heb 6:11), have been SEVERED from Proclamation of the weighty moral law by which true, LONGSTANDING repentance was always designed to be obtained by conviction of sin, righteousness and judgment BY THE SPIRIT, using the benchmarks of Kingdom morality and ethics.
How else can someone QUANTIFY what it means to “fall short of the glory of God” (in order to gauge the scale of repentance PERSONALLY applicable from time to time – 2 Cor 13:5), if not by being taught the PARAMETERS of the HOLINESS of “the WAY,” which the bank of precepts (spiritual treasure) found woven into the complete Biblical narrative, are there to illuminate (Ps 119:96-105; Is 35:8; Rom 3:9-12,20,23,31).
In this busy Portion, we’re further introduced to the “statutes and judgments” derived from the Ten commandments (Deut 4:10,13,14) and which are intended to instill Fear of God so that we take ANY of His commandments seriously enough to obey them and teach them to our children (Matt 5:19), since YHVH has never condoned abridgement of the Way (Ex 20:20; Deut 4:10; 5:29; 12:32; Matt 5:19; 1 Cor 7:19; Col 4:12; 1 Tim 4:16).
He grants forgiveness so that He may be held in AWE, not just loved. If Fear of God doesn’t FOLLOW His kindness that leads to repentance, and DEEPEN by concerted efforts to increase in the knowledge of YHVH and through contemplation of our personal history of His mercy and grace towards us in every season of our lives, it is unlikely that a believer will master “the Way of peace” (Rom 3:17,18; 2 Tim 2:5) to produce sufficient proof of righteousness to reach the purity required as the test of holiness (2 Tim 2:20,21; 1 Peter 1:2-9; 1 Jn 3:3,4,7).
Fear of God is a powerful hedge against a SHALLOW walk.
The precepts commented on below contain principles which have wide application down the generations, for those who want to enjoy the GREATEST benefits of allegiance to the Throne of grace, which COMMANDS their observance (Matt 6:9,10; 12:50)
The Portion begins in Deut 21:10-14, by describing measures in times of conquest (which we can generalize), evidently to mitigate or neutralize the dangers of unequal yoking (since intermarriage with pagans is never approved by YHVH – Ezra 10:1-3).
This prompts our recall of Paul’s various warnings against unequal yoking, including prostitution and not marrying out of the faith, upon the decease of a believing spouse; or folding a marriage when an unbelieving spouse is more than willing to remain with a devout spouse, thereby obtaining the extraordinary benefit of being sanctified by the saved partner.
The proscriptions against unequal yoking include binding oneself to the counterfeit church of Rev 18:4,5, and its doctrines of men.
Deut 21:18-21 is not going beyond what is written in Ex 20:12. It is raising an alarm against the severity of the sin of parental dishonour by the contempt of insolence and insubordination, justifying the death of a dissolute, rebellious, reprobate son, defiant of the dignity and authority of BOTH parents, as a just remedy to the CURSE which this example brings upon society. It ought to persuade us that character is not benefited by SPARING the rod, which, if even exercising the rod fails, fully warrants the extreme penalty. NOT chastising a son as Biblically prescribed, is a recipe for perdition (ruin and misery) through vexation and grief (Heb 12)
Ex 21:22,23 takes up heaven’s plea to nations from Ex 20:13 and Nu 35:30-34, not to abolish the death penalty for pre-meditated murder, which would otherwise defile and curse the Earth (the penalty for violating Ex 20:13 is non-negotiable, unmitigateable, unabateable, and beyond commutation)
Deut 22:1-4 emphasizes the sanctity of private property and putting the interests of others ahead of our own as a cornerstone principle of the Royal Law (Lev 19:18b; Jn 13:34; James 2:8-12) which is to be universally respected (Matt 22:39)
Deut 22:5 should leave us under no illusion that gender distinctions are to be held as sacrosanct as life itself and that it is abomination to God, to repudiate and mock the biological demarcations of gender identities established by Him as natural law.
Deut 22:6,7 is a teaching on compassion, containing a broader lesson on faithful stewardship of creation, upon which one’s longevity depends (Rev 11:18b)
Deut 22:8 teaches us to be sensitive about justifiable liability for harming others due to foreseeable negligence.
