Colossians 2:16,17 destroys the Pretension that Sunday (“the first day of the week”) is a ‘Christian sabbath’

Translation of Col 2:17 wrong how?

Not “but” as in “BUT the body is of Christ” (Col 17b), but “now” as in “now (that) the body is of Christ,” because the meaning which THAT time-related construction confers upon the passage is diametrically opposite to the conventional wisdom of most of the church, which is that Passover, for instance, was summarily repealed by the Gospel because it’s possible for a pagan festival to be sanctified in its place and enrolled into the service of the Gospel with impunity.

On the contrary, the “weak and beggarly elements” of the PAGAN patterns and forms of worship (including secular idolatry) to which we former Gentiles were held in bondage, which include pagan memorial days (pseudo “holydays,” not the Hebrew Appointed Times of Col 2:16) and pagan calculation of “…months and times and years,” are to be abhorred and untouched (Gal 4:8-11), because they cannot be cleansed, as Deut 7:5,6; 12:30b-32; Jer 10; 2 Cor 6:17,18 remind us.

In other words, do not serve YHVH in ANY of the manner in which the nations serve their idols.

That means absolutely no adoption of practices foreign to the “everlasting covenant” which is rooted in the Torah and the Prophets (Acts 24:14; Heb 13:20,21).

This INCLUDES pagan naming and pagan formulae for day and date-setting of holydays, as Rome uses for Babylon’s Ishtar observance which they reconstituted as Eastre/Easter, in defiance of Ex 12’s precise stipulations for the annual scheduling of the LORD’s Passover Feast of Unleavened Bread on the 15th day of the 1st month (Nisan/Aviv) of the Biblical calendar year (falling this year on the evening of April 5th to evening of April 13th 2023) which He will keep on His return (Lk 22:1,16-18; 1 Cor 5:7,8), and Ex 23:13’s ban on even mentioning the identity of idolatrous entities.

The correct sense that would be derived from Col 2:16,17 by that simple change from ‘but’ to ‘now’ (quite legitimate according to the Greek), is that the RESIDENT Anointing in our temples of the INDWELLING Holy Spirit now fulfils prophecy by MAGNIFYING the ORIGINAL Shabbat and Feasts under Y’shua-Jesus’ easy yoke to “make (them) honourable” (Is 42:21; Matt 5:19; 11:27,29,30; 1 Jn 5:3), bringing greater clarity to their endless prophetic purpose (as a shadow of what is yet to come), and greater Glory to God the Father through their practice in both His, and in Y’shua’s honour (Is 56:6; Mk 2:27,28; Jn 5:23; 1 Cor 5:7,8) as Heir of all things, as Master with all authority in heaven and on earth, whose unchangeable Passover ordinance is included in
Matt 5:19,48; 28:18-20 & 1 Cor 11:1,2.

We need to pay close attention to what the Spirit is communicating in Gal 4:8-11.

In Gal 4:10, not by any stretch of the imagination is Paul disclaiming, disowning and knocking-down the Fourth Commandment (Shabbat) and the classic Hebrew Feasts of YHVH which are the premier teaching platform and conceptual spiritual tools to achieve His unwavering vision and goal of purification of “one new man” (one new quality of humanity) as “the same body” (Lk 1:33; Acts 7:38) now enlarged and augmented by incorporation in Messiah of a remnant from the nations by adoption (Rom 11; 15:10-12; Eph 2:11,12,15; 3:6).

Gal 4:8-10 is a pointed accusation – an indictment of apostasy against naïve, wilful believers who, having “turned to God from the power of satan, from darkness to light to receive forgiveness” for repentance for sin (Acts 26:18) have RELAPSED into sin by renewed preference for PAGAN custom (customs by which they were “in service to them which by nature are non-gods”) (verse 8), and are in danger of being “cut off” for refusing ongoing sanctification by faith by becoming recusants (one who refuses to conform to sound doctrine), in effect renouncing their adoption by grace by rejecting the House of Jacob, God’s adopting nation and house of prayer for all nations whom Shabbat and the Feasts identify as the “one fold,” the Household of YHVH (Is 56:6-8; Jer 10:1-12,16; Lk 1:33; Jn 10:16; Acts 3:22,23; Rom 11:22; Eph 2:11,12,19; 2 Thess 2:13-15).

