Shabbat, 14th/15th Jan 2022 | Wisdom Portion Ex 13:17 – 17:16

This Portion (introduced by Ex 12 through 13:16) begins by highlighting the power in Hebrew prophecy to move the plan of redemption forwards by creating benchmarks for the faith, in the instructions “REMEMBER THIS day…” “KEEP THIS service” (Ex 13:3,5-10), in order to “stand fast” and “hold to” the Appointments given to prepare a bride doctrinally through the “meat” (mature wisdom) of Instruction associated with Shabbat and the Feasts (2 Thess 2:13-15; 2 Tim 3:14-17), to be in a perfect state of readiness to receive their sudden ingathering, accounted faithful and worthy to escape as wise virgins at the Last Shofar blast (Matt 25:10-12; Lk 20:35; 21:36; Col 1:28; 4:12; Rev 14:6,7,12; 17:14; 19:7-9).

Examples of dependence of the unfolding plan of redemption upon the authentic Set Times, is Prophecy to Abraham which came to pass on Passover exactly 430 years later (“even the SELFSAME day it came to pass”; “THIS is THAT night of YHVH”) (Gen 15:13-16; Ex 12:40-43) to establish the pattern for understanding “the Messiah (as) our Passover”; and Y’shua-Jesus would go to the Cross as the Lamb of YHVH on the exact day prophesied in Daniel and Zechariah and moreover, would give up His Spirit at the precise moment the priests completed the Passover sacrifices with the words: “It is finished” (“It” being sacrifice for sin, NOT TORAH).

In fact, the last three verses of this Portion (Ex 17:14-16) are a subtle reminder that Y’shua the Passover Lamb of YHVH returns as triumphant Lion of Judah to finish off AMALEK (universal type of the spirit of Gentile hatred for Zion, about to reach an all-time high), to complete the great cycle of prophecy that began with the prediction in Gen 15 that Israel would be delivered and released from their bondage to Mitzrayim’s enslavement on the first Passover, when the iniquity of the AMORITES had reached its fullness (Gen 15:16; Ex 12:40-42).

The fame which YHVH garnered for Himself in Gen 15 through His interventions against the gods and idolators in Egypt, will be ECLIPSED by His mercy to Israel and His church in the nations through His “terrible deeds of righteousness” to be waged against iniquity and Israel’s enemies in the Tribulation, concluding in the ‘Armageddon’ (Har/Mt Megiddo) Battle for global acceptance of Jerusalem’s final status as Hebrew world capital and Israel as chief of nations, the crowning accomplishment of New Covenant faith (Ps 66:3; 105:8-11; 137:5,6; Is 60-66; Jer 31:7,10,17 31-36).

It’s because the finer points of Torah study may seem incidental and marginal, but are often potent revelations given to escalate our faith and buttress our encouragement, that we ought never leave a Portion without scouting for hidden treasure.

An EXAMPLE: Ex 13:15,16 is a LAW that because of YHVH’s FAITHFULNESS, He has COMMANDED deliverances for Jacob (Ps 44:4) His purchased possession which is His chief righteous cause (Ex 15:13-16; Ps 7:6,7; 9:20; 68:34,35; 71:3; 74:2,19,22-24).

Ex 13:16 is saying YHVH will keep faith with us, and deliver us for Jacob’s sake according to Ps 44:4 & 71:3 provided we keep the precepts of His Way (Ex 13:9; Deut 7:12; Ps 103:17,18; 2 Chr 15:2; Is 29:22-24).

This is Glad Tidings to us too because we are surnamed by the God of Jacob and adopted by the House of Jacob to be amongst their “one new (Hebrew) man” remnant (Gen 28:14; Ps 59:13; Lk 1:32,33; Rom 11; Eph 2:11,12,15,19; 3:6; Gal 3:29).

With that in mind, the Portion this week quietly develops the CENTRAL PROPOSITION that Passover and Shabbat (which Rome illegitimately replaced with Easter and Sun day) are together FOREVER the ‘dual core’ (the allied “this is that’s” of the Creator-Redeemer-Deliverer-Sanctifier-God of the Hebrews’ Set Times) of the ordinances of “the everlasting covenant” (Ex 12:14,17,24,42; 16:23-30; Matt 12:8; Lk 22:1,16-18; Rom 3:31; 1 Cor 5:7,8; 11:1,2; Heb 13:20,21).

As core perpetual traditions integral to the Gospel because ordained by both ordinance and commandment (Ex 12:17,24; 20:8-11; 31:13,16; Matt 5:19; 1 Cor 7:19; 11:1,2; 15:1,2), they are the backbone of the plan of sanctification (1 Thess 5:23; 2 Thess 2:15) because they are the FOCAL POINT of the faith through their JOINT TESTIMONY that the Living God, the God of Jacob, the Saviour, Who alone made Heaven and Earth in six days (Ex 20:8-11; Is 44:24; 45:17-25), gave His UNLEAVENED Life Incarnate as the Messiah (“in Whom was no sin/chametz”) as “the TRUE BREAD from Heaven” for the life of the world (Jn 6:31-33; 1 Jn 3:3-5; 2 Cor 5:21), for our “obedience (to the faith) and sprinkling” by His Blood as “Christ our PASSOVER (Deliverer/Preserver)” to make a way for us to dwell in HIM and He in US, for preservation in the Messiah by being made the righteousness of God (Who reconciled us to Himself) in Y’shua the Messiah (Deut 5:15; Jn 6:51-53; 1 Cor 1:30; 5:7,8; 2 Cor 5:19,21; 1 Peter 1:2b; Jude vs 1).

When we tamper with either Shabbat or Passover or both, we “change the ordinance” and impair the Universe, not just the Earth (Is 24:3-6), because interference with the time-related ordinances has cosmic repercussions whenever Matt 6:10 is profaned, since these Appointments are kept in Heaven.

Heavenly bodies will not be falling to Earth by accident in the Tribulation. The effect of our iniquity reaches the furthest galaxies and constellations.

In the Deuteronomy re-statement of the Ten Commandments, we are commanded to keep Shabbat BECAUSE of the Passover and the Exodus (Deut 5:15). There’s no denying their symbiosis at the heart of Torah, in the grand scheme of things.

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