The Shabbat Portal to the Knowledge of the Mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven (Matt 12:8; 13:11)

The Shabbat Portal

SUMMARY: Trustworthily keeping SHABBAT is the quickest way to ‘join the dots’ of the everlasting covenant (Heb 13:20,21), to “fully know doctrine,” to discern our holy vocation and comprehend all it entails, to “stand PERFECT and COMPLETE in ALL the will of YHVH” for the Messiah to be fully formed in us by our being conformed to His Image (Is 56:6-8; Acts 20:25-32; Mk 2:27,28; Rom 8:29; 2 Eph 4:1; Col 1:28; 4:12; 2 Tim 3:10,14-17; Heb 4:1-11)

The celebrated author, the late Herman Wouk, described Shabbat beautifully as “the keystone of the arch of symbolism through which we enter each week” to sublime experiences of the Divine Presence.

It’s when we become aware of the sheer scale, weightiness, beauty and power of that holy symbolism, that we realize why we’re taught in Hebrews 2; 4 and 12 to fear “failing the grace” which we’ve been given (“grace for grace”) to be holy, especially by failing to fully enter into the Sabbatical Seventh Day rest in imitation of YHVH with His Messiah (Is 58:13; Matt 12:8).

Inimitable Shabbat of the Fourth Commandment is neither a “Jewish fable” nor an invention of manmade doctrine (Titus 1:14), whereas misappropriation of Sun day as a rival or parallel sabbath by men who “turned from the truth” to fashion a “commandment of men” by contradicting the ordinance of YHVH (Is 24:5), is undoubtedly a GENTILE fable.

No other precept in the everlasting covenant evokes wonder at the intelligent complex beauty of Creation, and awe of the wisdom, mercy and power of the Creator as Deliverer, more than Shabbat (Ex 20:8-11; Deut 5:15).

A footnote in the Hebrew Prayer Book, the Siddur, states: “Shabbat returns every seventh day (since Creation) INDEPENDENTLY of the Jewish people.”

That’s a profound disclaimer, because Israel knows that while Shabbat was given to them in trust at Sinai, as God’s witness nation as future stewards of the New Covenant (Is 43:1-11; 44:1-8; Jer 31:31-36; Lk 2:32), it is a Divine gift to humanity (Mk 2:27,28), with the greatest benefit to those who have declared faith in Y’shua the Messiah, and who prove their sincerity by having clean hands and pure hearts by walking in all the ways of YHVH, to remain forever inscribed for life (Ps 24; Matt 5:48; 28:20; 1 Jn 2:3-6,17,28,29).

Salvation is restoration of the ORIGINAL INNOCENCE of Adam when He was created, then made on the Sixth day (Thursday dusk to Friday dusk) to immediately enter into the Seventh Day (Friday dusk to Saturday dusk) Shabbat rest in fellowship with His Creator.

Shabbat is therefore our closest connection with the original relationship between God and His offspring in His pristine, primordial Creation (the “this is that” Day of Ex 16:23-30 of which manna staying fresh for days six and seven gave proof for forty years, and which Israel keeps to this day as our example), when the world was young, and man was as spotless as he would once again be six millennia later through the Sacrifice of God Himself Incarnate as the Messiah, and through obedience to New Covenant sanctification by the truth (Jn 17:17,19; Acts 20:32; 2 Thess 2:13,14; 1 Peter 1:2; 2 Peter 2:13,14).

As we step into Shabbat at sunset on Fridays, it’s as if we step into Eden with faultless Adam.

After all, it is the memorial of the fact that YHVH Created the Universe in six days and that He Himself rested and was refreshed on the Seventh; as well as being a foretaste of the greater Eden to come on the New Earth, the coherence and perfection of which will depend on continuity of Shabbat, the fundamental determinant of Creation’s well-being (Is 66:22-24).

It’s no coincidence that the first Appointment Israel had with their God and ours, three days into the Exodus, after salvation-deliverance by faith in God through the sprinkled blood of the Passover, was the SHABBAT Feast, for which every Biblical Seventh Day is intended (Ex 5:1-3).