So great care needs to be exercised in reading Paul, as Peter warns (2 Peter 3:14-18).

Paul’s complaint is with misuse (corruption) of the Word (2 Cor 2:17; 4:1,2) and subservience to commandments and doctrines OF MEN and their traditions (Mk 7:1-13; Col 2:8,22), rather than to the holy yoke of Heaven’s will being done on earth (Matt 5:19; 6:9,10; 11:29,30).

So Gal 4:8-11, Col 2:16,17 & 2 Thess 2:15 are three irrefutable witnesses (AS substantive and conclusive as three corroborating witnesses in a court trial of truth) to the perpetuity of the Biblical Sabbath and Feasts, and all RELATED teachings (which is considerable by any standard), discoverable from Genesis to Revelation by making diligent search, by the Spirit (2 Cor 13:1,5).

The Ten Commandments’ seventh day Sabbath (Shabbat) and the Feasts of Ex 23:12-17 are equally the heritage of Jew and Gentile in the good, natural olive tree, which is defined as the forever House of Jacob (Lk 1:33) which was constituted in Ex 19:5-8 as the holy nation and household of the God of the Hebrews.

There is one law for REDEEMED Jew and Gentile (Rom 2:13; 3:31; James 1:22-25; 2:12).

Who then took the decision to de-commission and re-purpose Sun day (the first working day of the Biblical six day working week) and discard Shabbat; and keep a partial Shavuo’t (‘Pentecost’) but discard the Passover (Lk 22:1,16-18) and Feast of Tabernacles (Zech 14), and why?

Could it be that the Passover and Sukkot (Tabernacles) emphatically endorse Israel’s national and territorial legitimacy according to God’s people’s Biblical boundaries (Ezekiel 47:13-23); and that “hatred for Zion” characterized the compromised priesthood which made a pact with the devil NEVER to agree to Israel’s birthright and which under the umbrella of Imperial Rome usurped the pre-eminence of the House of Jacob?

And where in the New Testament Books is it written that we are urged to follow Paul’s example of his stout defence of the original teaching of the Gospel (Phil 1:6,7; Jude vs 3), to confirm and defend the endowment of these Appointments between Israel and their God, even upon us as our heritage too, as their co-heirs in Messiah and partakers of their promises?

Read on.

Let’s pause a moment to reflect on the power, substance and unique sanctity of Shabbat and the two fundamental Feasts that were ignorantly repudiated.

The “holy solemnities” mentioned in Is 30:29 and 33:20, which are the LORD’s perpetual Feasts which identify Him as Israel’s God and which attest to His majesty, power, mercy and grace, have nothing to do with Gentile substitutes.

The Passover Feast of Unleavened Bread is the foundational Biblical pattern for our salvation-deliverance by “Christ our Passover” (1 Cor 5:7,8) and of our baptism and refinement by sanctification by the Spirit (1 Cor 10:1-11; 2 Thess 2:13,14), as well as being God’s solemn promise to REPATRIATE Israel to possess ALL of Abraham’s landed inheritance, to be saved there (Gen 15:13-16; Ex 6:5-8; 23:13-17; Deut 6:23-25; Ezek 36).

The Feast of Tabernacles is the memorial of YHVH’s faithfulness to Israel on Exodus and to us on OUR probationary wilderness journey to spiritual maturity, to “keep us (through all life’s circumstances) by His power by faith unto salvation (final redemption – Rom 8:23; 1 Peter 1:2-9),” to prepare a “holy and blameless” bride as “one new man” obedient to Is 56:6 (the thumbnail description of the responsibilities of the redeemed) to prove worthy of inheritance of the world and age to come (Lk 20:35; Eph 1:4; 4:11-14,23,24; Col 1:21-23,28,29).