Deut 22:9,10 teaches the mystery of distinctions in nature, necessary for blessed productivity and sanctified crops
Deut 22:11 is by no means an arbitrary rule, but expressly forbids THIS blend of fabrics because it was a hallmark of a defiled pagan priesthood implacably opposed to the sanctity of the holy kingdom of priests which Israel and their co-heirs are called to be (Ex 19:4-8; Rev 1:5)
Ex 22:12 describes one of the practical measures, the ‘tzit tzit’/fringe representing “the Way” compromising not just 613 laws (many superceded by the Crucifixion), but well over a 1000 precepts/principles of righteousness set out in the New Covenant, which include continuing to “remember” and “observe/guard” Shabbat as the sacrosanct covenant sign of our sanctification (Ex 31:13,16; Mk 2:27,28); and the ‘Mezuza’ cylinder on the doorpost signifying household acceptance of the yoke of Sovereignty of the “God and Saviour” of the Hebrews Who made Heaven and Earth and Who redeemed us – Deut 6:4-9; Is 45:17-25; Matt 11:29,30; Mk 12:28-34; Jn 10:30; Titus 2:13, to constantly recall us to conscientious faithfulness to all the will of God. The Mezuza serves to arrest the attention and convict of complacency, those households YHVH mercifully watches over to return them safely home, yet who take Him and His covenant lightly (Deut 32:15; Ps 121:4-8; Rev 3:16-22)
Deut 22:13-21 is there to witness against anyone who marries for self-interest, and who lies and commits crimen injuria (soul-afflicting, criminal defamation/libel), bearing false witness (Deut 5:20) and who ridicules the deadly seriousness of VIRGINITY as a condition for HOLY wedlock, for the realization of the FULLNESS of the promises made, for maintaining the integrity of the marriage bed, to produce holy offspring (Heb 13:4). The degrading of marriage by worldliness, along with breach of many other high-minded moral absolutes, has caused a torrent of defilement of the earth (Is 24:3-6) and has had a shocking knock-on effect on the church’s treatment of the analogous mystery, of the marriage between the Saviour and a PURE bride (Gen 2:24; Eph 5:28-33), as somehow UNRELATED to covenant-keeping and refinement by fire like gold and silver (Matt 3:11; Rom 8:4,6,7; Mk 9:49; Eph 4:13,14,23,24)
Deut 22:22-30 reinforces the plain truth that adultery (which includes breach of engagement by promiscuity), the transgression of Deut 5:21 (a terrible betrayal of the marriage covenant of Ten Commandments), is not with impunity, either in this life or the hereafter, because to begin with, covetousness (inordinate desire) of any kind is defined by the New Covenant as IDOLATRY (1 Cor 6:10; Eph 5:5; Col 3:5; Heb 13:5), and sexual sin (the absolute proof of lack of Fear of God) resulting from contempt for the blessing reserved for the marriage union (Matt 5:31,32; 1 Cor 6:12-20; 7:1-5,8-14), is an invitation to the lake of fire (Rev 21:8; 22:15)
Deut 23:1-9 will require skill in ‘halacha’ (application) by the Spirit, but certainly, by analogy, at an abstract level, reveals the depth of YHVH’s insistence that as sons of the Living God Who is “no respecter of persons,” WE ARE ALL to accept chastisement in order not to be “bastards”/illegitimate sons (Deut 23:2; Heb 12:8-11 KJV), to be impartial at all times, as “offerings acceptable” to the LORD, through total commitment to obedience in word and deed (Rom 15:16-18), showing particular care not to suppress mercy and compassion and cause affliction by infringing the laws of charity, because being tight-fisted in dispensing staple help to the needy is the quickest way to separate ourselves from our openhanded Maker, as YHVH’s fury and extreme sentence upon the Ammonites and Moabites (way beyond the “third & fourth generation” of Ex 20:5b) demonstrates (Ps 82:1-4; Is 58:6-11; Dan 4:27; 1 Jn 3:16-18). That includes deliberately or negligently entrapping others in sin (Deut 23:4b-6)
Deut 23:7 adds a note about maintaining respect for kinship and considerateness/reciprocation towards those who’ve formerly been a blessing
Deut 23:10,11 reflects the holiness of body fluids and their proper use in time and place (involuntary nocturnal emissions require sanctification of the body; masturbation is cursed), especially now that the body is the temple of the HOLY Spirit; whereas Deut 23:12-14 raises the importance of basic decency and prudence in dealing with body waste products for YHVH not to need to avert His gaze (Hab 1:13); and to protect ourselves and the environment from uncleanness/pollution/infection/contamination, alluded to in 2 Cor 6:17,18; 7:1
Giving asylum to fugitives from oppression (Deut 23:15,16) is mentioned in the same breath as abhorring prostitution and sodomy, both forms of satanic captivity/bondage; and never funding offerings from mammon derived from these abominations (Deut 23:17,18, Rom 1:24-32)
Deut 23:19-23 reminds us that extortionate interest charged to a fellow believer is detestable to God because it proves a desperate lack of faith in the numerous promises that God will repay exactly what we give as alms; and multiply seed sown as gifts to others in need, 30,60, and even 100 times (2 Cor 8&9), if we give without asking, without strings attached.
