See Titus 3:7 Amplified Bible (below)
The call to “walk after the Spirit,” as the definition of abiding in the Vine to be “in Christ/the Messiah” (Jn 15:1-15; Rom 8:1-14; 1 Jn 2:3-6,17,28,29), is Heaven’s unambiguous CONFIRMATION of the beauty of the holiness of the “just, good, spiritual laws” of our Lawgiver and, ultimately, Judge of the thoroughness of our PREPARATION during our probation under grace, to be “accounted worthy” of selection amongst His blessed, spotless bride (Lk 20:35; 21:36; Rom 3:31; 7:7,12-16,22,25; 1 Cor 7:19; 2 Cor 5:9-11; Rev 20:6).
It is inconceivable for anyone to “REMAIN FOREVER” “in the Messiah,” if this fundamental truth is disavowed, and the Holy Spirit (our Sanctifier – Rom 15:16-18; 1 Thess 5:23; 2 Thess 2:13-15), and the LORD Y’shua our Master (our Intercessor, for our perfection – Lk 6:40; Heb 7:25), DISobliged (refused our co-operation, for our obligatory refinement like gold and silver, to be conformed to the express image of YHVH in Y’shua-Jesus).
Titus 3:7 Amplified Bible
“[He regenerated and renewed us by His Spirit] that we might be justified by His grace (by His favour, wholly undeserved) [so that we might be ACKNOWLEDGED and COUNTED as CONFORMED to the Divine will in PURPOSE, THOUGHT and ACTION], and become heirs of eternal life, according to [our] hope”
So here, in a description of our restoration to peace and favour with YHVH through the Name of His Son invoked for the remission of sins in our regenerative baptism into His Death and Resurrection, the Amplified Bible provides the simple, self-evident insight/corollary that DOING righteousness under grace (the doing of which falls within the scope of “GRACE for GRACE” in Jn 1:16; Heb 12:28 and of “righteousness…from FAITH to FAITH” in Rom 1:17), is IMPLICIT in the righteousness (and with it, original innocence) IMPUTED to us AS grace, BY grace (Acts 10:35; Matt 5:20; 1 Jn 2:28,29).
Just as “faith & faithfulness,” which together comprise the Hebrew ’emunah’ in Hab 2:4 which has been way too loosely translated merely as “faith” in Heb 10:38; so grace, like intercession, is incomplete without production of obedience, as proof that grace has been received to turn us completely “from disobedience, to the wisdom of the just(ified)” to make us ready for the Return of the LORD for a spotless bride (Lk 1:17; Eph5:27; 1 Tim 6:14;2 Peter 3:14).
So James 2 is not proposing an ADD-ON heretical form of justification which is IN CONFLICT with the justification by grace through faith which is carefully explained by Paul as “grace REIGNS through (our “putting on” the new nature as armour of light, by being servants of) righteousness” (uprightness in everything, at all times – Ps 106:3; Rom 5:21; 6:6,18,19,22; 13:12-14; Eph 4:23,24; Col 3:9,10; 2 Tim 2:5,11; Heb 12:28; James 2:14-26), but is merely expressing the OBVIOUS, namely, that disdain for and refusal of personal Voice instructions/directions (e.g. Gen 22) and the standing laws of God, not only voids INSTRUCTION (Rom 3:31), but failing repentance, voids SALVATION ITSELF (Matt 7:21-23; 8:51,52; 12:50; Jn 12:47-50), because faith without deeds and actions of obedience to back it up, is inoperative – dead (James 2:14,17,20-26).
This teaches us a great lesson about ‘revival.’
Namely, that grace does not REIGN unless we FULLY REVIVE (having been dead in Torahlessness/sin/unrighteousness – 1 Jn 3;3-10) by following-on, “in continuance,” to KNOW the LORD” (Is 64:5; Hosea 6:1-3, Rom 2:6-13,26) by gaining UNDERSTANDING of Him, in ever-closer RELATIONSHIP with Him, by learning to FEAR Him (a healthy motivation to be perfect in all His ways – Is 8:13,14,16,20; 28:9-13; Matt 5:48), by learning the COMMANDMENTS, to diligently do them, in order to abide in the Vine to remain forever in the Saviour’s love (hence Deut 4:10; Jn 14:15; 15:10; 1 Cor 7:19; 1 Jn 2:3-6,17,28,29, Rev 14:6,7,12).
So grace is law’s greatest ally, because the flesh weakens the law (Rom 8:3) and grace circumcises the sin nature to condemn sin in the flesh, so that finally, BY THE SPIRIT, we can be “dead with Y’shua” to the law (synonomous with being “dead to sin”) by mastering “the Way” which MAGNIFIES IT (Is 42:21; Lk 20:21; Acts 24:14; Rom 8:3,4,14; 2 Tim 2:5,10,11; 1 Peter 1:22; 2:24)
“Acceptance in the Beloved” as “an offering acceptable to YHVH” (Eph 1:6,7; Rom 12:1,2; 15:16-18) is predicated on BEING HOLY AND BLAMELESS (Eph 1:4; Heb 12:14), as proof of repentance (Acts 26:18,20) and of adoption (Eph 1:5), or we “fail the grace” (and trample the covenant and the Blood) that saved us (Heb 10:26-29; 12:15).
This is a kavod matter. The weightiest of all, which is why we must advance from the milk of initial repentance and cleansing by the Blood of reconciliation and justification, to learn the righteousness of walking (lawfully) in the light, for that Blood to CONTINUE TO BE AVAILING/ADVANTAGEOUS (Heb 6:1-11; 1 Jn 1:5-2:6,17).
The Shema entails OBEYING the “sayings” we are commanded to HEAR.
Circumspection/being heedful (Eph 5:15) requires at least that (Lk 17:10), if we’re serious about ‘winning Messiah’ by obtaining “the crown of righteousness,” to attain the promise of resurrection to LIFE on the strait path that “few find” (Matt 7:14; Jn 5:28,29; Phil 3:10-17; 2 Tim 4:3-8).
Spiritual apathy and inaccuracy are potentially self-destructive (Matt 7:13,24-27; Eph 5:10,15-17; Heb 10:26-39; Rev 2:5,26 3:1-6,10-12,16).
Paul doesn’t leave Torah behind (Rom 3:31) any more than Y’shua would do so (Matt 5:17-19).
The penalty for doing so is the same as under the previous covenants (Hosea 8; Mal 2)