Sukkot (Tabernacles) is also God’s definite promise that as “chief of nations” living “alone” (no two-state abomination), immoveable from their homeland (Gen 12:7; Nu 23:9; Deut 33:28; Amos 9:11-15), the promise to Israel’s fathers confirmed on the Cross (Gen 17:8; Ps 105:8-11; Jer 31:7,10,17,31-36; Rom 15:8), Israel WILL be held in high esteem (Is 60-62,65,66) by the nations who will either serve Israel’s Biblical interests by recognizing Israel’s sovereign kingdom-nation status in the covenant (Ex 19:5-8; Deut 26:16-19; 2 Sam 7:23-29; Is 9:6,7; Jer 31-33; Mk 11:10; Lk 1:32; 2:32; Acts 1:6,7) and its precisely prescribed Biblical borders, or they’ll be desolated, ruined, even destroyed by the curse for rebellion against YHVH’s order-in-election of His Hebrew household as “Israel My son, even My firstborn” (Gen 12:2,3; Ex 4:22,23; Ps 137:5-8; Is 60:12; Is 46:13; Zech 14:16-19; Lk 1:32,33; Eph 2:11,12,19).

The genuine seventh day Sabbath is not only the Memorial of Creation, but is the weekly reinforcement of these Hebrew promises, as the covenant sign (Ex 31:13,16) that the purpose-in-election of Israel as adopting nation (Rom 11) for sanctification of heirs of the world (Acts 26:18,20; Rom 4:13,16; 15:16-18), stands forever.

With that in mind, what we need to recognize, to “awaken to righteousness” from slumber induced by the occult spin of the narcotic which is Replacement Theology (1 Cor 15:34), is that ‘paradosis’ (tradition) in 2 Thess 2:15, encompasses BOTH teachings AND sanctified traditions, and that merely translating paradosis as “teachings” while vehemently defending UNAUTHORIZED, PRESUMPTUOUSLY REVAMPED Roman appointments at the expense of our Father’s PERPETUAL Holy Appointments, which the Son has unequivocably ratified in His Blood, is HYPOCRISY at its worst.

Col 2:16,17 confirms Is 56:6-8 (“the Hebrew house of prayer for all nations” cross-referenced in Jn 10:16 as the “one fold” of Eph 2:11,12) “now (that) ‘the (same) body’ (Acts 7:38; Lk 1:33) is of the Messiah” (Matt 11:37; Col 2:17; Eph 3:6) and becoming increasingly Hebraic (Messianic) as more and more Jews acknowledge Y’shua as Messiah, pending the cutting off of all who deny Him and His sayings (Deut 18:18,19; Acts 3:22,23; Matt 7:13-27; 21:41-44; Jn 5:40-47; 8:51,52; Acts 13:45,46).

Most Christians read Colossians 2:16-17 under a cloud of denominational and doctrinal bias, as supposed validation that the Torah is obsolete (impossible given its rôle according to Matt 5:19; Rom 2:6-13,26; 3:20b,31; 7:22,25; 8:4; 1 Tim 1:8-11; 2 Tim 2:5 & 3:14-17).

Their chief, specific target is customarily the continue observance of the one-and-only Shabbat of Gen 2:2,3 and the related BIBLICAL Hebrew festivals (Holydays/Holy Convocations), followed by clamorous objection to BIBLICAL (not rabbinical) dietary laws, which include the basic table fellowship requirements in Acts 15:19,20.

We’re going to see how great an error can result from the grievous misstep of translator-selection of an INAPPROPRIATE participle as a conjunction.

To crown the revelation awaiting the honest student in Col 2:17 here is the digital Strong’s Concordance entry, comparing “but” (an ‘ADVERSATIVE’ participle, perfectly suiting Rome and her daughters who are implacably ADVERSARIAL to Zion’s moedim/” solemnities”/Holy Convocations – Is 33:20) with “now,” a ‘CONTINUATIVE’ participle, perfectly supporting the perpetuity (present continuous tense) of the LORD’s ordinances confirmed by Paul (1 Cor 7:19; 11:1,2) as noteworthy traditions, in 2 Thess 2:15, to help ensure we AVOID falling away (defect from the truth as apostates).