Deut 23 ends in verses 24&25 with more property law counsel, in terms of what it is appropriate to consume in another’s vineyard or from another’s grain harvest if one were to legally find oneself on such properties. This all has to do with teaching distinctions and moderation in behaviour to respect boundaries, while demonstrating the Sovereignty of our LawGiver as Owner of the Earth which He made. It’s obviously never appropriate to plunder a neighbour’s property, OR even to fill containers with produce to cart off, instead of just satisfying a present hunger or a desire to sample a crop by eating only sufficient to satisfy a hunger or curiosity, on the spot, unless of course the owner INVITES one to take more.
Deut 24:1-4 was a temporary dispensation of leniency due to the hardness of Israel’s heart, by refusal to circumcize their hearts, and has been superceded by the regulation of marriage by Instruction given in the Sermon on the Mnt (Matt 5:31,32) which harks back to the very beginning in Gen 2:24, which as the default position (first principles), stipulates INSEPARABILITY of a consummated (hence one flesh) marriage, which the LORD Himself qualifies by making adultery by one of the parties the ONLY grounds for divorce by the other (Lk 16:17,18). The impact of the sorry state of personal defilement of “the land” by ignoring the Messianic teaching (Acts 3:23), the church in effect encouraging the merry-go-round of once- wedded individuals, is noted in Deut 24:4.
It is highly significant that the expanded Jewish bedtime ‘Shema’ proclamation of faithfulness to the One and only God (Mk 12:28-34), includes the reflexive plea: “May my BED be flawless (undefiled) before You.”
No-one (married or single) whose bed (‘holy ground’), which the temples of HIS Spirit occupy for a third of HIS day, is desecrated (in thought or deed), is acceptable to this Holy, Holy, Holy God (Heb 13:4).
We deduce this from the fact that our beds are a physical token of His rest, which we are to labour (in righteousness) to enter, to find the “rest and refreshing” promised to doers of the Way (Is 28:9-13; Rom 6:13-26)
The deeper we ‘peer into’ the perfect law of liberty (Deut 33:4; James 1:22-25), the more we should appreciate how merciful our God is to retain the spiritual-examination and repentance function of the Yom Kippur Fast (the backstop to complacency) to help us dot the i’s and cross the t’s of our annual account with Him, to be sure to end the cycle of Moedim (Calendar of Holy Appointments) fully absolved (1 Tim 1:5-2:6), for our names to REMAIN inscribed as the righteous, to enter the new cycle (signified by Sukkot/Tabernacles) WITH HONOUR (1 Jn 2:3-6,17,28,29; Rev 3:1-6)
Our holy VOCATION (“LEARN of Me”) is indeed a HIGH calling to PERFECTION of righteous living, which Paul never took for granted (Eph 4:1; Phil 2:12-15; 3:10-17; Col 1:22,23,28,29; 2 Tim 4:3-8).
God’s love of the honeymoon of marital love and His careful watching over marriages properly sanctified to His glory, is described in verse Ex 24:5’s provision of a year’s sabbatical (“free at home for a year”) to cocoon, to establish a marriage relationship on the rock of Torah, in Him (Matt 7:25)
Deut 24:6 warns against demanding security of such value that it would be like “taking a life in pledge.” This and so many other fiduciary laws show how carnal mercenary instincts (rampant oppressive opportunism) inflame YHVH’s anger. We cannot serve Mammon and YHVH
Deut 24:7 amplifies the Ten Commandments (Ex 20:15,17) to show that kidnapping (theft and trafficking of a LIFE) carries the death penalty. If not now (because the world disagrees), certainly THEN. Future reckoning.
Deut 24:8,9 reminds us that even the dreadful consequences of presumption (“the great transgression” – Ps 19:13) and rebellion/attempted usurpation can be REVERSED through remorse and earnest intercession
The cry of God is for purity and piety.