The initial three day trek to offer the sacrifice of sacrifices of thanksgiving in worship of YHVH at His FIRST Set Time (Gen 2:2,3), represents the SIGN of Jonah – Israel exiting Goshen (an ark of safety from plague) and escaping the darkness of  Pharoah’s kingdom to learn the Way of the LORD, to be the Sought-After righteous nation-in-the-making (Ex 19:5-8; Deut 4:5-8; Is 60-62).

This may be hard for the bulk of believers from the nations to receive, because of the lamentable ease with which, for generations, the “father of lies” has DEFRAUDED them of their Saviour’s Sabbath (Shabbat in Hebrew) through their voluntary bondage to doctrines and traditions of men (Is 29:13; Matt 12:8; 24:20), but anyone knowing the priceless comfort, edification and joy of Shabbat, who steps out of his or her comfort zone with a sense of urgency, to redirect those on the broad path, to the BIBLICAL Sabbath to repair a very longstanding and serious breach of covenant (Is 58:12-14; Rev 18:4,5), is wisely exercising the gift of ENCOURAGEMENT with the LORD’s unequivocal support.

Those who persistently and stubbornly RESIST such insightful, compassionate, experience- based correction will inevitably be amongst those described in Jer 16:19 who through their wilful ignorance may have delayed their seeing the light, perhaps too late to repent, by “failing (the) grace” available for the asking, to timeously work out their own salvation with fear and trembling (Phil 2:12,13; Heb 12:14,15,28).

On the other hand, those who in genuine ignorance (like Paul) have received mercy until now, and who are awakened to the righteousness and blessedness of Shabbat (repair of which provides asylum from the worst shakings – Is 58:12-14) and of other precepts they previously discounted, in order to walk at liberty, undefiled in the Way (Deut 28:9; Ps 119:1,45; 1 Cor 15:34), will be eternally grateful for YHVH’s patience and longsuffering towards them, which is for our repentance and obedience to the faith to be made complete, to be “offerings acceptable in word and deed” (Rom 1:5; 15:16-18; Col 4:12; 2 Peter 2:9-18; 1 Jn 1).

Since the evidence is conclusive that Paul’s “ways” (1 Cor 4:15-17) are in harmony with the Torah and the Prophets which he urged Timothy to continually study (Acts 24:14; 2 Tim 3:14-17), we can categorically state that the Apostolic definition of “another” (different) gospel is one that denies or that renounces, disowns and abandons the LORD’s Appointed Times (the “everlasting covenant’s” sanctified and blessed traditions of Shabbat and the Feasts) which are based on perpetual ordinances and commandments (1 Cor 7:19; 11:1,2; 15:1,2; 2 Thess 2:15), instead of “standing fast” and “HOLDING TO the (Biblically authorized) traditions” as they were “originally delivered to the saints,” WITHOUT ANY CHANGES (2 Thess 2:15; Jude vs 3).

Shabbat is the first time holiness (sanctification) is mentioned in Scripture (Gen 2:2,3), showing that like the Earth itself, even the ‘envelope’ of TIME within eternity past and eternity future within which we exist in the bubble of Creation, is holy, and that though invisible, it can be defiled just as easily as any other part or realm of Creation (Col 1:16).

Adam was sanctified by Shabbat until he and Eve defiled it by defiling themselves by failing to heed the  solemn instruction to observe the one fine distinction given to test their loyalty to YHVH in Eden (Gen 2:17).

To this day, Shabbat is the everlasting covenant sign of our call to sanctification by the commandments as “one new man” in the House of Jacob, the Household of YHVH (Ex 31:13,16; Ps 59:13;;Lk 1:33; 1 Cor 4:17; Eph 2:11,12,15,19; 1 Thess 4:1-3a).

Sun day provides no such inspired, mandatory facilitation of understanding of holiness, which explains the chequered history of righteousness in the conduct of the church, since the only thing WORSE than wilful ignorance of the plumbline of “righteousness and true holiness” (Eph 4:23,24) when doctrine is FULLY KNOWN through openness to the full counsel (2 Tim 3:10), is wilful ignorance of the IDENTITY of the Sabbath Day itself (Matt 12:8), which is “made for man” to absorb its unmatched holiness to more easily acquire virtue to lay hold on eternal life by learning the finer brushstrokes of discernment of holiness by study of the wise instruction in the Torah and the Prophets (Acts 24:14; 2 Tim 3:14-17), to attain perfection of character through mastery of our souls in the most efficient manner (Mk 2:27,28; Lk 21:19; Rom 8:4,29; 2 Tim 2:5).