Every one of us is hugely indebted to Strong’s for pointing out that the participle “now” is AS substitutable in the received Greek verse as “but,” in Col 2:17, but is by no means preferable to “now” without twisting Y’shua’s intention, and when the verse is amended accordingly, to rather read “…NOW (that) the body is of Christ (the Messiah),” it instantly exposes the heavy doctrinal bias toward Roman appointments in the King James Version and just about all other translations, and we discover that Col 2:16,17 & 2 Thess 2:15 are PARALLEL verses, both urging the believer NOT to be judged by those who know no better, and not to be shaken by persecution, for having the good sense and backbone NOT to be bewitched by benighted human tradition.

Most translations other than the King James Version are equally misleading (such as “…the SUBSTANCE [or reality] is of [or, belongs to] Christ”), exposing an alarming Protestant bias against SCRIPTURAL Appointments as nothing less than hypocritical apologetics in defence of ROMAN meddling with the faith, to keep pagan converts happy by retaining their former holydays – which Paul alludes to in his remonstrating with the Galatians for backsliding to the observances of idols, in Gal 4:8-11.

As Romans in the Roman colony of Philippi in Macedonia said in response to Paul’s championing of the Godly customs of Torah- and New Covenant-sanctioned Sabbaths and Feasts: “…These men (Paul and Silas), being Jews, do exceedingly trouble our city, teaching CUSTOMS which are NOT LAWFUL for us to RECEIVE, neither to OBSERVE, being ROMANS” (Acts 16:20,21; 21:20-24; 28:17; Rom 3:31), a lame defence of apostasy if there was ever one, and which has not changed, to this very day.

Rome personifies ‘the decrees of the nations’ and is simply not interested in honouring Zion’s God’s DEEPEST desires, such as Israel’s unquestionable birthright to and sovereignty over HIS Land – Ps 68:29-35; 122:2-9; 132:11-18; Jer 27:5; Ezek 36; 47:13-23; Acts 17:26), and His ‘traditionary law’ stipulations for their everlasting well-being.

Nothing affirms Rome’s fateful identity as endtime Babylon more conclusively, than its peremptory refusal of the God of Israel’s Meeting Times with His set apart congregations, and that’s that.

This resulted in the persecution of Paul and Silas and the amazing ensueing testimony of deliverance for Paul and salvation for the keeper of the prison, described in Acts 16:22-40.

Col 2:16 clearly describes TORAH sabbatical tradition which is the backstory to continuity of the perpetual moedim confirmed by Y’shua and the Apostles – prophetically speaking, Messianic practice of Shabbat and the Feasts casts their shadow BACK over pre-Messianic practice, so great will be the glory of Torah in Messiah (2 Cor 3:8,9) “NOW (THAT) the (same) body (as before) (Acts 7:38) is of Christ (Lk 1:33; Eph 3:6).

Should it surprise us that the Hellenized translators, sincerely deceived in this matter, chose a conjunction that served the assumptions propagated by Replacement Theology, rather than the CONTINUATIVE part of speech, “NOW,” which Strong notes is “OFTEN unexpressed in English,” and which exactly reflects the continuity, forever, of the Lev 23 & Deut 16 Appointments, to the Glory of YHVH, as His irreplaceable, untransferable, indissoluble Personal Testimonies (Ps 119:111).

Word: de

Pronounce: deh

Strongs Number: G1161

Orig: a primary participle (either ADVERSATIVE or CONTINUATIVE) – BUT, also, and, moreover, NOW (often unexpressed in English).

As a put-down of the LORD’s Feasts, “but” in the KJ Version of Colossians 2:17 has worked brilliantly, throwing a spanner in the works of consecration and sanctification of the church, despite the fact that it is one of a FEW alternative options dismissed by scholars prejudiced against Feast teaching traditions they did not fully understand.

