Shabbat 07/08 Oct 2022 ; Tishrei 13 | 2nd Lunar Quarter | TORAH Portion: Deuteronomy 32 | ANALOGOUS REFERENCES: 2 Sam 22; 23:1-5; Ps 101 | Lk 1:17,33; 20:21; Acts 13:22; 14:15; 24:14; 26:18; Gal 6:16; Heb 13:20,21
Deut 32, read/considered in isolation 48 hrs before the first of the two High Sabbaths during Tabernacles, has a direct bearing on our eligibility for inclusion in the bride, and thereby, for participation in the Feast, in the millenial Kingdom of David (Is 9:6,7, Zech 14; Mk 11:10; 2 Peter 1:1-11).
NOTE: 2 Sam 22 is a paean of high PRAISE and TRIUMPH to God, Who blesses men who like David “turn from vanities” and “from disobedience, to the wisdom of the just,” to be “men after His own heart” who order and seek the perfection of their lives and households in the nobility of “the (ancient) Way” appointed (Gen 18:18,19; Ps 101; Is 35:8; Lk 20:21; Acts 24:14), for us to be covenant-keeping “Yeshurun” (Deut 32:15; 33:5,26; Is 44:1-8), the Sovereign title designating the faithful, pure and holy remnant House of Jacob, the residual “Israel of God” – the “household of YHVH” described in Eph 2:11,12,15,19; 3:6; Gal 6:16, due for greater latter-house glory through our souls’-transfiguration by the Spirit through our sanctification by the commandments (Is 46:13; Haggai 2:7,9; Lk 1:32,33; 2:32; 2 Cor 3:18; Eph 5:26,27)
Our task this week is not difficult, if one appreciates that the final readings from Deuteronomy slow down considerably, inviting deep meditation on content, for an important reason – the Ten Days of Awe from Trumpets to Yom Kippur are the final screening of the CANDIDATE BRIDE, to settle the question of whose probation is judged satisfactory, for acceptance for attendance at/ participation in the first Sukkot of the Sabbatical Messianic Kingdom.
We could say that the Days of AWE (which through heaven’s monitoring of our repentance, reveal what WE consider necessary to repent of, and which thereby reveal the extent of our grasp of the everlasting covenant) take the SPIRITUAL TEMPERATURE of the would-be bride (Rev 3:16)
There’s far too little FEAR OF YHVH (Deut 5:29; Rev 14:6,7) because there’s virtually no attention paid to the fact that “mortality” will not be INDISCRIMINATELY “swallowed up” by the “life & immortality revealed by the Gospel,” but will only provide escape from wrath, for the lives of those who have “counted the cost” of being crucified with Christ, dead with Him to sin, by living fully consecrated to the Father, by, through and for Y’shua, by living unequivocably for righteousness in both word and deed (Is 25:7-9; 28:9-13; Matt 10:38,39; Lk 14:24-33; 21:36; 2 Cor 5:4; Rom 2:6-13; 15:16-18; 2 Tim 2;5,11; 1 Peter 2:24; Rev 3:10-12; 14:6,7,12).
Deuteronomy makes the decision required to have “full assurance of hope to the end,” for ACCESSION to HEBREW ETERNITY as “the blessed and holy & without blame” (Lk 1:33; Eph 1:4; 2:11,12,15,19; Heb 5:11-14; 6:1-12; Rev 20:6; 21:12), as clear as day.
In the mystery literature of Scripture, LORD- Immanu-El-Messiah, “the Shepherd and Stone of Israel” RETURNING as “SHILOH” (Gen 49:10,24; Is 7:13,14), has chosen a refined, “reserved remnant,” “YESHURUN” (the conceptual identity of the SUMMARY of YHVH’s mandatory CRITERIA to attain true holiness) as His Bride (Deut 32:15; 33:5,26; Is 44:1-8; Phil 2:12-15; 3:10-17; Heb 12)
Both Songs of Moses (Deut 31&32), together with the Song of the Lamb (Rev 15:3), are holy measures to warn and save us from disqualification from the bride.