For this principal reason, the Genesis Sabbath which is as UNIQUE and INDESTRUCTIBLE as the One and Only God and Saviour Who conceived of it before the foundation of the Earth (Deut 6:4; Is 45:21; Matt 5:17-19; Mk 12:29), was not created to EVER coincide with the WEEKDAY on which God the Son would be resurrected, any more than 7 can equal 1.

This was to ensure that the ecstasy of the Resurrection (which if allowed too much play RELATIVE to the Atonement that made it possible, can detract from the sobering purpose of salvation, which is to refine chaste virgins at any cost) would NEVER overshadow contemplation of the solemnity and astonishing mercy of the Atoning Ransom Sacrifice of the Living God as “the Messiah our Passover” slain before Creation (Deut 5:15; 1 Cor 5:7,8; Rev 13:8).

To ensure that our sacrifices of thanksgiving and praise never wane, our attention is to be continually focussed through the Gospel on the grace of our reconciliation to God in the Messiah through the Blood of His Crucifixion as propitiation for our sins (2 Cor 5:19-21), confirmed by the grace of adoption by our baptism into Y’shua’s death for the remission of our sins (Rom 6:1-6), for our sanctification by the Spirit through obedience to the truth, to “win Christ” by working out our own salvation with fear and trembling (Jn 17:17,19; Acts 20:25-32; 26:18,20; Phil 2:12,13; 3:10-16; 2 Thess 2:13,14; 1 Peter 1:2b), because this emphasis is the model maintained and presented to us throughout Scriptures (1 Cor 2:2), notwithstanding the importance of our confession of belief in the Resurrection, in clinching our JUSTIFICATION by faith (Rom 4:25; 10:9b).

This makes the COVENANT of the Shabbat commandment (Ex 13:16; Is 56:6; 58:13,14), not uncovenanted Sun day, the perfect fit with “the Communion of the Blood and the Body of the Messiah” (1 Cor 7:19; 10:16).

An idol has been made of Sun day, which the population of slaves, Roman peasants and Imperial citizens other than nobility could never have been free to rest on, were it not for Constantine’s presumptuous alteration of the Genesis cycle of sevens, to impose the Babylonian economic pattern of days 2-7 (Monday to Saturday) in place of the blessed cycle of YHVH’s blueprint of days 1-6 (Sunday to Friday).

Since the calendar day determined by Hebrew dating of the Resurrection (during the Passover week) and of Shavuo’t (Pentecost) shifts annually according to the movement of the Biblical luni-solar calendar, Sun day does not occupy a FIXED position in the “everlasting covenant” which it has on the Gregorian calendar which Rome insisted it should have in perpetuity, in accordance with pagan formulae, in defiance of what is written.

We would do well to remember that it is “he who (by accepting correction, in the fear of God) fears the commandment” of God rather than “the doctrine and commandments of men,” shall be rewarded (Prov 13:13; 15:16; Is 29:13; Col 2:8,22).

Sun day is forever the first working day of the week in “the everlasting covenant” which Rome disrupted in 321AD when it arrogantly and vainly practiced a coup ď êtat on Shabbat, thinking to depose it by Hellenizing the Hebrew Gospel of the New Covenant of the House of Judah and the House of Israel, to set Papal Caesars above God in a Latin Imperium that denies the primacy, in the Messiah, of the eternal House of Jacob (Lk 1:33; Heb 4:1-11; 13:20,21; Matt 19:28; Eph 2:11,12,19; Rev 21:12)

Every reputable dictionary confirms from antiquity, as wisdom for posterity, that Saturday (actually, Friday dusk to Saturday dusk according to Genesis) is the Memorial SEVENTH day of the week of the Fourth Commandment, leaving as the only possible inference, that by close of business on Monday (the second day of the week), we ought all to have completed two of the six BIBLICAL working days in anticipation of the following Sabbath

We can compare Shabbat to a PORTAL and/or to a THRESHOLD.