The misguided choice of this little part of speech (“but”) under the seductive influence of Replacement Theology, is robbing countless believers of the full measure of the profound blessing offered in the vast promise of Isaiah 58:14 to those who do righteousness at all times (Ps 50:23; 106:3; 1 Jn 2:28,29; 3:7-10) and who keep the SEVENTH day of the week Holy, according to the commandment to treat the Ten Words as INDIVISIBLE (Gen 2:2,3; Ex 20:8-11; 31:13-17; 34:27,28,32; Is 56:6-8; Matt 12:8; Mk 2:27,28; Heb 4:1-11).

The “everlasting covenant” of the seventh day Creation Shabbat, the indelible covenant sign of YHVH’s Sovereignty over His people (Ex 31:13,16), AND the binding factor between Jew and Gentile – the amalgam of the “one new man” in the natural olive tree that represents the grace of Hebrew adoption as seed of Abraham and proves we are set apart in the House of Jacob in Messiah (Lk 1:32,33; Rom 11; Eph 2:11,12,15,19; 3:6), is an indispensable Biblical tradition upon which the call to be conformed to the image of the Messiah is based, because it is the first of YHVH’s Appointments as the first of His ways for the sanctification of His bride (Rom 8:4,29).

Colossians 2:16,17 is the New Covenant AFFIRMATION (along with 2 Thess 2:15) of the PERPETUITY of the Ex 23:12-17; Lev 23 and Deut 16 Sabbath and Feasts.

New Moon (new Hebrew month inaugurations as in Exodus 12:2) and the weekly Shabbat from antiquity, will headline the essential continuity of these important traditions during the coming millennial Kingdom of David (Is 9:6,7; 66:24; Lk 1:32,33; Mk 11:10).

Colossians and 2 Thessalonians ENDORSE Is 56:6 & 58:12-14, which are both Messianic prophecies recalling backslidden Israel and the Hellenized church to the tried and proven sanctified and blessed ancient paths, in order to fulfil the duties of honourable covenant-keeping sons, to be fully pleasing to God in obedience to righteousness (Lk 17:10; Rom 2:13,26; 3:31; 6:12-22; 8:4-14; Heb 5:9; 13:20,21).

Anyone referring to Strong’s Concordance will find that its definition of “traditions” (paradosis) in 2 Thess chapter 2:15 in the context of the falling away of the church (verses 3-15), goes beyond the generic word ‘teachings’ deceitfully chosen in many translations which are disrespectful to the full counsel, to define the meaning of the Greek, as the ‘Jewish (Hebraic) traditionary law’ which no-one can abrogate, since the BIBLICAL Hebrew traditions are PERMANENT.

That fact should be written on every true worshipper’s heart.

Let’s wrap up with yet another very important observation in 2 Thess 2.

Notice how Paul is having to deal with dreamers (deluded by the sorcery of the imagination) in 2 Thess 2:1-3 who’ve been sowing discomforting, unsettling confusion about end time events by posing as Paul’s spokesmen (verse 2) – pretended revelation of the Spirit by word or letter ALLEGEDLY from Paul, not denying the second coming and the Scriptural catching away of the bride, as in “the COMING of our LORD Y’shua-Jesus the Messiah and by our GATHERING unto Him” (verse 1), but rashly claiming “that the day of the Messiah is AT HAND” (verse 2).

The Apostolic rebuttal is DECISIVE: “…that day SHALL NOT come, except there come a FALLING AWAY FIRST, and (moreover), that man of sin be REVEALED, (deifying himself in the Third Temple, as) the (anti-Christ) son of perdition” (verse 3&4), AND that THAT circumstance is being restrained (“ye know what WITHHOLDETH”) until the appointed time allows (verses 5-8).

“Let no man deceive you BY ANY MEANS…” says Paul.

This is a life and death issue.

An unprepared fiancé has no future (Rev 19:7-9; 20:6).