Jacob proclaims that Judah’s tribe will not merely produce conquerors, but also kings; in fact, this tribe will be the source of a specific King
Our Master, Y’shua, is returning as “Shiloh” (“Gift from God;” “Peaceful One/Sar Shalom Who is the Royal High Priestly Son of David to Whom the Sceptre of Judah belongs) (Gen 49:10,24; Lk 1:32) to tabernacle permanently with men whose fully consecrated temples are purified by obedience to the holy rule of law, to perfect their faith, to know the glorious liberty of true sons (Ps 119:45; Jn 8:31-36; Rom 1:5; 8; 16:26; 1 Peter 1:22; James 1:22-25-2:26; 1 Jn 3:3-10), for them to be sanctified by the glory of His Presence.
It is THEY (Is 64:5; Mal 3:16-18; Rom 2:6-13; Heb 8:10-12) who are “YESHURUN” (a seven-times-refined remnant of the House of Jacob), His BRIDE (Lk 1:32,33).
This makes sound interpretation of the mystery-identity of Spirit-filled “Yeshurun” in Deut 32:15; 33:5,26; Is 44:1-8 high-up the ladder of NECESSARY revelation knowledge (Deut 29:29; Prov 25:2; Jer 33:3; 1 Cor 2:9,10), if not the PINNACLE of our call to discernment of “the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven” as responsible “stewards of the mysteries,” to demonstrate that we KNOW our “Prince and Saviour,” by being obedient to His Spirit (Matt 13:11; Acts 5:31,32; 1 Cor 4:1; 1 Jn 2:3-6).
YESHURUN symbolizes the “doctrine according to Godliness” (Torah as amplified by Y’shua) as the absolute yardstick of the purity without which we cannot be in union with Him (1 Jn 3:3,4).
That yardstick alone is the means to fulfil the traditional prayer: “LORD purify our hearts so that we serve You in Truth.”
Our personal decision must be, that at all costs we be a perfect representation of “Yeshurun,” to be conformed to Y’shua’s image, in order to uphold the unity of “the one faith” through faithfulness to the holy vocation by which our walks are being measured, moment by moment (Eph 4:1-5,12-16,23-32).
Full redemption (Rom 8:23) awaits only those who give themselves over to being WHOLLY sanctified by the truth (Jn 17:17,19; 1 Thess 5:23).
Our FOCUS should therefore NOT be on a “catching away” of a proven remnant to the clouds, whose precise timing is a secret, but on steadfastly growing in the knowledge and UNDERSTANDING of YHVH under grace, by experiencing the benefits NOW of meeting that litmus test of acceptance with Messiah for resurrection of LIFE, knowing that YHVH humbles the proud and indifferent, but exalts the contrite, meek and lowly who love Him by loving His law (Ps 51:10,17; Lk 6:40; 20:35; Jn 5:24,27,28; 14:15; Acts 10:35; Rom 2:6-26; 3:31; 6:12-22; 7:7,12-16,22,25; 8:4-14; 15:16-18; 16:26; Rev 14:6,7,12; 18:4,5; 19:7-9).
He dwells in and amongst those those who are ever mindful of their dependence on grace, which alone can take us from extreme vulnerability and small beginnings, to greatly magnified lives.
Recognizing, and sacrificing thanksgiving for the train of events and pattern of mercy and grace which has helped keep us safe in Father’s love to bring us from season to season, is the underlying lesson of Sukkot.
Those whose adoption does not translate into ‘tutored souls’ devoted to conscientious keeping of the faith, and whose character therefore does NOT match the thirteen attributes of the Divine Nature (the express image of YHVH – (Ex 34:6; Rom 8:29; 1 Peter 1), are no more likely to be recognized as fit to be established forever in the one and the same body (Ex 19:5,6; Deut 28:9; 29:9,12,13; Eph 3:6) at the final closing of the gate on hypocrites (Matt 7:21-24; 25:10-12), than those who couldn’t pass for Ephraimites by mispronouncing “Shibboleth” as “Sibboleth” (Judges 12:6).
Y’shua’s ‘Bestman,’ the Holy Spirit, has introduced Him to the bridal candidates and is supervising the preparation of YIELDED vessels of honour (2 Tim 2:20,21), to BE the corporate remnant bride, worthy to walk with Y’shua their LORD in white (Rev 3:1-6,16; 19:7-9; 20:6).
We have to be just as suitably prepared to “remain forever” “in Jacob,” in Christ (Gen 12:3; 28:14; Lk 1:33; Gal 3:29; 1 Jn 2:17), as Y’shua, as “King of Jacob,” to rule “in Jacob” forever, to the ends of the Earth (Ps 59:13; Is 41:21,27; Lk 1:32,33; 6:40; Heb 2:10,11; 5:8,9).