A leading Jewish prayer, “PURIFY our hearts, to serve You in all TRUTH,” reflects the longing of YHVH for co-operation with His Spirit, to perfect holiness (Deut 5:29; 2 Cor 7:1; Phil 2:11,12)
Mercy will then triumph over judgment.
Deut 24:10-13 insists on creditors observing privacy laws, personal dignity and being mindful of debtors’ well-being (such as not leaving him exposed to the elements overnight for the sake of retaining a pledge) in the process of obtaining of security/pledges to ensure repayment of a debt
Deut 24:16-18 covers the need for strict impartiality in administration of the law to ensure fairness and mercy for the foreigner, the orphan and the widow, by YHVH making an appeal to conscience, reminding Israel what He did repeatedly, magnanimously, to protect, provision and preserve them (and us) while we were yet in bondage to sin and fear of death; and reinforces the principle of PERSONAL accountability to YHVH to be conformed to His will (Rom 12:1,2; 1 Cor 6:9-12; 11:1,2; 2 Cor 2:9), judgment of sin being an INDIVIDUAL cost to count, to preferably choose life and blessing by doing righteousness, such as Ex 24:13b
Ex 24:19-22 develops this moral lesson on avoiding the hypocrisy of double-standards (further extended in Deut 25:13-16) by showing how seclusion and private ownership is never an excuse for withholding grace from the most vulnerable amongst the poor and needy.
In these iconic illustrations of three Holyland crops: grain, vines, olives, we are reminded (unless we were ignorant) of the principle of ’eminent domain’ – namely that the Earth in its entirety is forever the LORD’s, literally in EVERY respect, assigned as HE wishes to whomsoever He pleases (Jer 27:5); AS IS the world and all who populate it is entirely His (notwithstanding satan’s seductions), for us to “learn of Me” (Matt 11:29,30; 12:1-8), for us to wear HIS yoke of commandments (not man’s – Is 29:13), by developing HIS sensitivity to suffering, and HIS remedy of loving-kindness and compassion, to be “in the world, AS HE IS” in Heaven (Matt 5:19,48; 1 Jn 4:17).
By the time we reach the 38th benchmark of sanctification (Deut 25:17-19; Rom 3:31; 15:16-18) at the close of this Portion in a few minutes, Torah study ought to have been vindicated, by our having almost FELT the CALIBRATION OF OUR SOULS by the Spirit acquainting us with the mind of Christ (Jn 17:17,19; 2 Cor 3:18; 1 Thess 5:23; 2 Thess 2:13,14; Heb 8:8-12; 10:16), to enhance our discernment of moral distinctions, to more easily comprehend the narrowness of “the Way of Holiness” which is “the Way of YHVH,” the “Way of life” and “path of the just” to which ‘revival’ MUST lead us, or prove ineffectual (perhaps even counterfeit) in finally “winning Messiah” doctrinally pure DISCIPLES who through diligent covenant-keeping, obtain full assurance of hope, to the end (Deut 32:47; Prov 4:13,18; 6:23; Is 35:8; Matt 7:13,14; 19:16,17; Lk 1:17; 20:21; Heb 5:9,11-14; 6:1-12; 10:36-39; 12:25-29; 2 Jn vs 5&6,9-11).
Hebrew prophecy leaves no doubt what the purpose is of the “Spirit of HOLINESS” (Rom 1:4) Who manifested in TONGUES OF FIRE (Matt 3:11) as candles, on the heads of the consecrated company of devoted bondservants, all upper room pursuers of perfection (2 Cor 7:1); and Who manifested as a Dove descending to identify the Messiah to John, while He was teaching “the Way” to those who were under conviction by the Spirit (Lk 3:10-15,21,22).
Holiness is everything, or eternal life is a mirage (Rom 6:22; Heb 12:14; 1 Peter 1:13-17).
Let’s wrap-up the line-by- line, precept-by-precept analysis (Is 28:9-13), with some commentary on Deut 25.
Deut 25:1-3 contains a general principle upheld throughout by the New Covenant, but most keenly stated in James 1:22 – 2:26.
Namely, that eternal salvation is the call to be ACTIVELY righteous (’emunah’ from Hab 2:4 & Heb 10:38,39 meaning both faith & faithfulness), not just to believe and CONFESS it (2 Cor 5:21; 1 Jn 3:7), which would not do justice to righteous Abraham’s zeal for Torah and expectation of OUR obedience to “the Way of YHVH,” for him to receive all that YHVH has promised him (Gen 18:18,19; 26:5).