Paul seizes on the opportunity to straight-talk the congregations on the NECESSITY to be wise to the need to “occupy” themselves waiting and “looking for the mercy” of resurrection to life for the FAITHFUL (Lk 17:10; 19:13,14 KJV; Jn 5:24,28,29; Rom 2:6,7; 1 Peter 1:13,14; Jude vs 21), by learning to “keep the Word of My patience (conscientiously keep covenant, precept by precept) (Is 28:9-13; Rev 3:10; 14:6,7,12) by mastering sound doctrine (Eph 4:11-17) by “stand(ing) fast” (staying grounded in all truth, unshaken, unmoved by insult and criticism of the narrow path, resisting fear and persevering, at all costs) and “hold(ing)” (seizing, retaining)” the terms of separation (the criteria of virtuous conduct which make Godliness the plumbline) detailed in the covenant, to avoid falling away from the faith, by heeding the reproof, correction and training in the righteousness of sound doctrine verified by the Torah and the Prophets (2 Tim 3:14-17).

Especially, being sure to be in attendance, assembling before the Presence at all the Times APPOINTED by BIBLICAL “tradition,” not human tradition (Ex 23:14; Ps 42:2,4; Is 56:6; 2 Thess 2:15; Heb 10:23-31) in order to be assured of “the crown of righteousness” we need to attain, by “striving for masteries” of the Way to walk before God and be perfect (Gen 17:1; Matt 5:19,48) to be “wholly sanctified…”, acceptable candidates for the bride (Lk 20:21; Acts 10:35; 2 Cor 5:9-11; Phil 3:10-17; 1 Thess 5:23; 1 Tim 6:11-14; 2 Tim 2:5; 3:14-17; 4:3-8).

It follows that 2 Thess 2:3-15 is a condensed end time exhortation on the READINESS of WISE virgins (to receive the spotless Bridegroom), against the background of dreadful apostasy (always triggered by the secret power of iniquity) that will sink the hopes of the lax, complacent “many” who’ve been unconvinced of the need to “find” the narrow path which leads to eternal life (Matt 7:13,14).

Paul knew on the authority of his Saviour that salvation will be CONFIRMED in only a relatively small remnant of professing believers who yield to the Spirit to be sanctified by belief in the truth to obtain one degree of glory to the next (Jn 17:17,19; Acts 5:32; 2 Cor 3:18; 2 Thess 2:13,14), just as “they are not ALL Israel which are OF Israel” due to a raft of flesh related issues that contradicted the Word (Is 1:9; 9:6; Matt 7:13,14,21-24; 25:10-12; Rom 11:5,14; 1 Cor 1:8; 10:5-11), and that deceitful prophesying of a FORESHORTENING of the probationary period mercifully provided for, for sanctification of a SINCERELY repentant, willing and OBEDIENT remnant (Is 1:19,20; Acts 5:31,32; Phil 1:9-11; 2:12,13; Heb 2:10,11; 5:9; 12:28; 1 Peter 1:13-17) will inevitably result in a FAR SMALLER FRACTION of believers meeting the Refiner’s test of purity (Mal 3:3; Titus 2:14; 1 Peter 1:22; 1 Jn 3:3,4,7).

Transformation into chaste virgins is MILITATED AGAINST by one’s soul being far from conformed to the CHARACTER of the WAYS of God which produces the IMAGE and likeness of God in Messiah Y’shua (Lk 20:21; Rom 8:29; 12:1,2; Heb 1:1-3).

So Paul (and Peter) thundered against the voices of anyone used by satan to devalue, debunk or hinder our pursuit of perfection of holiness in “ALL our manner of conversation [life]” (Ps 50:5,23; 1 Cor 7:19; 2 Cor 7:1; Phil 1:27; 2 Peter 3:11-18) which is possible only by full consecration to purification through grateful acceptance of necessary trials of the obedience of our faith and faithfulness, to be established in the righteousness of a perfected walk in all the will of God by “living for righteousness” (1 Jn 3:7; 1 Peter 2:24).