No-one is unconditionally guaranteed Hebrew eternity.
Week by week as we give precedence to consulting the plumbline of the Torah and the Prophets (Y’shua’s “rock” [fem.] – Is 42:21; Matt 7:24-27), to embed and ‘marry’ the intricate lattice-work of narrative and doctrinal LINKS to the “everlasting covenant” (discernable, comparable and intelligible by the Spirit – Deut 29:29; Matt 13:11; 1 Cor 2:9-16) IN OUR SPIRITS (Heb 13:20,21), we discover that Torah is as much an expanding universe of WISDOM through continual APPLICATION, under grace, of our growing knowledge of truth & righteousness to attain true holiness (Eph 4:23,24; Heb 12:28), as the PHYSICAL Universe is expanding under direction of the Spirit Who “formed the worldS” through the Word of YaH’s power.
He is doing so for it to be a CONTINUING WITNESS to the magnificence of the purpose of His conception of time, space, and matter (Ps 19), through the limitlessness of His understanding and Creativity operating WITHIN the discipline of the eternal “ordinances of Heaven and Earth,” to help WIN US OVER by His Spirit, to the SAME DELIGHT in His ways so ably and perfectly demonstrated by our Master, Whose honour and Fear of His and our Father to be our example, for YHVH to be our Sanctuary too (Ps 40;7,8; Is 8:13,14,16,20; Mal 1:6; Jer 33:25; Lk 6:40; 2 Tim 2:5; 1 Jn 2:3-6,17,28,29).
If that is our passion, there’ll be no unpleasant surprises for us at the final shofar blast and at the judgment seat of Messiah, when an overwhelmingly positive evaluation of OUR PREPARATION to reign with Him as royal bride consort, will make all the difference (Lk 12:47; 2 Cor 5:9-11; 1 Jn 2:3-6,17,27,28).
The priority brief which the Holy Spirit has been given as His great sanctification- assignment, is both EXHAUSTIVE (Jn 17:17,19; Acts 20:25-32; Col 4:12; 1 Thess 5:23) and UNCOMPROMISEABLE (Lk 6:40; Col 1:22,23,28,29; 2 Thess 2:13-15) – to prepare and present a blameless, WHOLEHEARTEDLY faithful and loyal wife to the spotless, holy, harmless, undefiled Lamb of YaH (Phil 2:15; Heb 7:26).
Deut 32 impresses upon us how pivotal fully knowing doctrine is, to being fully pleasing to our covenant-keeping God (Deut 7:9-15; 32:2,3; 2 Tim 3:10,14-17); and how essential it is for Israel’s former defective character not to RE-EMERGE and cause provocations (Deut 32:5,6,15,28-30; 1 Cor 10; Heb 3&4; 8:8-12).
Becoming “fat” and “sleek” (analogous to the reckless boast of self- sufficiency in Rev 3:15-22), thereby DISTORTING THE PROFILE of “Yeshurun” (i.e. no longer being on track to be REPLICAS of the faultless sonship of the Last Adam) by variance/gainsaying by becoming conceited, self-indulgent, complacent, indolent, capricious, imprecise, inaccurate and no longer circumspect, unmindful, undisciplined and perfunctory (quite the opposite of what is required by Lk 17:10), will NOT bring us to the goal of our faith, which is salvation of our SOULS (minds, wills, emotions) (1 Peter 1:2-9).
Without ‘possessing our souls’ through submission to trials of our hearts, to test the quality of our faith and our understanding of the covenant, by the RECEPTION we give the laws of life in our hearts, we cannot attain full redemption (Rom 8:4-14,23; Phil 2:12-15; 3:10-17).
There’s no freedom without accountability, and no accountability without the righteousness of the law to set the boundaries for righteous living (Rom 7:22,25; 8:4), by giving us the knowledge of “the Way,” to be holy by “approving the things that are more excellent” (Rom 2:6-26; Phil 1:9-11).
Sukkot is the ‘season of our JOY’ because it is the backstop to the wilful disobedience and/or accidental/ignorant disobedience which ROBS us of the PRESENCE (Deut 31:9-13).
Deut 32 is therefore one of the most sobering accounts of what “EVERLASTING salvation” (Is 45:17-25) requires of us