There’s no entering into the “rest and refreshing” of God if we are DENIERS that grace for reconciliation has a SEQUEL (after justification by the Blood), in the spiritual ministry whose task it is to PRODUCE AND FOSTER righteous living in all the will of God (Rom 8:4,12-14; Col 4:12; Heb 12:28).
The principle is that YHVH “will justify the righteous (i.e. those who demonstrate sufficient proof of righteousness in word and deed), to give him (reward him) ACCORDING TO HIS (the righteous man’s reputation for) RIGHTEOUSNESS” (1 Kings 8:32; Jn 5:29; Rom 2:6-13; 1 Jn 2:3-6,28,29).
So shall those who habitually “WORKETH righteousness” (Acts 10:35) be glorified, while those who quibble about the holy laws of God, such as gainsaying the efficacy of the death penalty and of FLOGGING for those “WORTHY of being BEATEN” (Deut 25:2), instead of fines and imprisonment (Deut 25:2,3; Rom 8:6,7), will very likely be judged and condemned with the world for not discerning the purpose of the Crucifixion, which is the transfigurement of our souls by purification by our full acceptance of and conformance to the will and image of God (Jn 3:19-21; 1 Cor 11:28-32).
Fines disfavour the poor and breed arrogance in wealthy wrongdoers. The affliction of flogging and public disgrace would do more to police unrighteousness and “turn the (stubbornly) disobedient to the wisdom of the just” than most laws on statute books, pretending to be righteous
Deut 25:4 is a metaphor for censoring, stifling and suppressing the truth; withholding due provision to honourable ministers of the full counsel (2 Jn vs 9-11 is the corollary); and touching the LORD’s anointed in any other number of ways; obviously with an agricultural application – inconsiderateness to working animals
Deut 25:5-10 is related to the ‘degrees of affinity’ which determine matters of incest and succession. Here, under the classification, “Duty of a husband’s brother,” we are educated to consider how great our God’s concern is for continuity of legacy and inheritance by preservation of patriarchal identity down the lineages of the House of Jacob in which we are grafted (Nu 1:42; 2:2; Lk 1:33). This in no wise touches on adultery and fornication, but describes the existence of the deep moral duty of a brother to his deceased sibling, to perpetuate the sibling’s own household, under his family name. To do this requires succession by a male firstborn, of a marriage needing the sanctified appointment of a proxy-husband as a kinsman-redeemer to “raise up unto his brother a name in Israel/build up his brother’s house,” by conceiving an heir for the deceased. All above- aboard and intensely honourable, hence the opprobrium which refusal of this remedy for breach of heredity would bring (Deut 25:9,10)
Deut 25:12 advises caution in how we go about obtaining deliverance in crises so that we don’t inadvertently defile ourselves and trade one kind of oppression for a different bondage, this time to sin, by not having consulted Rom 3:20b and acquainted ourselves with the path of life
Finally, in Deut 25:13-16 & 17-19, we’re reminded on the one hand that in economic matters, virtue (honesty/truthfulness/equity) is WISDOM, which along with tithing and firstfruits offerings, bring longevity, riches and honour (Prov 3:7-16); and that YHVH will inevitably avenge us of our enemies, that “everlasting righteousness” and justice will prevail, and their memory and the pall of past suffering at their hands, will be obliterated, even though we will never forget the mercy of our deliverance.
ALL THE ABOVE falls within the prudent warning contained in the wisdom-rule to “count the cost” of being built up into the express image of YHVH in Y’shua, to finish the race, because “few find” the narrow path that “leads to life” because few have the will to surrender their wills to follow the principle of the Master’s Gethsemane love-declaration, “not My will, but THINE be done,” to both honour AND Fear the Father (Mal 1:6; Matt 7:13-27; 22:12-14; Lk 14:24-35; 22:42-44; 1 Cor 9:24-27).
So we see how the detail in Torah precepts teaches eternally rewarded, universal virtues like truthfulness, honesty and impartiality/equity that are marked Character traits of the Creator into Whose express image our salvation must conform us in the wonder-working soul-transfiguring power of His Spirit, or we “fail the grace” by failing the test of holiness by not fleeing from all that is abomination in His sight (Lk 16:15; 2 Cor 3:18; Rom 8:4,29; Heb 12:14,15,28).
(By the grace of YHVH, ‘Revival,’ a grammatical form of ‘revive’ that does not appear anywhere in the received texts, will be considered in further depth in the context of next week’s Portion)