A Portal to mysteries, Shabbat is a fathomless fountain of wisdom. Vast emphasis is placed on it in Hebrew literature, so we ought to pay attention, so we don’t forfeit the incomparable benefits of this great gift, this cornerstone of covenant ordinances given in YHVH’s mercy (Is 56:6; Matt 12:8; 1 Cor 11:1,2); the one-and-only Sabbath, the irrevocable Holy custom kept by Y’shua-Jesus and Paul as our Apostolic example (1 Cor 4:17), but which the apostate church refused to grant continuity, because it was not THEIR custom, despite the fact that YHVH decreed HIS Shabbat as an everlasting jewel in HIS ordering and arrangement of time (Acts 16:21).

We depart from our beautiful and costly sapphire foundations at our peril (Is 54:11; Matt 7:13-27). At the very least, the four Levitical table fellowship regulations (Acts 15:19-21) and ALL TEN commandments from which the four are derived, are to be written on our hearts, because they were given AS ONE, “in commandment” (Ex 34:27,28,32; Heb 10:16; James 1:22-25; 2:6-26)

As the day on which our LORD so monumentally showcased His Father’s mercy and grace, there is no other day in Creation that consistently offers delight and contentment and such potential for abundant fruit of righteousness, all wrapped up in the unique sanctity of greatly magnified intensity of God’s Presence, in the rare experience of a foretaste, on Shabbat, of the shalom-shalom of the millennial Kingdom.

Shabbat is also to Y’shua-Jesus, what a THRESHOLD is to a DOOR.

In Him, you cross the threshold going out, to “find (good) pasture” (Jn 10:9). Shabbat is the first pillar of wisdom. The first of His ways. Shabbat is therefore the logical starting point of a faithful walk and a continuous test of loyalty to YHVH and His Kingdom. It ought to be the first of our “first works” of righteousness (Acts 10:35; Rev 2:5) as proof of being properly grafted in to the good natural olive tree. Our first imitation of God Himself (Gen 2:2,3; Rom 11; Eph 5:1; Heb 4) and therefore our principal weekly Appointment for undivided intimacy with the God of Jacob as adopted sons, as Hebrew seed of Abraham (Lk 1:33; Rom 11; Eph 2:11,12,19; Gal 3:29)

When He said “I am the Door,” He was reminding us that He is LORD (Master) even of His Father’s SEVENTH Day Sabbath (Matt 12:8), the AUTHENTIC Fourth Commandment of His marriage covenant of Ten Words between the Son and His bride, by which we enter into the covenant by walking after righteousness to be righteous by keeping the narrow Way of Holiness to lay hold on eternal life (Ex 20:8-11; 31:13,16; Matt 5:19; 7:13-27; 1 Cor 7:19; 1 Tim 6:11-14; 1 Jn 2:3-6; 3:3-10; 2 Jn vs 6).

Shabbat is irreplaceable and irremoveable.

As the Messiah’s Shabbat (“ALL things having been delivered” to Y’shua Who has been sealed by and Who has the imprimatur of His Father to demand adherence to His Father’s will – Matt 11:27; 12:50; Jn 6:27), Shabbat is the hallmark of “the one faith” of the AUTHENTIC one, holy, universal (common Hebrew New Covenant salvation – Eph 2:11,12; 4:5,6; Titus 1:4; Jude vs 3) Apostolic kahal/ekklesia/’church’/ congregations of the eternal House of Jacob the firstborn, it’s roots in “Abram the Hebrew’s” household (Gen 14:13; 18:18,19; Ps 68:26; Is 51:1-7; Lk 1:33; Acts 7:38 KJV; Heb 12:23; Rev 21:12) and even further back through Shem and Noah to Enoch, Seth and Enos when men first called upon the Name of the LORD (Gen 4:25,26).

As the chief covenantal sign of UNITY between Jew and Gentile in joint-membership of the commonwealth of Israel, Shabbat is the amalgam, the holy glue of “the one new (Hebrew) man” of which Gentile Caleb (who became a Hebrew and a Jew) and Joshua; and Gentile Ruth and Israelite Naomi and Ruth’s kinsman-redeemer Boaz, are a foreshadowing (Ex 31:13,16; Eph 2:11,12,15; 3:6; Gal 3:29).