Ideally, doing “nothing against the truth” in order to avoid any charge of being “reprobate” – a tall order on which the indwelling Holy Spirit is WELL ABLE TO DELIVER, leaving no-one with an excuse for their defilement by sin (Mk 9:49; Rom 1:5; 3:31; 5:3-5; 15:16-18; 16:19,26; 1 Cor 3:17; 2 Cor 2:9,10; 10:5; 13:6-8,11; Col 1:28; 4:12; 1 Jn 3:3-10).

We from the nations with whom God did not covenant (the reason to thank Him for His great mercy – Jer 31:31-34; Rom 15:7-12; Eph 2:11,12) would have no opportunity to be groomed by the Holy Spirit to be part of the BRIDE had the God of Jacob, Israel’s Husband, not promised to “betroth Himself…” to a remnant of the House of Judah and the House of Israel FOREVER (Is 54:5-8; Hosea 2:19-23; Lk 1:33) as THEY AND WE the redeemed in the church of YHVH (which belongs to the House of Jacob as “the congregations from the fountain of Israel” – Ps 68:26; Lk 1:33), repair the “great breach(es)” of faith and covenant which have disgraced historic VIRGIN ISRAEL and the church for generations (by profaning the holiness of His everlasting covenant under the sway of every wind of doctrine – Is 58:12-14; Jer 6:16; 14:17; 16:19; Hosea 4:6; 8:1-12; Mal 1:6; 2:5-11; Eph 4:14; Heb 10:26-39; 13:20,21).

Keeping the paramount, stately, sublimely weighty (‘kavod’), founding, spiritual compass setting Gal 4:8-11; Col 2:16,17 & 2 Thess 2:15 time-related precepts (which are Deity’s “Testimonies” lending depth and structure to revelation – Ps 25:10,14; 93:1,5; 119:111,152 – in the form either of commandments or ordinances, tucked into Matt 5:19; Rom 3:31; 1 Cor 7:19 & 11:1,2 for further corroboration) in awe of all the beauty of their Holiness as repositories of treasures of wisdom and knowledge in Christ, is PIVOTAL to abiding in the Vine in the Father’s PERFECT will (never mind what our parents/forebears were led to believe – Jer 16:19), to be presented to the LORD as the consummate, “chaste virgin” “Israel of God,” “unashamed before Him at His coming” “knowing that everyone who DOETH righteousness, is born of Him” because “faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone” (Lk 1:33; Gal 6:16; Eph 2:10; 5:26,27; Col 1:28; 2 Cor 11:1,2; James 2:14,17; 1 Jn 2:28,29; 3:7,10).

In short, take the Scriptures at face value, always relying on the discipline of the infallible Berean test, of discovery by the Spirit of two or three corroborating or disapproving witnesses from the Torah and the Prophets (Acts 17:11; 24:14; 2 Cor 13:1,5; 2 Tim 3:14-17) to validate or rebut any assumption about what is true, to put paid to conjecture, to eliminate error, to cure unbelief.

As a priority, urgently heed Rev 18:4,5 and in the FIRST instance, return in repentance to the concentrated shalom, unique sanctity and the Glory of the manifest Presence of Father and Son on the Sabbath made for man and decreed for our great blessing by the Fourth Commandment (Ex 20:8-11; Is 58:13,14; Matt 12:8; Mk 2:27,28; Jn 14:21-24); then return to the seven day Passover Feast of Unleavened Bread (Lk 22:1,16-18; 1 Cor 5:7,8); and the genuine, unabridged, undiluted ‘Pentecost’ (that is, Shavuo’t [“weeks”], identified by the ‘omer count’ of seven Biblical seventh day Sabbaths from Passover, plus one day, NOT fifty days counted as seven illegitimate ‘Sunday sabbaths’ – Lev 23:15,16, not a trivial distinction); and finally each Biblical Feast cycle, to the seven plus one mystery “great last day” of the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot: “Booths/huts” – Zech 14:16-19; Jn 7:37-39) and stay with the cycle to experience exponential spiritual growth and favour with YHVH your ELOHIM, by glorifying the Son as their Master (e.g. Mk 2:27,28).

Overcomers attain the crown of righteousness by developing a love for nuanced understanding of our magnificent covenant

Final word:

The God of the Hebrews’ deliverance of Israel’s firstborn (males, human and animal) by passing through Egypt and over the sprinkled doorframes of the children of Israel’s homes (Ex 12:12,13), as proof of His Eternal Supremacy and Divine Royal Prerogative to both form and MAKE, BREAK and RANK nations (Deut 7:6-12; 26:16-19; 28:1-14; Rom 32:8,9; Ps 72:11; Is 60:12; Jer 10:25), became the pretext to henceforth define and identify HIS nation, Israel as a whole, as “Israel is My son, even MY firstborn,” thereby establishing Israel’s PERMANENT PRECEDENCE in Christ the only Begotten Son and Firstborn from the dead, as irrevocably His firstfruits and adopting nation by the election of grace, confirming God’s promises to the fathers (Ex 4:21-23; Jer 31:7,10,17,21-36; Lk 1:33; Rom 1:16; 11:1-7,11-29; 15:8; Acts 3:19-26).

Easter has buried this tightly interwoven Passover revelation knowledge from the general view and therefore from the consciousness of the mainstream church, adding to Israel’s distress over the generations, because Easter’s (and Sunday’s) architects have treated the Architect, Builder and Owner of the Universe (El Olam) with contempt through SELECTIVE OMISSION of truth, for which Y’shua’s Feasts are the remedy.

The remedy, because they were conceived in order to INTEGRATE the knowledge of the Atonement by the Lamb of YHVH, with the entire unifying prophetic vision and purpose of God for Israel and the nations, in the Messiah (Eph 1:10; 2:11,12,15,19; Col 1:16-20) in order to raise up a remnant wise to Torah Instruction as righteous Abraham was (Gen 18:18,19; 26:5; 2 Tim 3:14-17), to be inspired curators of Biblical history and prophecy, to be entrusted with a world without end (Is 45:17) under the everlasting Reign of the Monarchy of the House of Jacob under YHVH-Immanu El, “with us” as the Word Incarnate as the Son of David, for all of which purpose the Gospel is defined as “the SURE MERCIES of David” (Is 7:13,14; 9:6-8; 45:17-25; 55:1-5; Lk 1:32,33; Acts 13:32-39; Rom 4:13,16).

The immemorial (because of the Lamb slain before Creation) and “perpetual” Passover AND the one and only Sabbath/’Shabbat’ of “Christ our Passover”) which is linked-in as the ‘Prologue’ to the LORD’s Feasts, by Gen 2:2,3/Deut 5:12-15; Ex 12:12-14,17,24; 1 Cor 5:7,8; Rev 13:8b) demonstrate how important it is for us all (Jew and Gentile in the SAME Hebraic olive tree) to adhere to the FRAMEWORK of our three-fold sanctification (1 Thess 5:23; 2 Thess 2:13-15) which the Biblical Feasts REPRESENT as milestones in a straight and narrow, WINNING race founded on the Way, in the Messiah (Matt 7:13-27; 1 Cor 9:24-27; 2 Tim 2:5), because YHVH’s inimitable Appointed, or Set Times are demarcated as CHECKPOINTS for us to individually assess the degree of our doctrinal purity to “keep ourselves in the LORD’s love” by being sure we’re consistently walking in the light (Ex 13:3-16; Prov 6:23; Lk 20:21; 2 Cor 13:5; 1 Jn 1-3; Jude vs 3:21-25).

This is the essence of what the Holy Spirit is impressing upon us in Gal 4:8-11, Col 2:16,17 and 2 Thess 2:15.

Let’s learn our lesson well, for only then will we be partaking of the same grace as Paul, for the defence and confirmation of the genuine Gospel of the Kingdom which for the better part of 2000 years, has “suffered violence” (Phil 1:7)

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