As such, Shabbat is a declaration to Principalities and Powers of the wisdom of the God of the Hebrews in creating the Universe for the eternal House of Jacob as His witness nation – “the same body” and “one fold” to which Gentiles are joined by the grace of adoption (surnaming by the God of Jacob) through baptism, to cleave to the Jew and to his God. THIS is the “fellowship” of “the Mystery of the Messiah” (Ex 19:5-8; Is 14:1; 44:1-8; 45:4; 54:3; 55:5; Zech 2:10-12; 8:21-23; Lk 1:33; Jn 10:16; Acts 7:38; Rom 11; Eph 3:1-11).

When Jew and Gentile recognize the beauty of the holiness and efficacy of the BIBLICAL tradition in their joint-heritage, and families separate themselves fully from the secular realm to draw together at dusk on Friday to sanctify the Sabbath with intent to keep it intact till Saturday dusk as God Himself did in the Beginning (Gen 2:2,3; Is 58:13,14), more damage is done to the kingdom of darkness than is imaginable.

It is this synchronization of our “conversation” (entire way of life) with the BrideGroom’s 24 hr Shabbat Appointment with His bride-elect, passionately giving Him our undivided attention, that is arguably the most POTENT act of submission to sanctification in all the covenant, and a seal upon the promise of eternal inheritance (Ps 50:23; 2 Thess 2:13-15; Heb 4:1,4-6,9-11; 5:9; 10:36).

A decision in favour of Shabbat is singularly the finest choice one can make in life, except of course for a decision to accept the gift of “everlasting salvation” (Is 45:17-25; 56:6).

Why? Because no other precept can ground the true worshipper the way Shabbat does, because of its peerless rôle in navigating us to full assurance of hope of the redemption of our bodies on the narrow path, through obedience to righteousness (Jn 5:27-29; Rom 2:6-13; 6:12-22; Heb 5:9; 6:11,12; 10:36).

This cannot be understood by anyone who is unwilling to turn from the counterfeit to commit fully to observe Shabbat, to be a fully consecrated, true son (Ps 50:5; Rom 12:1,2).

We pray the “Our Father, Who art in Heaven, HALLOWED be Thy Name…THY will be done on Earth AS IT IS IN HEAVEN…” as HYPOCRITES if we are amongst those who ignorantly and rashly dispute and ridicule the validity of the Seventh Day as the permanent SHABBAT (Is 66:22-24), as Jerusalem’s adversaries did in Lamentations 1:7 when denigrating her status as Princess of the Provinces (Hebrew capital of the world).

According to Jer 17 and Rev 19, the victorious “Master of Shabbat” cannot re-enter His City on His white stallion after vanquishing His and Israel’s enemies at ‘Armageddon’ (Har Megiddo), to ascend the Throne of David to reign over the House of Jacob forever, unless Messianic Jews who are required to recall him with their pleas and worship (Matt 5:35; 23:39; Mk 2:27,28; Acts 3; 11:10; Lk 1:32,32), are vindicating and safeguarding the truth by worshipping Him on Shabbat, keeping it Holy from start to finish.

Shabbat cannot be replicated on “the first day of the week.” It is the LORD’s fundamental safeguard against idolatry of all kinds, and all iniquity. It is given to us as our prime lesson in being holy, by sharpening discernment needed to observe the well-defined boundaries of the covenant. Shabbat teaches us the Fear of God. Therefore it is the cardinal principle of covenant-keeping as our chief tutorial in waiting on the LORD.

The dissolution of Sun day (which has no designation in the covenant as a weekly holy convocation) proves that it was never blessed as the fit-for-purpose true Sabbath. The Seventh Day’s breathtakingly broad promise to those who keep IT Holy, is non-transferable. It is a perpetual covenant in its own right (Ex 31:13,16; s 56:6-8 58:13,14; 66:22-24). It marks us as sons set apart amongst remnant Israel as heirs of the world (Rom 4:13,16; 11:17-29).

Shabbat is an indelible mark in time, when, for those conscientiously honouring these twenty four hours as the blessed INTERMISSION and bridge between working weeks, time mercifully seems to stand still, creating an oasis of tranquility as the Seventh Day testifies to the One and Only God, the God of Israel, the God of the great Proclamation known as the ‘Shema’ (“Hear O Israel, the LORD thy God, the LORD [YHVH] is One”) (Mk 12:28-33), being the sole Author of Life and Architect and Builder of the worlds (Is 43:10,11; 44:24; 45:21,22).

It shouldn’t surprise us that this inconvenient truth about the Uniqueness of Holy Hebrew Monotheism, which highlights Israel’s election as “chief of nations” as legal successor to all the territory of the kingdoms of Canaan (Deut 12:28-32; Ps 105:8-11; Jer 31:7,10,17,31-36; Rom 15:8) has made Shabbat the Adversary’s most fiercely resisted precept.

Though try as he may, no peremptory Imperial human scheme or defiant, contentious cohort of presumptuous paganized priests trying to usurp the primacy of the House of Jacob (Lk 1:33; Rev 21:12) can walk back the revelation knowledge embedded in Scripture, by trying to reverse the Finger of God which made the Ten Commandments the fundamental laws of righteous civilization, forever (Ps 103:17,18; Eccl 12:13; Matt 5:19; Rev 12:17; 14:12).

The ‘Christian sabbath’ imputed to Sun day by “wresting” (torturing) the Scriptures (2 Peter 3:16-18), CANNOT PREVAIL against “the Holy (Shabbat) of YHVH” (Is 58:13) that presides over the week, crowned as a Sentinel of Divine order, bringing those who delight in it the coherence to their understanding of the full counsel which is unattainable by those who MEDDLE with the commandments.

The ULTIMATUM to repent (Acts 17:30) and do righteousness to seek true holiness (Acts 10:35; Rom 6:12-22; Eph 4:23,24) includes an ultimatum to flee false doctrine which has made misrepresentation of Sun day as the Sabbath, its lynchpin (Rev 18:4,5).

If we deny and reject the Fourth Commandment by not practising what is written (namely, the SEVENTH day), we will not be found grafted WITHIN the eternal dynasty (b’toch shoshelet) of Abraham and David whose calling and purpose-in-election (to which we are joined) is to uphold “the Way of the LORD” to be the “called, chosen and FAITHFUL” (Gen 18:18,19: 26:5; Is 14:1; Lk 1:32,33; Acts 24:14; Rev 3:10; 14:12; 17:14).

Shabbat, the seal of God’s partnership with redeemed man in the rule and restoration of Creation (Gen 1:26), sanctifies TIME, just as the TITHE sanctifies material resources.

God does not change.

HIS cycles of sevens BEGAN on what we today call Sun day. ‘Sun day’ (day the first, Yom Rishon) was the first day of Creation. Each cycle in perpetuity is completed on Shabbat, day the Seventh which HE sanctified and blessed, forever.

Sun day is not endowed with the grace to sanctify time.

Sun day is the RESUMPTION each week of the Sabbatical Economy (or) Economy of the blessed Sabbath of Zion (Kalkalat ha Shabbat ha Mechubedet Tsion :
כלכלה השבת המוכבדת צ) as Israel demonstrates even today, with phenomenal success.

Shabbat comprises the ‘bookends’ of the blessed working week.

ALL the prosperity promises including Deut 18:8 Prov 10:22 and 3 Jn 2 are premised on observing the days blessed for work, BY KEEPING SHABBAT HOLY.

So since all promises are Israel’s for the world to partake of (Rom 15:8,27); and since Zion is heir of the world (Rom 4:13,16), UNIFICATION of the world behind the Sabbatical economy of Zion will enable the nations to slipstream in the blessing of the double-portion of Israel’s endowment of grace (Is 62; Zech 9; Rom 11:25-29), to potentially raise the tone (virtue) and level of excellence in wealth creation (Deut 8:18) to the pinnacle envisaged by the promises to the fathers, to repair the world and improve the universe to the glory of the God of all accomplishment.

Shabbat – if piously observed, becomes righteous leaven for the global economy. Will affect the entire world. A restrainer of unrighteousness.

On the other hand, the Babylonian Catholic and Protestant economy functions from Monday to Saturday.

Only the original Messianic faith, true to the Apostles, uncompromisingly adheres to the pattern for holiness.

Whose time you keep matters, because it reflects whom you serve – God or man.

Soon, Sun day will therefore again be the first day of the six days specified for all mankind to work (Deut 8:18), by honouring Shabbat as a total commercial ban, to establish the covenant (Prov 10:22; Is 66:22-24; Mk 2:27,28).

Sun day cannot “establish the covenant.”

It is not ‘our (weekly) Resurrection Day.’ Only the Feast of Firstfruits which completes the sign of Jonah within the Passover Feast of Unleavened Bread (Lk 22:1,16-18; 1 Cor 5:7,8), has that honour in the everlasting covenant.

A soul-tie has developed with Sun day, at the expense of Shabbat. It must be cut, or we cannot “come out of her (the Mother of harlots), My people…” (Rev 18:4,5).

The lie and sin which constitute the vain attempt by mere men to “change the ordinance” to justify a different sabbath, a false tradition (Is 24:5; 2 Thess 2:15), will be found out. Creation has suffered incalculably due to this breach of fundamental ruletaking (Is 24:3-6).

As the TIME-SENSITIVE Prologue to the Testimonies of the seven Holy Convocations (time-sensitive because the Fourth Commandment stipulates the seventh, not the first day of the week), our weekly Shabbat Summit as joint-heirs with Messiah the King (Mk 2:27,28; Rom 8:17) is the spiritual PORTAL to the deepest realms of discernment of the meaning of “the everlasting covenant” (Ps 25:10,14; 42:2,4; Is 56:6; Heb 13:20,21).

The perpetual Shabbat covenant (our heritage) which confirms our ingrafting in Jacob in Messiah (Gen 28:14; Lk 1:33; Rom 11:17-29) by signing-off on our adoption by the firstborn nation (Ex 4:22;23; 31:31,16; Ps 119:111; Is 14:1; 54:3; 55:5; Eph 2:11,12,15,19; 3:6; Heb 12:23) is the ‘threshold test’ of the Fear of YHVH (because it is the first of His WAYS which we are to imitate as the first of our WORKS – Gen 2:2,3; Acts 10:35; Heb 4:1,4,6,9-11; Rev 2:5,26).

Shabbat is the HEAD of the NARROW path of HOLINESS which is the covenant we are to “enter” into (Deut 29:9,12-15; Is 34:8) immediately after justification by faith: Shabbat is the first sanctified, appointed step of “the obedience of faith” (Rom 16:26) that establishes the righteous pattern for presenting ourselves to YHVH (Ps 42:2,4), which leads to completed redemption (Rom 2:6-11,13; 6:12-22; 8:4,23) and full assurance of attainment of the crown of righteousness for appropriation of eternal life on the path of life (Matt 19:17-26; 1 Tim 6:11-14; 2 Tim 2:5; 4:3-8; Heb 5:9-14; 6:1-11;10:36; 1 Jn 2:3-6,17,28,29; 3:7-10).

So the question is…

Are you wearing the Messiah’s virtual engagement ring?

Are you attending the appointed weekly wedding rehearsal for the seventh millennium’s Sabbatical kingdom, or are you going with the crowd, PRESUMING that calling the humanly re-purposed “first day of the week” the sabbath, will be honoured by the Master of the Shabbat of the Ten Commandments? (Matt 5:19; 12:8)

Are you visible in the spirit realm by bearing the chief identifying mark of commitment to the relationship with God as a joint-heir with the Messiah, in His House? (Ps 59:13; Lk 1:33).

Are you resting in Him, with Him, on His rest Day, for Him to fulfil its promises to you? (Is 58:14)

There is no GALACTIC portal that can come close to touching the power innate in Shabbat, by the Spirit, to strengthen, refresh and restore us while translating us into the mind of Messiah to penetrate the secrets of wisdom (Job 11:6; Deut 29:29; Matt 13:11-16; 1 Cor 2:9-16) of which we are called to be faithful stewards (1 Cor 4:1).

What a gift!

It’s the greatest proof that obedience to Y’shua’s yoke is indeed “easy” (Matt 11:29,30; Heb 5:9) if, by faith, you “labour to enter” into the fulness of the covenant of Shabbat (Ex 31:13,16; 2 Cor 5:9-11; Heb 4:9-11) by ignoring satan’s propaganda war against the commandment, to resist his tireless efforts to deter you, to disqualify you from its great grace (2 Thess 2:15)


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